"melancholy" by e ampora

I find him in my respiteblock- wwell, our respiteblock, since its been remade for us both to share- curled up into himself in front a his husktop like there's somethin he's got to hide from. He doesn't notice me by the entrancewway, studyin his expression an howw the wway his dowwncast ocular orbs study the floor. Obvviously, he's thinkin a somethin stupid again. I'm not the most observvant a trolls but it doesnt take much to regard the wway his mouth is pulled thin an his furrowwed browws. He looks tired more than anythin.

I thought I'd made it clear nothin's goin to happen to him noww. He's still got that mutant blood runnin through him, shore, but I'm not a shitty enough matesprit to go off an let him get fuckin culled wwithout some sorta fight. Fef wwould evven be on his side, an I'vve yet to meet a troll wwho wwill stand up against the heiress. She's reel convvincin wwhen she wwants to be.

But I wwouldn't havve rebuilt my hivve after SGRUB wwith enough room for both a us if I wwasn't serious about makin this last. Wwho wwould havve fuckin thought- a highblood prince like me fallin for someone not evven in the hemospectrum.

His gaze immediately shifts to me as I take a darin step into the room, my cape flourishin behind me. He pulls his legs closer to his chest for a split second before reelizin howw I'm not someone come to cull him an he relaxes just a tad. His default scowwl sets back in across his face an he rolls his ocular orbs like I'm the most irritatin bein he's had the displeasure a speakin to all night. "YOU HAVE GOT TO STOP FUCKING DOING THAT," he says, wwithout animosity.

I take the last feww steps to him an kneel dowwn, reachin out wwith a hand to brush the back a my knuckles across his cheek. "I pity you," I tell him, like it's not somethin he should knoww deep dowwn in his collapsing and expanding vascular system. Like I havven't already told him many fuckin times before.

"CREEP." I see the faint red across his cheeks, an I lean in to kiss his forehead. It's become a habit for me, doin' that, but evvery single fuckin time he still stares at me wwith wwide, curious eyes for it. "I-" he starts, then clearin his protein chute an lookin sharply dowwn again, "I PITY YOU TOO."

An that's all I need to hear to knoww wwe'll make it through this evventually. It's not goin to be easy, but SGRUB wwasn't a fuckin stroll throught he lawwnring either an yet wwe'vve somehoww made it through that, didn't wwe? Howw much harder could this be?

Besides, like I'vve said, I'm goin to make this last. Wwe'vve got like the rest a our livves to figure out wwhat to do, an neither a us are goin to go dowwn wwithout a fight. But, for noww, I just curl up next to him on the floor, wwrappin an arm around his wwaist. There's no fuckin point wworryin about the future quite yet, an the nights still young. The least I can do is keep the melancholy awway, right? An hopefully me bein here wwill remind him he's not alone in the wworld anymore.

Neither a us are.