Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in the Naruto world.

Summary: Naruto gets injured on a mission. He is in a coma, but when he wakes up; he doesn't remember a thing or person.

Sasuke was not having a "nice" day.

When people he passed by said "Have a nice day" in politeness, all it really did was worsen his mood; especially when it was one of his fangirls saying those sickly words in sultry tones trying to seduce him in some way.

Sasuke understood that the phrase was only a formality, a polite phrase to say when someone is leaving, and that the people he restrained from glaring at had no idea that his usual taciturn attitude had a real reason this time. He knew that these people did not know that those four words were one of the last things he wanted to hear now, but that didn't stop him from mentally glaring at them.

He left one store on a bad note because one of the employees told him to "have a nice day" with a smile he supposed worked on others. He couldn't help feeling a little worse. Whenever he was told that hated phrase, he was instantly reminded why he was having such a not-nice day.

His dobe was out on a mission.

Without him.

Sasuke understood that his irritation at the situation was uncalled for. He knew and accepted the reality that he was on probation since coming back to the village and was not allowed to go on any missions higher than a (heavily supervised) B mission; unlike the A mission Naruto was currently on.

And it wasn't as if he was seriously worried about his usuratonkachi. Of course he had the normal lover's worry, but Naruto is one of the strongest fighters he's ever known and Sasuke is actually quite proud to have such a proud and fierce ninja as a boyfriend. Naruto shouldn't have any problems in this mission, it was a simple trade-off mission of sorts; it was only ranked an A mission because Konoha was being traded information on a rogue group of ninja seeking possible asylum.

Naruto and Sakura were basically going as examples, teaching newly appointed Jounin how these missions were handled as well as being the muscle/intimidation. Sasuke's mood threatened to lift a little as he remembered Sakura telling him as Naruto was distracted by his ramen at Ichiraku's that the two new Jounin were speechlessly excited to have Konoha's Number One Most Unpredictable Ninja and local hero on their first A ranked mission.

Mood down again. Naruto is still gone with people in awe of him. Mood threatened to lift again as Sasuke imagined how flustered Naruto would be if he found out. Naruto would probably blush and try to hide how happy it made him to be accepted openly by others. Mood down; Sasuke wouldn't be there to see the cute blush on his dobe.

Naruto had been on this mission for a week and six days as of today, hence Sasuke's bad mood. Everyday apart from his significant other only worsened it. He has only been back in the village for two years and every day was important to Sasuke because it was a chance for him to repay Naruto for the years apart.

In an attempt to distract himself from Naruto's absence, Sasuke had taken a few C rank missions, even a B rank one. But Naruto was supposed to coming home today so Sasuke had stopped requesting and volunteering himself for missions two days ago. Yesterday he straightened things up around the Uchiha Mansion where the two lived together. The house was always kept pretty neat so that didn't give Sasuke much to do so he went shopping for groceries and other essential things.

Today, Sasuke didn't have much to do other than wait—and Uchihas do not wait easily. He attempted to train a little, but abandoned it as he felt antsy when he didn't know the time every few minutes. So Sasuke decided to go shopping for little things that they already had, but could run out of quickly.

When he left the last shop and was told to "have a nice day", Sasuke had finished. He now had two bags of extra instant ramen for Naruto, tomatoes for himself, and extra medical supplies for the both of them to share.

He didn't know why he had bought extra bandages and medical supplies; if they ever needed treatment, all they needed to do was to ask Sakura. Besides, neither of the two men really needed supplies at home as both hated to admit they needed medical attention unless the wound was critical. Plus, Naruto's wounds healed at an accelerated rate because of the Kyuubi.

But Sasuke has had a bad feeling in his stomach since early this morning. The last time he had this feeling was on the day he was told that Naruto had been badly beaten for refusing to give information about Sasuke. But he didn't understand the feeling in his stomach back then and he still doesn't understand it now.

Sasuke walked into their house feeling antsier than before. He knew—knew—that there was no reason to worry about his dobe. His usuratonkachi may be a dobe, but he takes missions seriously. Besides, Naruto had promised Sakura that he'd be at his best for the new Jounin. And the last time he doubted his dobe on a mission was when Naruto was supervising his first B mission while on probation and was surprised by Naruto sensing and consequently intercepting enemies before himself.

Sasuke had been surprised by how much his dobe had improved since he last fought with him. Naruto had not only gotten faster and stronger, but also more agile. Naruto had somehow turned battle into a dance where he was the star. He moved from enemy to enemy seamlessly and without missing a beat to his personal ballet.

Sasuke had reached the kitchen and was putting the contents of his shopping trip into their appointed drawers, but that didn't take long enough. He might have started to pace around—but there was no reason to. Uchihas don't do anything without a reason. Still. . .he couldn't shake his antsy feeling.

To put himself at ease as well as to waste time, Sasuke grabbed some supplies and made his way to his dobe's apartment. Even though the two lived together in the Uchiha Mansion, Naruto couldn't let go of the place he considered to be the only stable thing in his terrible childhood. Sometimes the two stayed there when they felt that the Uchiha manor was too stifling or just wanted a cozier place to stay. Naruto would also go to his old apartment when he needed some time alone, or when Sasuke needed some time alone. It was Naruto's personal safe haven.

When he arrived at the apartment, Sasuke couldn't help but relax a little. He didn't know how, but Naruto's old apartment just oozed the familiar presence of Naruto that soothed anyone who stepped inside without Naruto even being there.

Sasuke walked inside and immediately began to move things around and the memories they held rushed back. There were objects that definitely reminded Sasuke of their genin days like all the same furniture. Naruto rarely added things to his apartment unless they were important to the blonde, and he refused to throw anything away unless it was beyond repair.

The picture of their genin days still stood on his bedside table. Sasuke picked it up and smirked at their younger counterparts. Back then, the two could barely stand being near each other. They both revealed much later that they secretly held special feelings for one another during that time, but that only made their rivalry more intense.

But next to their old picture was a picture of the day Sasuke had been accepted back into the village and placed on probation. All of team seven was together as a real team—not for missions; but all as citizens of Konoha. Kakashi was still in the back, but this time Naruto had placed himself in the middle, placing an arm on either of Sasuke's or Sakura's shoulders, pulling them down into a small crouch, laughing all the while.

The last picture on his nightstand was a picture of Naruto and Sasuke on the day they decided to move in together. Naruto had jumped onto Sasuke's back and was laughing as he dangled the keys for the camera to see. And Sasuke had a small grin to show how very happy he was about the two moving in together, although his clothes were ruffled due to Naruto's unexpected piggy-back demand.

Sasuke started to wiping down the apartment after he put all the clutter in their proper places and started thinking about all that he had experienced within these walls. This was where he and Naruto both spent some sick days when they were genin. Sasuke because Naruto kept complaining that he had no idea where anything was in Sasuke's house and loudly proclaimed that he and Kakashi had decided that it would be Naruto who would take care of a sickly Sasuke so that meant Naruto was in charge.

And so he repaid Naruto the favor, and was happy he did. While Naruto barely ever got sick, when he did it was worse than others. When he got fevers, they constantly spiked to dangerous levels. It was scary to watch his best friend suffer from a simple cold, but made Sasuke feel needed; much like taking care of Sasuke made Naruto feel need.

The two also confessed to each other within these walls, and shared their first kiss and made love for the first time here. Every large step in their relationship was taken in this apartment.

It hadn't taken long to tidy up the dobe's apartment. It was still pretty clean from the last time Sasuke had cleaned it while Naruto was on an extended mission.

Sasuke made his way back to the Uchiha Mansion, wondering how long it would take Naruto to return home and back into his arms.

Maybe the feeling in his stomach was because he was on Naruto withdrawal. And he was feeling so antsy because he knew that Naruto would soon be back. That must be it.

Sasuke reached his house and found that he was slightly fidgety. Damn that Naruto, Uchiha's don't fidget. This was obviously a habit caused by the dobe's influence.

To keep himself from shamefully fidgeting, Sasuke started to wipe down the kitchen. The dobe had recently decided that it was his mission in life to be one of Konoha's top chefs. Unfortunately, the only thing the dobe really knew how to cook was his instant ramen or anything microwavable. He had little to no idea how to use a proper stove and was lost with the simplest of recipes. Sasuke was his appointed—forced—"assistant" and taste-tester. Out of pure love did Sasuke comply and eat whatever Naruto placed in front of him, but he refused to clean up whatever explosion happened in their kitchen. Naruto did "clean", but he was never as anal about keeping things spotless and reaching every nook and cranny like Sasuke so the kitchen kept him busy for a while.

He was almost finished wiping the kitchen to near perfection, when he sensed someone entering the Uchiha Compound. He may not have the senses like Naruto had trained himself for, but he was adequate enough to sense people within 30 meters. Plus, the Uchiha Compound was special and allowed Sasuke to know when people entered.

The unknown person—a ninja—was getting close at a hurried speed. Apparently they had something important to say because they were running straight to the Uchiha Mansion.

Sasuke didn't want this random ninja to see his compulsive cleaning habits so Sasuke decided to meet him at the door.

The Konoha ninja was about to knock on the door when Sasuke opened it. The ninja was younger than he was, and was obviously intimidated by the Uchiha.

The younger ninja started to stammer something, but couldn't make out more than a syllable. Sasuke cleared his throat as an indicator of his impatience.

"U-Uh, M-Mr. S-Sasu—Uhm…I-I m-mean, Mr. U-UCHIHA, s-sir! U-Uh, L-La—Lady H-Hokage asked m-me—me t-to t-tell y-you th-that y-you n-need t-to g-go t-to th-the hospital i-immediately." The younger ninja stammered, taking way to long in Sasuke's opinion.

Leaning against the doorway, Sasuke pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, "The Hokage wants me to go to the hospital?"

"Y-Yes!" the boy stammered, obviously relieved that Sasuke had understood stammering that put Hinata to shame.

"Why?" Sasuke didn't allow his voice or stature to betray how confused he was. Why did he have to go to the hospital? He was in no way injured and didn't need any health report.

"I-it's M-Mr. U-Uz—Uzumaki, s-sir. H-he's b-been c-cr—cri-critically i-injured."

And that was Chapter One. My inner muse has been bothering me about this idea so I decided to write it out. I'm personally glad I did because writing this flowed more than updating the other stories. But review and lemme know what you think of it.