I love Robin! But, I do feel that he plays at being happy all the time. Hopefully there will be many songfics for Robin and if requested, for others as well.

Memories consume
Like opening the wound
I'm picking me apart again

He saw them fall. He saw a little girl murdered by the Joker. He saw his teammates dying in the failed training exercise. He saw Batman- no Bruce; no, Dad- being blasted by the aliens. He saw himself losing his second family. He felt himself falling apart inside, but forced a smile on his face. Truthfully he didn't think anyone could tell he was faking.

"Rob, you okay?" Artemis asked looking at him.

"Totally asterous" not I'm falling apart. I'm hurt; I'm mad; I'm scared; I want someone to notice. But she didn't. She just walked away.
You all assume
I'm safe here in my room
Unless I try to start again
They thought he couldn't get hurt at the mountain. Bruce thought he couldn't get hurt at home. Heck, the team and the JL probably thought he couldn't get hurt. They didn't expect him to hurt, to feel pain, to fail. He knew he would, because he had before. He had the scars to prove it. Even now, some of the old injuries would hurt to the point where he would see spots, seconds away from blacking out, but he always ignored it. Why? Because he couldn't let anything affect him. It didn't matter.
I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused
He hated how everyone brought him their problems; how everyone expected him to always know what to do. He was thirteen for Christ's sake. He knew other's didn't see what he saw in himself: a circus freak, a charity case, a burden, a little kid playing dress up, an insignificant hindrance to the team. He always felt so lost.
I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream.
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean.

He wasn't sure if saving Gothamites was worth it. Many times he would save someone, only to throw them in jail a week later. So many times he wished he could scream, but knew he couldn't. He couldn't let anyone down. They all expected him to stay calm and take the world's weight with no problems. He didn't know why he brought up his own strengths and times that he did well. It didn't help him at all. He always said that he'd do whatever, but he never wanted to. He always said that he knew he'd be fine, but he lied. He rarely thought he'd be able to be fine.
I don't know how I got this way
I know it's not alright.
So I'm breaking the habit,
I'm breaking the habit
He had no idea how he began to keep everything inside. How he became so depressed. How he became so lost. He wouldn't do it anymore. He would tell everyone how he felt. He'd tell them that he was just a kid, a un-superpowered kid. An orphan. A burden.
Clutching my cure
I tightly lock the door
I try to catch my breath again
I hurt much more
Than anytime before
I had no options left again
He grasped the blade close to him as he wrote on his arms. Freak Brat Blunder Human Burden Worthless. The words had strike-throughs. Straight lines littered his arms. He hacked the door and put it, and only it, on lockdown. No one could get in. It was right after the training mission (Failsafe) and he breathed. Yes Batman trained him hard, but Batman knew Robin was afraid to see another family member die. It hurt so much. He sliced his arm open with the blade and dipped his other hand's fingers into the blood, after dropping the blade. It hadn't bled that much before.
I'll paint it on the walls
'Cause I'm the one that falls
I'll never fight again
And this is how it ends
Using his blood he wrote the words on his walls. The same ones carved into his arm. Blood was spilling everywhere. He thought he heard Superboy saying down the hall the Robin's heartbeat was weird. That his breathing was hard and that he heard dripping and water hitting the floor. Inside Robin knew that by stopping the others from falling, from panicking, from bearing the weight of the world on their shoulders, was slowly killing him. He knew that not even Batman could save him from this enemy: himself.
But now I have some clarity
to show you what I mean
I don't know how I got this way
I'll never be alright

Maybe he was beginning to understand. He needed to get some of it out. Maybe all he needed was someone he could talk to and who wouldn't care if he cried. He just needed somebody. He wouldn't be alright unless he changed. Suddenly Superboy broke down the door and spinning around Robin saw the whole team, and Black Canary in the background. They looked shocked and he couldn't blame them, there was blood everywhere.
So, I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit

"Guys, I need to talk to you" Robin said looking haunted.

Well I hope you liked it! Pleaze review but be warned, normal updates are rare things with me. I will try and more reviews make me write faster!