Disclaimer - It's pretty obvious I don't own Thor, because if I did it would be called 'Loki.'

A/N - I know this is totally not canon, but I enjoy writing it. Let me know if you like it and want me to continue. On another note, me and my mom are always arguing about who's better looking, Loki or Thor. So, I set up a poll on my profile. Be sure to vote!

"I could have done it, Father! I could have done it! For you! For all of us."

"No, Loki."

Loki thought those would surely be the last words he'd hear before reaching Helheimr (he knew he was unworthy of Valhalla), but alas, they were not.

"Are you alright?"

Loki groaned and turned over. There was a sharp pain in his side and a small group of people were gathered around him.

"Who is he?"

"What kind of freak walks around New York City dressed like that?"

"He's kinda hot!"

"He fell from the sky! I saw it!"

"I've heard rumors about that Thor fella falling from the sky too."

"Thor?" Loki sat up at the mention of his brother. He grimaced and clutched his side.

"Oh! Careful, sweetheart!" warned a blonde lady in her mid forties. She knelt down beside him. "What happened to you? Are you hurt?"

Loki turned his icy gaze to her. He was going to snap at her, tell her to go away and that he could take care of himself. But the retort stuck in his throat. The woman looked so much like his mother. His glare softened and he nodded.

"My side." he told her, wincing as he spoke.

"Let me see." she said softly.

He shook his head.

"Someone call an ambulance." one of the bystanders suggested.

"Ambulance? What on Asgard is that? Whatever it is I don't want one." Loki insisted.

"Nutcase." someone muttered. A few of the people started losing interest and left, going on with their day. But, the woman stayed right by his side.

"Let me see." she repeated, this time more firmly. "It's ok. I'm a doctor."

Loki looked up into her eyes, steely blue like his mother's, and he sighed and moved his arms from around his waist. She bent towards him and felt his side. He flinched and moved away.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." she apologized sincerely. "I'm afraid you've broken a few ribs. At least four."

"Broken ribs . . . but, that's not possible!" he was in pain. A lot of pain. He'd never really felt physical pain before.

"You're young. You feel invincible, but I hate to break it to you, you're not. Now you really should get to a hospital."

"No. No hospitals." he pleaded. "Someone mentioned Thor. Can you take me to him?"

"Thor? Why . . ."

"He's the only one who can help me. Can you take me to him?"

She sighed. "Avenger's Tower isn't far from here. I'll get you a cab."