A/N: This was a spur-of-the-moment series I thought up. These will be short stories featuring members of the Marsh family that alone, wouldn't be its own stand-alone story. This chapter deals with a fear I can see Stan having and in a way takes place just before the events of 'You're Getting Old'. Enjoy!


Stan was exceptionally dreading school today. That cold Wednesday morning meant only one horrid thing taking place in school- flu shots. A form had been passed out to all parents who wanted to allow the school to give them to their child for various reasons. It was easier, some parents were too busy to take their child to a clinic or pharmacy themselves, and there was less of a chance there would be struggle between child and nurse. At least that was the plan. Hardly for Stan however. He hated needles of all kinds and had his whole life. His mother swore by the statement she had tried everything to calm him of his fear ever since he was a baby and nothing ever helped. Stan had long since given up and swore by his own statement he was doomed to hate needles his whole life. In short, Stan's parents were one of the many who okayed for the school to give their son his flu shot this year.

"But why? This is so stupid! I don't need it. I don't want it," he complained over dinner days ago.

"Stanley we've already discussed this, you are getting your flu shot at school and that's final," Randy said sternly.

"But I don't need it," he tried again.

"You do so. No one is protected against the flu. The shot is one way to prevent yourself from catching it. All of us are getting one, what makes you think you'll be the one singled out?" Sharon asked.

"Because I hate shots the most," Stan suggested.

"Stanley, you of all people do need it since you get sick more often than any of us."

"You let me have a choice last year…" Stan had mumbled.

True, last year Sharon decided to bargain with her son. He could either risk catching the flu and not get the shot or suffer through a few seconds' poke and be safe the whole season. Eventually he did go for the shot because he knew how horrible the flu made him feel in the past.

"Besides, this might be a good thing for you," Sharon had gone on. "All other times you had to be poked by a needle I was always there. This time I won't be and who knows, maybe you'll find out you don't really need me there for comfort when it's getting done. Maybe seeing how brave your classmates are will in turn make you calm about it too."

Yeah, right. He had an-almost phobia of the sharp things. It was not something that could be cured in one day. And now this Wednesday he had to face his fears yet again. This time without his mother's hand to squeeze. Could he do it? He had no choice, he was just afraid of looking like a pussy in front of everyone. His friends all knew of his fear but that hardly helped. Cartman still laughed, Kenny would always say 'they don't hurt dude', and Kyle, well, as understanding as he tried to be he still told Stan the same basic thing, 'stop worrying about something so tiny dude.'

At 10:30 it was time for the 4th, 5th, and 6th graders to go in to get their shots. They walked down to the gym where the vaccinations were taking place and Stan got in line where the fourth graders were. There were thankfully many kids in front of him but he still kept swallowing anxiously and his eyes were wide. Kyle, who was behind Stan rolled his eyes when Stan let out his tenth 'oh god.'

"Dude, calm the hell down. You're annoying me."

"You know how much I hate this dude!" Stan hissed back.

"Yeah but you're starting to look like an idiot. You're almost ten, you can't still be afraid of shots."

"Well I am okay?" Stan bit. "We all have fears and shit, what makes mine any different?"

"Because you're the only one I see reacting like this."

"Yeah, I mean sure a lot of kids don't like shots but they're not stressing out like you are," Kenny, who was in front of Stan, stated.

Stan crossed his arms; no one had his back with this. It wasn't fair. He was going to rip on Kyle's fears first chance he got now. The last of Miss Harper's class went and the first of Mr. Garrison's, Bebe, went up to the nurse giving the vaccines. Then it was Wendy's turn, then Jimmy. Stan poked his head from the line to see how many kids were in front.

"…four, five, six. Shit man! I'm six people away from my shot!"

"Will someone please shut this pussy up?" Cartman, who was behind Kyle, rolled his eyes.

Kyle looked on as the line moved forward. He spoke to Stan.

"Dude, if it will make it any better do you want me to go first?"

Stan frowned.

"The line isn't in any particular order; it wouldn't matter if I went ahead."

Stan nodded mutely so Kyle cut in front of him. One more person who would go before him, it all worked out. Kenny soon went, and then Kyle stepped forward and handed over his signed form.

"How are you today dear?" asked the forty-something woman as Kyle hopped on the chair.

"Fine. Just trying to show my friend here shots are no big deal," Kyle turned to Stan whose hands were in fists, jaw clenched, fear in his eyes for he knew he was next.

"Well let's show your friend here how quick and simple this is and he has nothing to fear."

Stan nervously held onto his hands as he watched his friend roll up his sleeve and receive the shot in less than thirty seconds.

"See sweetie? See how quick that was?" the nurse smiled at Stan. She patted the chair. "Why don't we try and beat your friend's time?"

Stan shook his head and took a step back.

"Oh for god's sake just sit dude," Kyle said.

Stan slowly handed over his form and took a seat on the chair, eyes still stressed with fear. The nurse scanned it and nodded.

"Okay Stanley, why don't we free your arm from your jacket okay?"

"Is it gonna hurt?" even though he knew the answer to this by now he still always asked.

"No sweetie, it's just going to be a little poke and will be over in five seconds."

"I'm afraid of needles," Stan confessed.

"Well I'm going to try and do this as fast as possible okay? But I can't take too long, there are other kids standing in line too."

"Just get it over with Stan. It really isn't that big of a deal," Kyle spoke next to him.

Stan was able to take his jacket off but when the nurse put on the rubber gloves he had a mini-panic attack.

"Oh god, oh god…"

He flinched when he felt his left sleeve go up. He was breathing quickly.

"You have to calm down for me and relax your arm Stanley, otherwise it's going to hurt more," said the nurse.

Stan tried to, he really did, but it was hard to focus when Cartman, who was behind him, was laughing, his iphone out recording. His eyes went wider (if it were possible) when he saw her pull out the needle and took a disinfecting cloth from her little table.

"Don't do it yet!" he cried.

"Stan, calm down. I mean it," Kyle was saying.

"Yes, just look at your friend sweetie," the nurse said. Stan flinched as she swiped at his arm with the cloth. Now his eyes were following her every move, making sure he could track the needle at all times. "Don't look this way Stanley, just look at your friend." She gently forced his face to his right where Kyle was standing.

"Just look at me dude. We can go out for ice cream after school today if that's what you want."

Stan moved his arm away from the needle once before he willed himself to calm down. He drew in a deep breath and gripped his jeans with his right hand and looked at Kyle as he felt the nurse gently pinch his arm with one hand and stab it with the shot with the other.

"Ow!" he winced. Seconds later the nurse was dabbing at it with another cotton ball and placed a Band-Aid over the dot.

"Okay honey, all done! Was that so bad?"

Stan frowned as he rolled his sleeve down. "Ohh, that hurts…"

Kyle shook his head, amused as he took Stan away from the chair.

"Man dude, I knew you had a fear of shots but I've never seen you get one. I didn't think it was… as bad as you always make it out to be."

"Can we just drop it? It's done," Stan said quietly.

"Hahahaha! Dude, dude! I got it all on tape!" Cartman hurried over a minute later, flipping out his phone.

"You- you taped it?" Stan cried.

Cartman was laughing as he played it back for his amusement.

"Dude, get rid of it!" Stan ordered.

"No way man, this is pussy gold."

Stan was fuming even though he felt his face burn with embarrassment. "Just- can you at least not post it to anything? Like YouTube or whatever?"

"Fine, fine," Cartman rolled his eyes.

So he had a fear of needles. It wasn't that big a deal. Everyone had a fear and if anything, Stan thought his fear was very reasonable and justifiable. They looked scary, they were sharp, it involved those dreaded rubber gloves, and they hurt. At least he wasn't afraid of the common house fly or any other flying bug (for the most part) like Kyle was. So who was he to point and laugh? And at least his fear involved special treats after like ice cream or a lollipop. Kyle couldn't get a reward for using a fly-swatter. He had no problem telling Kyle this over their frozen treat after school.

"Okay I get it," Kyle groaned.

"Say it."

"Needles are a reasonable thing to fear," Kyle spoke.

Stan grinned into his Loaded Snickers Bar ice cream. If there was a thing to fear, his was a good choice. And as long as he continued to fear the sharp things, he would always look forward to the rewards that came after.

Just a little scene I had to write last night. Yes the boys act older than their age a lot of the time but at the end of the day they are still children. And most kids- and adults- hate needles. As you can guess by now, I have this weird fascination of medical-related things and have all my life. I love reading, watching, and writing it. So there is sure to be no end to medical references in my stories anytime soon. Like Tales of Toddlerhood, I am accepting any ideas you have on what scenes you would like me to write involving the Marsh family. Even if it was a small and random thing, please tell me what you think!

LoL (lots of love): Rose, January 10, 2012