"Seimei's not here to protect you now you know!" Ritsuka's mother raged from the other side of his bedroom door, which she was pounding on.

He lightly touched one of the freshly cut, bloody knife wounds on his arm. He knew he could not stay here much longer or she would end up killing him. His eyes fell upon the balcony. Its only a one floor what's the worst that could happen? Ritsuka thought to himself. After he checked to make sure the door was locked, ran to the balcony, and jumped.

He let out a yelp as he landed on his lacerated arm. Yelping he stood up, before his mother could find him there. He took off running off, with no destination in mind.

He had made it all the way to the park, when he collapsed from blood loss.

Soubi had just finished packing up his painting supplies, and was heading home, when he came across a young boy. His right arm was bleeding profusely.

"hey!" Soubi called, dropping down to examine him. At least he's breathing, he thought to himself.

Unsure of what else he could do, he scooped the boy up, and carried him home.

A/N: so I'm taking a brake from The one who has the same candle, till I figure out what to do with Usagi

And don't worry I won't kill Ritsuka and next chapter will be longer