Chapter Song: What If This Storm Ends by Snow Patrol

Neither agent knew that in a few weeks Ian Doyle would attack. Emily Prentiss would be murdered. And Aaron Hotchner would poison his careful web of sacredly built bonds with Spencer Reid. The light would dim once again. They did not know what the future would hold when the truth finally broke free of its nest, when Emily Prentiss floated undead through the frosted doors of the BAU.

Spencer Reid would retreat politely from the fanfare and he would go into the bathroom. He would look at his face, a pale egg under the glaring lights and stark amidst the gloom-stricken exterior to his reflection, illuminating the dark circles under his eyes.

Two twin plum ponds.

His hazel eyes would be dull and his mouth almost indiscernible from the blood that dripped over his chin for he bit his lip so severely it split like an old wound. The old wound of three months spent in cruel happiness with his lover and offspring while secrets rankled at the very surface of Hotch's calm deception.

They had met their fatal agent in each other.

It would be then that Spencer Reid would depart from the bathroom and run from the building, He would drive to his apartment and stagger to the bedroom, colliding with the iron railing of the stairwell and breaking the bone of his forearm, opening the skin like a tissue envelope. With no bother taken to remove his blood-soaked clothes, he would crawl to Hotch's side of the mattress and curl into one of the pillows still cloaked in the man's scent. He would dream of the man who used to lie there. Not the monster that had stripped him of his belief, coiled around his neck like the Satanic snake, and choked the life from him.

Out of suffering had emerged the strongest souls, Reid would recall, the most massive characters having been seared with the scars of their past. And despite the echoing cries around him as his lover exploded through the bedroom doorway to follow him, Reid would fall into a sleep so deep it was like death.

A quiet and painless death.

Okay please don't kill me! I had to do it..sorry, sorry, a thousand times sorry. BUT I will give you a few clues as to what the sequel will be like :) Let's kiss and make up?

1) Summary of Agent Fatal III: The Lightening Strike:

Agent David Rossi knows the deadliest games are affairs of the heart, and, after watching the collapse of his two friends, he decides it's time for an intervention. The team is on stand-down and the allure of the mountains of Vail, Colorado is calling their names. But what will happen when the team leave Hotch and Reid together alone in the middle of a snow blizzard?

2) This next story will not be case-centered like my others, it will be far more casual and hopefully more humorous (maybe Hotch will get a smile in there somewhere?)

3) This will be rated MMMMMMMMM haha, or the highest possible graphic rating.

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