Author's note: Well it's about time! I've signed up to this site 2 days ago, and I realized I could not publish a story after waiting a 2 day period. Anyway this is my first story…and it had to be a clopfic. This will be a very long story, and it is a story that will have to do with medical stuffs. Well anyway, this is what I have been writing for the past 2 days now. (I'm still far from the initial…clop scene so don't expect it in the first few chapters.)

Under the Hoof

Chapter 1: Help Wanted

It was a clear and dark night, the wind whistled though a small crack from a lone window on a shabby looking apartment building in the suburbs of town. The room inside was dark and only a faint light was shimmering in the small room where one shadow was barely visable. The floor around him was filled with: empty cans of soda, coffee cups, empty noodle bowls, crumpled paper, dirty clothes, and ragged jeans. It smelled of rotten coffee in the room. There was one small sized television perched on top of a small coffee table and fairly close to it a ragged down couch that was displayed outward like a bed. The kitchen was small and dark inside, the silhouette of the sink contained black shadows that resembled pans overflowing the sink. There was feint barking outside in the distance, cars passing by every now and then, crickets chirped throughout the night. A small but audible noise could be heard, it was coming from a telephone a man was holding, sitting on the floor next to the small lamp. The voice coming from the phone was muffled,

"I'm sorry, but we're not looking for someone with your current skill sets as shown in your resume, good luck with your job searching though. Good-bye Nano."



Nano BlutHardt. The man sat down on the brown rug, listening to his last chance of ever getting a job. He had nearly applied to every help wanted ad he found.

"Shit…" He whispered to himself

Nano reaches for the newspaper that was close by and with a red marker crossed off a small ad box. He then stared at the paper with dimmed light; you could barely see anything written on it. The only thing he could make out was all 10 of the boxes were marked with a red marker. He crumpled the paper and tossed it across the room and landed on the corner of the door. He got up and scratched his chin that was covered with tiny bristles of hair.

(Now what am I going to do…? The rent is due next week…and all I have is $31 dollars on me…)

Nano walked over to the bed and laid on it. He rolled over and placed his hand under the bed, moving aside the dirty underwear until he came across a hard textured book; he pulled it out from under the bed and held it to his face. It was his old high school yearbook.

(I'm going to be homeless soon…of all the things I had done in my life…lead me to this.)

Nano sighed and placed the book down as he looked outside the window and could see nothing but a palm tree swaying from side to side in the wind. He took out his broken watch that no longer had straps from his jean pockets and looked at the time.

11:24 PM

He then looked outside again for a brief moment in silence.

He placed his watch back into his pocket, got up, picked up a stained grey hoodie and placed it on top of his white cotton long sleeved shirt. He then proceeded to the door and stopped to put on his kickers. He opened the door as a rush of cold air hit his face; he then lifted his hood upwards and walked out the door.

The streets were tattered and could be even considered a "slum". As Nano walked on the sidewalk he could hear the cars passing by him, He didn't care what time it was anymore, he didn't even notice a couple of hookers were standing on corners. He just kept on walking looking up at the clear night sky. It seemed like he was walking for hours, all he could think of now was that he was going to be homeless and that all of his efforts that he learned were going to be thrown away, just like that, in a single night, his fate was sealed.

His stomach grumbled a bit as he was starting to grow hungry. He then spotted a small truck parked outside of a Mexican supermarket, a Taqueria. He reached in his back pocket to feel for his wallet and took it out while he walked up to the truck.

As Nano approached the truck he was greeted by a fat, bronzed skin man.

"how can I hel you, sir?" He said with an accent a Mexican would have.

"Dos tacos de carne asada con todo, porfa."

Nano replied with his native tongue to the man inside as he said nothing more but shuffled around inside the truck preparing his food. Mexican food was his favorite, it reminds him of his mother's cooking, but she was far away from where she lived, she lived in Mexico, and she is very old school and lives in a small, poor village. He only contacted her Mother through mail.

"$3.50 senor." Spoke the man

Nano paid with little money he had and received his food in a small plastic plate with a side of one lemon slice.

"Gracias senor"

As Nano ate beside the truck while looking through the menu, he noticed that they also served sandwiches there for pretty cheap.

"Oye, puede comprar una Torta también? En una bolsa por favor."


Nano finished eating his to tacos in the time the man finished his sandwich. Nano grabed the bag that contained the sandwich and proceded off.

Nano continued walking outside in the cold he noticed that there were no more cars going past him now. It was awfully quiet, all he could hear were the sounds of his footsteps on the cement. He walked until buildings were no longer beside him anymore, a few small homes were here and there, he could hear the trees brushing against eachother as more trees began to appear in his long and thoughtless walk. He didnt care anymore, nothing was valuble at in his appartment worth carrying and his landlord was going to repossess his belongings if he didnt come up with $500 dollers by the end of the month. It was hopeless for him. He had been too generous to other people and helped strangers by giving them food, money, and care. He disliked the fact that people were sick and poor. Or those who couldnt get any medical care, he hated the fact that people without money would be treated as garbage.

Only Nano thought that, however, no body else would ever think to do the same, and now he is going to become one of those types of people. Poor, alone, dirty, and useless.

"Treat others the way you want to be treated…what bullshit dad…" Nano whispered to himself.

After walking so far, he finally came back to reality, he realised that there was no more sidewalk, but road, no more homes, but trees left and right, there was just a long straight road ahead of him now. He looked back behind him and could not see anything but just road and darkness. Nano turned back facing forward. He was scared for a moment, he was in the middle of nowhere. Just forest and a long path that leads to who knows where.

Nano continued walking, this was the farthest hes ever walked before, and he didnt want to turn back now.

(Might as well just…keep going. Nothing back there for me.)

Nano walked on the side of the road, the moonlight was enough for him to see where he was going. He looked up in the cloudy night sky, and his eyes opened wide as he stopped in his tracks to view the billions of stars in the night, there was so many! He never saw this many stars in plain view! He had seen videos of it in school before, but that wasnt enough to compare to what he was seeing now. Nano spun around while looking straight up into the sky. He then stoped as he saw somthing flash right by his view.

"A shooting star…"

Nano had heard of stories saying that when a shooting star appeared, you can wish for somthing and it would come true. Nano could think of only one thing, a new start.

"I want to start over..." he said to himself as he looked back down towards the road, and continued to walk down.

The wind started to blow and it was almost soothing to him as the trees brushed against eachother, the pinetrees gave off a pleasent scent to him that made him feel good. That is until the moonlight began to dim down, and Nano was having a tough time to see the road. He glanced up in the sky and could barely see the moon being covered by the dark clouds. The wind raged as the clouds seemed to eat up the moon. Nano stopped in his tracks, it was now pitch black. He couldnt see anything. He slowly got down to the floor and started to crawl, feeling the pavement of the road with his hand and slowly proceded.

A few moments after his hand came across some dirt, he then turned around and crawled the other way, as he did he just ended up feeling dirt again.


He thought that this couldnt happen logically, the road was supposed to continue! He turned a different way and still he felt nothing but dirt. Nano had lost his way! Disorriented, he stood up lifting up his bag with his right hand and his left hand as well, he could still hear the trees rustling louder and louder. The wind blew franticaly around him.

"are you kidding me? A storm now-"

he was then cut off by a loss of balance as his left foot seemed to step on nothing but air, Nano frantically waved his hands as he tried to regain balance but to no avail, he soon felt his body falling, Nano could no longer hear the wind screaming through his ears for a brief moment, then silence. All he could hear was his heart beating at a rapid rate. The cold wind assaulted his face as he was falling what seemed to be a Cliff. Shocked, Nano held his mouth wide open in disbelief as he fell to the darkness below.

(I don't believe it…im going…to die!)

Nano then realising that the fall was lingering for far too long he had the impression that when he stopped falling…he will die. Nano felt blood rushing to his head, feeling nauseus. This was it…his life was going to end right here...lived for 19 years…all to an end, and soon Nano blacked out.