Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories Poem

Naminé's Sigh

Watching as you fall asleep,

Like a sun sinking into the horizon.

Lonely all my life,

Lonely right now.

It doesn't really matter anymore

Because I'm just a witch who plays with people's memories

The light is oh so far away

I've given up hope in finding it

In this castle, to lose is to find

And to find is to lose

Holds no meaning to me, yet it means everything...

I am nobody

I am nothing

My true self is far from me

Where the ocean crashes the shore...

Truly is oblivion

Truly nobody

I sigh as I watch you close your eyes...


Author's note: haa... deleted my other fanfiction, starting fresh with this poem. I have a love for poetry, and prefer free verse. Please review! :)