Luke POV

Today was my judgement. I stood and listened, waiting for the worst. "Died a hero, but lived a traitor. What to choose, what to choose?" They had

bickered among eachother. This probably would have lasted alot longer, if Hades lord of the dead hadn't showed up. That wasn't the worst part (Believe it

or not) the worst part was, who he was with.

The Fates. A trio of old lady sisters, whispering what cruel punishments I probably deserved. Hades, with a stony expression nodded and turned towards

me with a sneer on his cold face. "You seem to get, certain attention boy. A meeting with...Well, you'll see." He snapped his fingers and I was gone.

Well not really, but you get the idea. The place I ended up was about the size of a gym, I guessed from the way my voice echoed.

Keyword, guessed. The entire room was pitch black with no windows. The only semi-illuminated place was dim lights that hung low in a circle near the

center of the room. And in that small sphere of light, a few chairs surrounded the outer edges. The entire thing made me think of a jazzy coffee shop. But

the cold feeling of the underworld still seemed to seep into my bones. "Welcome Luke. I assume you know why you are here correct?" A high pitched

female voice asked. I wasn't scared or anything (Im dead, duh.) but that voice quickly shook me out my thoughts.

"To be sentanced to the pits of Tartarus or something? To permanently silence me?" I said quietly into the darkness.

"Yes-No? Kinda? Umm..Maybe? Damn it! You people always mess up my dramatic effects." The voice huffed.

I rolled my eyes. Now I was being annoyed by a voice Tell me im not frickin crazy. "Look, your here to review your life and the life of others that you

effected. And the life you have most effected was a young boy named Percy Jackson.

Today, and untill we finish you will hear Percy's every thought in the form of a book. And you must read these books with.." She paused dramaticly, "Me,

and.." Paused again, "Them!" I glanced over to the circle of chairs. My eyes widened. "Percy..Annabeth? Thalia..Rachel..And Nick?"

I asked. "Aw come on! You havn't even met Rachel but you know her name. We have met like several times

and you still call me Nick. It's NICO." Nico sounded his name out. I was in too much shock to awnser. "Are we going to do this or not? I really don't like it

down here." Percy said, I glanced over at him. He had to be atleast 17 now. "Yep. But first let me introduce myself. My name is StarryLuv, but please call

me Star. You don't need to know more than that about me for now." A girl about thirteen or fourteen stepped into the circle.

But with strange people like this, you never could be sure. Her long dark brown blackish hair trailed down her back, Her black eyes flickered over to me.

"Come sit. We shall begin." Star waved me over. "Good. The sooner the better." Thalia agreed. Thalia looked no different. If anything she...Glowed? A

super thin, barely visable silver mist hovered over her. A small tiarra was tucked into her hair. There was only one explaination, A hunter of Artemis.

I walked over and sat in the only open seat, between Star and next to Percy. Star waved her hand, and five books shimmered into view on the floor.

I read the titles quickly, while Star picked one up "The lightning theif".

"We shall start here. And I will begin." Star opened the book. I admit, at this point I would much rather be in the fields of punishment, and by the looks of

it Percy too. But at the same time I was curious.

"I accidentally vaporize my pre-algerbra Teacher" Star began...

So if you havn't guessed, Luke's punishment was to read the Books with me, Percy, Annabeth, Rachel, Nico, and Thalia. My spelling sucks but on the plus

side most of the dialoge won't be mine. Only cannon couples also. Like sorry but no Thalia/Luke, Annabeth/Luke, Percy/Luke Or anything other than Percabeth, because that's really the only couple there. I will add others though. And then there couples ya know? Warning, Un-betaed and Bad!