25 Ways to Know You're Obsessed with Divergent

a guide for my fellow fan-fictioners

~You're Team Four.

~You now knock twice, three times, then six times when you come to a closed door.

~All of your friends and family have been classified into factions.

~You want a tattoo.

~Mrs. Prior's death made you tear up.

~The words abnegation, erudite, candor, amity, and divergent are now part of your daily vocabulary.

~You want a nickname.

~"I'm not in Amity" is a valid excuse for rudeness.

~You've tried to list all your fears.

~If you don't already live in Chicago, you want to visit the Sears Tower and ride the Navy Pier Ferris wheel.

~You've been wondering how much you don't know about your mother.

~The first thing on your Christmas list was Four.

~You're thinking about naming your children Beatrice and Caleb.

~"Stiff" is your new favorite insult.

~You've tested how long you can go without looking in a mirror.

~Needles scare you.

~You tried to wear only gray for as long as you could.

~Smart people are creepy to you now.

~You can't wait for the movie.

~You're positive you should play Tris, or whatever character you resemble most.

~"Wow. How Erudite" is your response whenever someone states the obvious.

~You've spent more than a little time wondering what would happen if Tris forgave Al.

~Having someone tell you that you're 'striking' would be the best compliment ever!

~You've asked to go to a cave on vacation.

~As you read this list, you've been smiling and nodding.

Hope you liked it! It's pretty sad, but I think I've done around 20 of these.