A/N: well to make up for the long time I didn't post a chapter for this I decided to post chapter four which I came up with thanks to Holyknight5 and AlSmash. I don't intend for things to go easy for Lelouch despite his daughter from the future and an AI based upon the Demon Emperor Lelouch helping him. After all change one thing and a lot of other events will either change for the better…or for the worst.

Thanks for the reviews and without further delay here is chapter four.

Chapter 4


Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean a submarine built-in the Militarized Zone of India, but it was going to be granted to the Order of the Black Knights however there was a purpose the submarine was going to fulfill first as the vessel was surfacing in the western area of the Pacific Ocean. On deck a young ten year old boy in chains wearing the tattered remains of a white regal robe was beginning to regain consciousness, but before he could he was shoved into a coffin made of polymer before narcotic gel was poured into it leaving the boy's face exposed.

At this time V.V. regained consciousness as Shirley wearing her own Zero suit stepped into view addressing the boy.

"Grand-uncle V.V. its pleasure to finally meet you," Shirley created as V.V. heard the seemingly mockingly electronically altered voice of Shirley.

"Who are…where am I?"

V.V. said as he was now aware of his current predicament as the cement has already tried leaving him completely immobilized.

"We are floating above the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. I must admit that explosion knocked you out for a lot longer than I had expected it would," Shirley answered.

"But," V.V. said as he was trying to remember just how he got to being in a polymer casket filled up to his face in narcotic gel while tightly bound in chains. The last thing he remembered was being inside his office at the Geass Order located in the Chinese Federation, specifically in the Tengger Desert. But then an explosion happened and then…nothing.

"I blew up the Geass Orders Headquarters along with its Thought Elevator just as I have been systematically destroying the other Thought Elevators worldwide. Now soon only the ones in the Britannian Homeland will remain, but sadly I can't get to those two at present. However you cannot start the Ragnarök Connection now can't you?"

Only three thought elevators remained, but soon Shirley would destroy the one by Japan with one of the remaining bombs produced for that purpose. But regardless any chance the Geass Order had at making the Ragnarök Connection and the Sword of Akasha work is now impossible." Shirley explained, but saw that the gel the immortal boy was placed into was already taking affect.

"It seems we cannot continue our conversation now," Shirley said before nodding to the men assisting her to fill the casket the rest of the way up before it was covered before it was sealed with heat. An extra measure was superheated bands of metal was wrapped around it providing further sealing and reinforcement for the casket. Then lastly the casket after cooling was lifted into a stone box with some wet cement inside. Once the casket was in the rest of it was filled up with quick drying cement entombing the immortal child. Once the cement was dry and after checking it over Shirley gave the order for the stone coffin to be dumped into the underwater trench where finding a recovering the immortal child would all but be impossible.

Inside her mask Shirley was grinning as the men she hired were cleaning up while she went down below into the submarine to prepare the next bomb for delivery and then preparation for detonation. Their next destination would be Kamine Island where the third to the last two remaining Thought Elevators remained, most of which were destroyed using F.L.E.I.J.A. bombs, but for the one in London the EU happily destroyed it for her using safer means of demolition. They didn't understand why, but they did it as a favor for the help Lady Morgana has provided them.

She now had two bombs left and one was being intended for a certain island.

"Time for some landscape redecorating in Kanejima", Shirley said with a smile before she thought.

It would be amusing to see the face of Grandfather Charles as he gets the news of China alongside the report of the key Thought Elevator reduced to a hole in an island.

Five days had passed since the incident in Chofu and Shirley with Puck's help and their other preparations they had made before hand were used at last to remove V.V. and the Geass Order from the grand scheme of things. Everything she and Puck had prepared for and planned was playing out better than they could have hoped. It helped them even more that Katase was proving to be invaluable to the Li Xingke in China as they would soon restore the Empress to power.

Three years of planning and preparation is finally paying off, but now only a few problems still remain and father's dream shall be realized.

(Two Days Later)

The following morning after recovering from his fight with the Gawain at Chofu last week Suzaku Kururugi had come to the Viceroy's Palace for a special, but unexpected ceremony meant for him and Euphemia in a sense. The ceremony hall was as spacious as a palatial ballroom, but in fact previous under Viceroy Clovis it had served as a ballroom but Cornelia had no interest in such soirees. As a result parties were becoming an endangered species in Area 11. For the record it wasn't that Cornelia couldn't dance it was just that she didn't like prancing around in a feminine dress. In fact rumor was that the only person who ever got Cornelia into a frilly dress was her younger sister Euphemia.

Cornelia was absent from this event as well as her younger sister Euphemia li Britannia Third Princess of the Holy Britannian Empire was about to bestow a great honor commanded the stage alone. Exquisite formal attire bedecked her figure. Her serene girl-like facial features were intense and serious, focused, before the room of capitalist, aristocrats and high-ranking military officials, each dressed in their personal finest. A short time later at that moment at a guard's orders the double doors of the ceremony room opened. Backlit by the sun shining behind him stood a boy. He too, was dressed in his finest, but it wasn't a military uniform or even the pilot suit he wore while piloting the Lancelot. But the uniform he was wearing was a pure white suit, attire reserved for knights of the Britannian Forces alone. The formality of the uniform he wore threatened to overwhelm his youthful face, but Suzaku boldly stepped forward into the room. Reaching the bottom of the stairs paying no mind to glares and look of disapproval from the gathered crowd Suzaku Kururugi bowed his head as Euphemia began to recite the ceremonial words.

"Suzaku Kururugi, Wilt thou upon this day pledge thy fealty to Britannia and stand as a knight of the crown?"

"Yes your highness," Suzaku replied quietly with his head still lowered.

"Dost thou wish to abandon thyself and be sword and shield for the sake of justice?"

"Yes your highness," Suzaku said as he drew the ritual sword from the scabbard on his waist and presented it to Euphemia with both hands that accepted the sword and patted both shoulders of the young man before her with the flat side of the blade.

Euphy breathed a sigh of relief, but only Suzaku heard her before she said.

"I, Euphemia li Britannia, take you Suzaku Kururugi to be my knight."

When it was over Suzaku accepted the sword back and sheathed it before rising to turn and face the crowd. Normally people would applaud, but the entire crowd was silent for a few moments until his own superior Lloyd Asplund began clapping. Unfortunately no one joined him, but that quickly changed when Chief of State and by extension Cornelia's emissary for this event Andres Dalton began clapping. Now no one felt bold enough to ignore this and soon with a little hesitation the room applauded.

But the mood in the room changed as a louder clapping was heard while a panel in the ceiling opened up and a ceiling hung 90-inch flat screen monitor was lowered. It turned on revealing a woman wearing a regal Victorian style dress, white gloves in conjunction with the dress covered every inch of her body with blonde hair groomed into Renaissance style curls while upon her face was a white metallic mask that left her lower jaw exposed giving the woman the appearance of a life-sized doll.

"Congratulations Kururugi," Lady Morgana spoke as at that moment the F.L.E.I.J.A. bomb planted at Kaminejima Island (Kamine Island) detonated taking out the island along with a good part of Shikine Island destroying the garrison base.

Dalton was already speaking to the guards through a wireless device on his ear, but the explosion that had happened already had the military scrambling to deal with the massive explosion they had detected. Which for Lady Morgana or rather Puck speaking through them using a computer generated model of the so called Lady Morgana which would hide her identity and confuse the Britannian forces to her identity.

"Princess Euphemia, allow me to introduce myself I am Lady Morgana. I must say your choice of a Knight is an interesting one considering your stance. But you are nothing but a selfish child who serves as nothing more than a pretty billboard for your older sister you have no real power you are just a tool for her to use."

"That is not true!" Euphemia interjected.

"You try to see good in Britannia, the same Britannia commanded by Charles, the same Emperor that covered up the real murderers of Lady Marianne. The same Empire that has cast out all who truly believed in honor and justice," Lady Morgana said causing Euphy to pause allowing Morgana to continue. "I would support you, if not because I can't let good intentions to guide this world or you to a Hell of Britannia's own creation. Although it's oddly fitting that you choose Suzaku Kururugi. After all, he also sought peace. Wouldn't be such a good example that in order to prevent the rebellion and the death of Japanese people, he killed his own father?"

A murmur of shock spread through the crowd while Suzaku's face went white.

"Yes, Suzaku Kururugi, in search of the ideal of peace in his mind, murdered his own flesh and blood."

Euphemia and Dalton were stunned, but no one realized that the entire conversation was being witnessed by everyone in the Empire. Lelouch nearly choked on his drink while he had been watching the ceremony on the news while Nunnally was shocked, but Shirley was in her room smiling at Puck's handiwork. Suzaku was horrified and didn't want to dishonor Euphemia by speaking out of turn, but the look on his face was enough for everyone watching to know it was true.

"By now every news network and other interested parties are receiving packets of data and information proving what I say is true, but it's also interest to note that he did take part in the slaughter of the Shinjuku Ghetto where hundreds if not thousands of his own people were killed in cold blood where his actions hindered the Black Knights almost costing them their lives. I do wonder if Zero would have bothered saving you if he was aware of your involvement in those incidents." Morgana said as Suzaku looked as if someone was brining the entire world down around him.

But Morgana didn't stop as her attacks kept coming.

"He's the epitome of an Honorary Britannian. Forsaking country, blood and Family, all in pos of achieving the Pax Britannia for the world, your sisters' doubts should be assailed with this, after all who can be better than the boy that sold Japan to Britannia in a single blow?"

"Suzaku hasn't sold out-," Euphemia began intending to not allow this to go on.


Euphemia stopped herself, whirling around to the source of the voice, where Suzaku kept his head, down, but his fists were balled up. The nobles were stunned at the sudden interruption, no one dared talk over a member of the royalty, and this Honorary Britannian had the gall to tell said royalty to be quiet.

"You're right," Suzaku begin, his voice finding some strength in the fact that he could speak at all, the storm of emotions in his mind parting ways and providing clarity, "I did kill my father."

Morgana arched an eyebrow in surprise, even for an AI such as Puck; he still had the mind of Lelouch, and to say he was interested in the sudden spine that Suzaku had found.

"But I killed my father, because the man was hell-bent on the destruction of Japan," Suzaku continued, his head raising up, staring down the specter before him, "You know what he said to his advisors when faced with the destruction of Japan? He said that it was more honorable that Japan and its people become ashes than to bow its head to a foreign oppressor. Even as his advisors begged him to give in, he chose bitter resistance. Here I am as a ten-year old boy, full of idealism and naiveté, watching my father declare that everyone I know and cared for, should DIE for the sake of his pride. I chose to kill my father, because at least people can go on living, maybe my generation would know the yoke of slavery, but maybe, just maybe, we would become coequal to Britannians one day, the precedent was there."

His head snapped up, eyes focused and determined.

"I have lived with the consequences of my actions every single day since then. I have sought penance for the most egregious of sins, patricide. There have been days when I have sought death on the battlefield because of the shame of my actions. Yet, to kill myself so foolishly would only prove that I was too cowardly to face my acts," Suzaku said as he pressed his counter attack. "To waste my life would further dishonor myself, but would also dishonor the people I chose to save. That is why I chose to join the Honorary Britannian System, not because of concerns of honor or because I want to betray anyone, but because I believe, like Princess Euphemia, that we can change, that Britannia can change and create a better place for Area 11. That if we choose to work with Britannia and show what the Japanese," Suzaku declared which would lead to a further gasp in the crowd, "people, are capable of, and then we can earn back our identity. Is it a popular decision? Of course, to Japan, I am a traitor, a thrice damned man, I've betrayed my father, my country, and my people. But do you honestly believe the Black Knights are the salvation that Japan is looking for? They claim to fight for the weak, yet look at the massacre at Narita; they chose to backstab the Japanese Liberation Front and killed several thousand innocent civilians, Britannian and Japanese alike."

"What about Shinjuku Ghetto?"

"What about it," Suzaku responded, angrily, "the terrorists chose to steal a poison gas capsule," a lie he knew, but if Morgana, who seemed to have inside knowledge on a lot of things, chose to pursue it, she would isolate herself by the level of knowledge, "then HIDE themselves in the civilian population. They didn't have the dignity or honor to fight; instead they chose to turn the civilian population of the Shinjuku Ghetto into a human shield for their cowardice. An undecidedly un-Japanese thing, don't you think?"

"What about the slaughtering of innocent civilians in your mad quest to stop them? They knew nothing, and you chose to massacre them. It was only Zero's intervention that stopped it."

Suzaku set his jaw as Morgana shot back, but she made a mistake Suzaku wasn't going to miss as he thought.

Keep it cool Suzaku, now you have her on the defensive.

"I find it interesting that you do not deny the fact that the terrorists used the civilians as human shields, knowing exactly what the former overzealous Britannian administration would do. If one thought about it, it almost seems like Zero wanted Britannia to massacre those people. Maybe the truth of the matter was that Zero was responsible for stealing the poison gas, then chose to hide in the Shinjuku Ghetto safe in the knowledge that the zealotry of Prince Clovis and General Bartley in protecting Britannians, would cause them to resort to extreme measures. After all, massacres tend to create warm bodies for a cause."

"That is not what Zero," Morgana began before Suzaku interrupted her.

"Oh Zero is it now? Thank you Lady Morgana, you have just proven exactly who you are for everyone here, that you are nothing more than a mouthpiece for Zero and the Black Knights. Answer me Lady Morgana, you sit there, comfortable wherever you are hiding sniping your opponents without the honor and dignity to impugn the Princess in person, faced with the idea of destruction through revolt from outside, or orderly reform from the inside? What do you chose?"

Morgana's face tightened as her voice demonstrated although the face wasn't real, and Suzaku, sensed the opening and leaped. But the murmuring from the nobles were rising, because Suzaku spoke with his answer

"I choose reform," his voice rose, "It is better to reform the system, than revolt from the outside and face death and destruction once Britannia loses its patience with Area 11 and chooses to institute even harsher means of punishment for the people caught in the middle. To me, the Black Knights, and the terrorist entities that choose to resist are no better than the decision to my father to damn the lives of millions simply because they are incapable of changing. Britannia's stance is one of Darwinism, either you adapt, or you die. Japan needs to adapt to its situation in order to survive, maybe for now as Area 11, not fight against a juggernaut that if it feel so, can grind what little resistance Japan can muster into dust if it ever decided to be serious. Japan's pride has always rested upon its capability for honor and dignity, let's use that strength to forge our destiny, instead of damn us to annihilation."

"Yet you have no power to change the system," Morgana shot back.

"For now," Euphy's voice rang out, "for now he has no power. Yet, look at him, not three months ago, he was nothing more than another Eleven in the eyes of Britannia, yet he is now my Knight of Honor."

"His accomplishments are noteworthy to be sure, but the problem remains. You are not Viceroy your sister is who is for better or worse a hardliner for the Discrimination Policy, which let me remind you is the national policy of your nation to discriminate those not born a pureblood Britannian. Cornelia would never allow you to make such changes and even if you did the only way you could is if you became Empress. Even if you became Viceroy you would be opposed by the hardliner nobles of the Empire."

"Why do you think Cornelia is here in the first place," Euphemia shot back, "she's here because of Zero, the Black Knights, and the other terrorist entities that are destabilizing Japan? Because of Zero, he has placed the Honorary Britannian System in jeopardy with his selfish decisions. Was the previous administration perfect? Of course not, you're demanding perfection from flawed human beings. However, before Prince Clovis, what did Area 11 have? It had nothing except provincial, racist; governors who worked hard to subjugate Area 11 instead of rebuild it. Area 11 had seen its first major reform in the Honorary Britannian System, but Zero has damaged it with one single gunshot. Of course Britannia would push back for the death of one of its nobles, any monarchy would."

Puck for once had no counter for that, but Euphemia wasn't backing down.

Her arms spread out in a motion, "but look at it now, Lady Morgana, despite the policies, the blowback for the actions of Zero, we are here celebrating an Eleven, no, a Japanese man, rising to the highest rank a non-Britannian has ever achieved in the fastest PACE Britannia has ever seen. He is not only a Knight, but a Britannian Knight of Honor, a rank just below a Knight; he is the fourth highest ranked member in Britannian society, below only the Emperor, the Knights of the Round, and the Nobles. Tell me could you have foreseen this on any day? Of course not, but it is a sign that Britannia is changing. Slowly, but surely, Sir Kururugi stated that Britannia is about adapting or dying, that is what Britannia is doing in the face of a changing world, we are adapting to the changing concepts of what numbers offer us as a people, Japan is the test bed, as Prince Clovis had hoped to do."

Euphemia's hands fell to her side, "Britannia has prided itself on the independence of each Viceroy, able to make decisions without having to report to the Emperor unless something goes wrong or suspicion befalls. So I put forward to you, no, I put forward to Zero and the rest of the Japanese resistance. If you truly value a Japan that can return to its former place of power, except now hand-in-hand with Britannia, then I beseech you, put down your arms. If you want to strengthen the ties between Britannia and Japan, and then stop batting away the hand is trying to pick you back up, of course we put you there, but it is in no one's interest that Japan remains what it is now. If you put down your arms, my sister, Princess Cornelia has no reason to be here. If you put down your arms, then this experiment can continue. These resistant groups have some excellent points, instead of an exercise in futility that will only result in unnecessary death, reach out to people who do care."

Morgana was quiet for a moment, and then she laughed clapping her hands.

"A noble cause, naïve but noble," she said before adding, "Good luck then. Maybe you can change things. If not," she shrugged, smiling a smile that caused Euphy's heart to stop as a flash of recognition shot through her, "you'll most certainly be hearing from me laughing at you."

The broadcast ended as well as Lelouch was left in shock while C.C. as normal was passive about the whole thing. It wasn't long before he got a phone call from Ohgi. Reacting quickly Lelouch picked up the phone to speak to his second in command.

"This is Zero," Lelouch began speaking to Ohgi over the phone. "Yes I just saw the news…no I knew nothing of this, but either way I think we must step up our staff meeting to today if possible. I agree, but…what…I see…well I want to not only meet her but I am curious to hear her explanation for her actions. I'll meet you at the usual place and then we'll rendezvous with the others."

After hanging up the phone Lelouch prepared his bag containing the Zero costume as he was about to leave.

"Something wrong," C.C. inquired.

"Not exactly, but this sudden revelation has…well I think you can imagine the reactions."

"What about you?"

"Not important," Lelouch snapped changing the subject. "Besides I guess Kyoto has passed along to Ohgi that this Rei is ready to finally meet us face to face as she promised over a week ago."

"So what will you do?"

"Isn't it obvious I intend to find out her intentions, but," Lelouch began but he didn't finish that sentence. The former prince has been going over what has happened at Chofu ever since the Gawain's appearance and he was trying to piece together a few things that caught his attention. For one thing Lelouch wanted to know how his plans for dealing with the Lancelot and rescuing Kyoshiro Tohdoh got leaked to Rei and Kyoto.

It isn't just a leak, but someone not only planned out a massive jail break for other prisoners with Kyoto supporting the plan. But someone had obviously prepared well in advance before Tohdoh was even imprisoned.

The only conclusion Lelouch could reach was that someone who was not only aware of his plans, but somehow knew far in advance how certain events was going to play out that night. His counter plans he had for the Lancelot he didn't share with anyone that night until the Lancelot had appeared so how did Rei know about them.

Unless this Rei was a time traveler I can't fathom how anyone could have organized and set up a daring plan like that which took advantage of my own plans for that night.

But there was something that caught Lelouch's attention, he remembered how C.C. was no longer tapping his saving to buy pizzas, so the question was who was providing her with a pizza fund? He didn't think C.C. would sell her out to the Britannians but someone was clearly in contact with her and the question was who. Lelouch knew trying to ask C.C. wasn't going to work so he would need another way to find out the truth; however Lelouch needed to contend with one issue at a time first.

Later that day Cornelia li Britannia in response to what has happened during the Knighting Ceremony and at Chofu the week before the Viceroy summoned Lloyd, Suzaku and Euphemia to her office for a discussion about both matters. Suzaku was recovering so she had spoken to Lloyd in private about the matter involving the Gawain which she found out was a prototype Knightmare Frame developed by Britannia which had been at the Toromo Institute, but when the facility was mysteriously destroyed the unit was presumed destroyed as well.

Lloyd briefed Cornelia on what happened, after receiving instructions from his sponsor to tell the Viceroy some of the more classified details surrounding the incident in Cambodia which had been kept quiet within the Empire. She didn't want to see Suzaku, but given what happened she did want an explanation about the exact nature of Genbu Kururugi's demise.

"Major Kururugi I want to know your exact reasons for killing your own father, somehow I doubt you committed such an act without good reason considering your profile and I have taken what you said into account," Cornelia said cutting to the chase.

"I thought it was the only way to stop him, his call for do-or-die resistance would result in Japan's destruction," Suzaku replied after a moment of hesitation.

"I see," Cornelia said wondering if that was the only reason. "I suppose that is true. Given Japan's importance to the rest of the world at the time had the war between our country and Japan dragged on the EU and the Chinese Federation would have intervened. The resulting fighting would have likely destroyed Japan in the process, or at least inflict far more devastation to the country than the one month war with our country did. But I assume some members of the government covered this up and claimed he committed suicide instead."

"That is correct your highness," Suzaku replied while Euphemia was worried about him. Cornelia studied Suzaku for a moment noticing the obvious guilt on his face, but she was wondering if there was something else that might have motivated him to kill Genbu other than the war destroying Japan.

"I see," Cornelia began deciding not to ask of Suzaku anymore for now, but she intended on having the matter investigated. "Next question regarding the stolen Gawain you fought with, Major Asplund I hope you have something that could aid our forces in dealing with it?"

"Nothing at the moment, but new replacement parts for the Lancelot should be arriving along with a new attachment for it. However it will take time before I have something capable of countering its Hadron Cannons."

"From what my brother has told me those cannons were originally incomplete."

"Yes your highness, but I am not sure how the enemy has managed to get them functioning properly."

"All the more reason we need to contain them, but this Lady Morgana who appeared is a much larger concern than Zero." Cornelia began remembering the discussion she was having with Schneizel right before Lady Morgana appeared during the ceremony broadcast. "According to my brother this Lady Morgana has been the name of the person a lot of the trouble our forces fighting the EU war has been facing. A growing number of our recent setbacks in that region have been attributed to her, but the problem is we know almost nothing about this person other than her name…we're not sure if this Lady Morgana is even a woman. Furthermore there is the giant explosion near Shikine Island that happened right before the broadcast. Its size and destructive yield is similar to what destroyed the Toromo Institute."

"Likely there is a connection then," Lloyd remarked off-hand.

"You two are dismissed, but Sub-Viceroy Euphemia I need to speak with you in private," Cornelia said as all two left the Viceroy's office.

Euphemia swallowed hard knowing this conversation wasn't going to end well.

Elsewhere another meeting was taking place, but instead it was happening at Port Yokosuka, a major seaport situated south of the Tokyo Concession where about not too long ago was the site of the battle where the tanker commanded by the remains of the Japan Liberation Front attempted to escape Area 11 in a tanker full of Liquid Sakuradite. Lelouch as Zero was currently aboard a similar tanker with Diethard, Kallen, Ohgi and Tohdoh accompanying them while agents from Kyoto showed into the depths of the ship were inside to their surprise found a submarine concealed inside.

"A whole submarine, but how did they sneak this here," Kallen exclaimed with surprise on her face.

"Kyoto probably helped out with that, but I imagine there was some third-party involvement as well," Zero remarked as everyone crossed a boarding ramp leading to the submarine.

Once everyone was onboard they were led to a conference room where they were expecting to see Rei, but there was no sign of the woman. However Rakshata Chawla was present in the room instead having been patiently waiting for them. The Guren Mk-II's creator was there, but still no sign of Rei prompting Lelouch to inquire.

"Rakshata, is Rei here?"

"Not exactly, but she will be speaking soon. However on their submarine is the Gawain she used during the Chofu incident a week ago."

"The Gawain…you mean that large Knightmare Frame," Tohdoh asked.

"Yes, she is giving it to you Zero."

"Rei-san merely felt that the Gawain, while good, merely didn't fit her style and sent it to you Zero as a gift, a good faith gesture."

Suddenly a beeping from the wall monitor alerted her to an incoming transmission.

"That must be her right now?"

Rakshata used a remote in her pocket to open up the video conference as the masked face of Rei appeared before the Black Knights as everyone noticed the similarities to her and Zero.

"Zero I must say it's a proud honor to meet you face to face," Rei spoke while Shirley was smiling under her mask.

"I was hoping we would actually meet face to face," Lelouch said calmly.

"I do apologize, but I have been rather busy. I am your biggest fan and all I do is to see your rebellion succeed."

"Is that so, but do you wear a mask because like me you are not Japanese?"

"Yes and no…I wouldn't look it, but I am a quarter Japanese," Rei replied.

"How did you know what really happened to Genbu Kururugi, did Kirihara tell you?" Tohdoh asked almost instantly.

"He didn't tell me, but I was fully aware of what happened yes. As for how I knew you wouldn't believe me if I tried to explain it. Lady Morgana has the details, but she couldn't be here either."

"I see, so then I would like to request a meeting with her then." Zero demanded.

"Very well, but for now there is something I must show all of you. Rakshata if you would please," Rei asked as the screen cut out.

"Follow me gentlemen."

A short time later the Indian Scientist leads the group to the spacious hanger where the Gawain currently rested, but it wasn't the only machine. Near it was another machine, but it wasn't a mass-produced Knightmare Frame but an original machine. It was unusual, but it had an identical color scheme to the Gawain and its limbs seemed longer and slightly curved and more streamlined compared to Knightmare Frames like the Sutherland and Glasgow.

In the room were seven other machines that bore a resemblance to the Gekka, but were slightly different.

"The black machine next to the Gawain is the Type-0/0A Shinkirou, an Eighth Generation Knightmare Frame. It's unique because of three things, one is its transformation ability to assume a jet-fighter like form and can even function as a mini-sub. Second as a command-type Knightmare Frame it has the Gawain's Druid Analysis Complex System, but the one in the Shinkirou is an improved version. Third thanks to the Druid System one can manage the machine's advance energy shield defense system and its structural phase transition cannon, so any questions," Rakshata explained.

"You said eighth generation," Lelouch asked.

"Yes it is…a benefactor provided me with blueprints of advanced systems and such. Kyoto now it's quickly refurbishing the Gekka production lines here and in India, to mass-produce the Akatsuki Knightmare Frame. It's a matter of weeks to a month to have an entire army of Knightmare Frames superiors in every level to everything that Britannia has in the field and will have for a time."

"I see so Rei or rather this Lady Morgana she works for is this so called benefactor. But how could have design that machine for my use?"

"I am not entering sure, but it will match your piloting skills and should serve you very well as a commander's unit. Its battleship-class defense shields should be a big help."

"I see," Lelouch said while he was giving it some thought.

"Also for my beloved child the Guren I have made a new Radiant Wave Surger weapon. It's much more powerful bombardment arm, which can fire microwaves in a ranged beam or in a wide-area burst that can short out enemy machines caught within it. And I even have a new Float System back unit for it to enable atmospheric flight and it houses missiles that can be used."

"Are you kidding me," Kallen began as she saw the new arm meant for her machine along with the new component parts.

"The new head unit I have brought has a new type of defense shield it will be able to use; it's called Radiant Wave Shielding based on the same technology which the Guren's primarily weapon is based upon."

"What is under here?" Ohgi asked noticing a Knightmare Frame under a tarp.

"That is an incomplete unit, but it's meant for Rei-san."

"Incomplete, but what kind of unit is it?"

"There isn't much to talk about right now, but all the things you could add to it," Rakshata whined, "there's so many things that make it even better."

"I only want to know what its specs are," Ohgi inquired, but Rakshata wasn't going to stay anything.

"But if you just give me some more time I will probably show the Shingetsu."

"Anyway," Lelouch began before adding. "I would still like to meet Rei at least in person."

"You'll meet her when the time is right." Rakshata answered causally much to frustration of some of the others while Lelouch thought.

But where is she anywhere, what could be more important than meeting with me?

Back at Ashford Academy; C.C. and Shirley Lamperouge were both having a private meeting in Lelouch's room at the student clubhouse. The two women were enjoying a large pizza together while going over some documents and some photos of Lelouch and Kallen.

"I wonder how it will all work out."

"What do you mean?" Shirley asked of her partner in crime.

"Kallen adores Zero, but she hates Lelouch…what will happen when she discovers they are one and the same?"

"Well we need to smooth things out between Lelouch and Kallen then, but what exactly are Kallen's feelings for my future dad?"

"I am not sure, but I could find out for you," C.C. said with a grin.

"Ok, but once we know what she feels for my dad how do we pair them together?"

"I am not exactly the matchmaker type, but maybe we should seek some professional help," C.C. said with a classic Cheshire Cat grin as she was looking at one Milly Ashford outside the Club House.

A/N: despite Puck's attempt to wreck Suzaku's reputation from backfiring it has triggered an unforeseen change in events which could have consequences for everyone. What will Euphy and Cornelia discuss and now that the Black Knights are getting more advance and improved Knightmare Frames including new upgrade parts for the Guren and a new machine for Lelouch to potentially use besides the Gawain it's all going to boil down to what will happen next and how will Charles react when he finds out his plan to kill god has been all but ruined.

So much has changed now, but will the positive results Puck and Shirley Lamperouge be reached or will tragedy follow in their wake.

Thanks in advance for the reviews.