Title: The Guide to Everything

Summary: It seems William has found a way to explain things to Grell and Ronald. Unfortunately for him, they want to know everything.

This goes along with another little fic of mine which involves William explaining things with puppets. However this will be longer, with any question imaginable coming from Grell and Ronald. I do not know how often I will update this, though. I hope to keep it steady but we'll see. Today I've started you off with...

Chapter 1: Boundaries

Grell Sutcliff peered around the corner like he was looking for something. He was, in fact, looking for someone. He had not seen William all day and was starting to fear that his beloved Will was avoiding him.

Grell smiled to himself as he noticed the one person coming down the hall that he wanted to see. He laughed to himself before bounding over to William a little less gracefully than he had wanted. As he reached William, who tried to pretend that the death-loving mass of red did not exist, he flung his arms around William in a hug, sending the paperwork William was holding to the floor.

William, arms pinned to his sides by Grell, could only glare first at Grell himself, then at the papers that had fallen to the floor in disarray. Grell, taking the hint, bent down to retrieve William's fallen papers.

"Grell Sutcliff," William began with a sigh, "don't you anything about boundaries?"

Grell gathered the papers he retrieved in a pile, though they were still out of order, and asked, "Bound-a-ries?" He strung out every syllable as though he were trying to wrap his mind around a word he had never heard before.

"Personal space," he snapped, glaring at Grell over his glasses. "Perhaps I should not have used a big word with you."

Grell pouted. Then his eyes lit up as William reached inside his suit jacket for something. His pouting resumed when he saw that William had removed two puppets, a fantastically made William puppet and a Grell puppet that clearly needed a little more love in the creation process.

William shook the William puppet for emphasis as he began to speak. "Personal space, boundaries, or whatever you choose to call it, is the area around a person in which they only feel comfortable with certain people being within it. Those certain people happen to include close friends, family members, or lovers." William half expected Grell to faint at the word "lovers" coming from his mouth. Grell only let out an excited squeak at the word.

"However," William continued, "when a person enters another person's boundaries and they dislike this person -" here the Grell puppet came into play. William made the Grell puppet attempt to cuddle the William puppet before he knocked the Grell puppet away. " – bad things happen."

"What sort of bad things?" Grell demanded. "Will I explode?"

William paused as he put the puppets away. He turned away from Grell and started to walk down the hallway the way he had come before he looked over his shoulder and said, "No, but I might."

Grell looked shocked for a moment or two before he started to laugh. "You're such a tease, William~" he called. William did not look back.