Chapter 23



Sheez. What am I going to tell him? ARGH!

"It's not lost, isn't it?" He looked a bit upset.

"Edward, I don't know why it's in my room. I promise" I should lie, right?

"You didn't realize it's in your room?"

"I told you it's lost. Maybe someone put it back at my room"

I stared at his eyes...

What would I do if he won't believe me?

He sighed then he spoke. "Can I take it now?" Then he smiled.

Wow. Thank goodness for his mood change.


He sat at the dining chair then I started cooking.

"B as in Bella?" He shouted so I could hear him.


"Well….Thanks for the gift" He shouted again.

"Anytime" I shouted back.

Gosh. I hate lying in front of him…but what can I do? I had to lie. I can't tell him that I hid it because Tanya gave him the same gift.

But I know he didn't believe me. It's not Edward's nature to let things go. Maybe he is just tired today…

When I came back at the dining room, I already have the foods on my hand. I placed it at the table and started eating breakfast.

Then I noticed something. Edward is wearing my gift…not Tanya's. Weird. Though it made me happy.

I stayed quiet the whole time. I just don't know what to say.

"Bella, I'm going to Paris today" He said.

"Huh? What?"

"My assistant called. I need to be in the premiere tonight"

"When are you going back?"

"After a day or two"


Then we're back to silence. I wonder why speaking with him feels awkward. After eating, we both went to our rooms. I showered then dressed up.

School today. I can't go with him to the airport. Gosh! I wonder how much I'll miss him.

"Uhmm…" We are both looking at the floor. What the heck?

"I better go or I won't catch the flight" He muttered.

"Yeah, you should" I looked up and saw him staring at me.

"Take care" He said.

"You too"

Then he took me by surprise. He put his hand on my hips and pulled me to him. Then he buried his head on my neck. I could feel his breath on my neck.

Maybe my face is red right now, but I don't care. I like this. I want this.

Even though this is wrong.

"Edward…I'm going to be late at class" I said.

He chuckled then pulled away from the hug.

"Bye" I sighed. He touched my cheeks then smiled.

"Don't tell me you're going to miss me"

"Of course not! I hate you remember?" I joked and we both laughed.

"Yeah…I remember" He made me remember the first day we met. The day I still hate him.

"We should go" I told him again.

"Promise me something Bella" He said.


"Don't invite any guests here at my house. PLEASE. I don't want anyone else with you here…alone I mean"


He doesn't want anyone else with me? Why?

Since he had a new car, he made me use his car.

I bet this whole day would be boring.

Oh, and I forgot. Edward called me on my way to school. He told me that I have a freaking bodyguard.

WHY THE HECK DO I NEED A BODYGUARD? It's not like someone would like to kill me.

At school, everyone is looking at me like I'm an alien. Maybe that's because of my bodyguard. Good thing, my bodyguard had to stay outside the classroom.

"Where's Edward?" Jacob asked me.

"He had a premiere at Paris tonight" I told him.


"Wanna hang out tonight?" He asked.

"I don't know…."

"Come on' Let's watch a movie at your house"

"I can't Jake. I promised Edward I won't invite anyone at the house"

"He won't know"

"Jake, I have a bodyguard"

"He's no fun"

"He's just being my boyfriend" A fake one.

"If I'll be your boyfriend, I'll do the same" He smiled.


"Of course Edward doesn't want you to be with anyone else besides him right? I mean, he doesn't want to lose you"

"What are you talking about?"

"Everyone else knows that every guy in this school wants to be your boyfriend" Then Jacob laughed.


"How's Edward's birthday?"


"Yeah I saw the pics"

"You do?"

"Lip locks" He joked.

I blushed when he said those.

"It's not funny"

"Why are you so embarrassed? He's your boyfriend"

Yeah right.

"I'm not em-" But Jake cut me off.

"You are. You don't want to talk about it right?"

"Because there is nothing to talk about. That is my personal life"

"Sorry" Jake said.

Jake, Alice and Jasper filled up my boring time with their jokes. I had many new friends today…

But I really miss Edward.

After school hours, I drove back to my house. I know there is a black tinted SUV who is following me.

That's my freaking bodyguard. Hahhaha.

He'll go home when I'm officially at my house.

All I did the whole night is watch TV, eat dinner and do homeworks. Boring right? I guess this is my old life before Edward came into my life.

I don't know why but I texted him.

Bella: Hi

After a few seconds, he quickly replied.

Edward: Hey. You're at home?

Bella: Of course

Edward: I miss you

Bella: Huh?

Edward: Just kidding.

OUCH! I felt tears in my face.

Bella: Goodnight. I'll go sleep now.

I didn't wait for his reply. I quickly turned my phone off. I HATE HIM! How can he joke like that? Didn't he know I love him so much? Yeah. He didn't know that.


I miss Bella. And I don't know why.

I hate this feeling. I shouldn't be thinking of her.

But my mind is erasing Tanya away.

Is this wrong? I think so.

I love Tanya. I don't like Bella.

Am I? Do I really love Tanya?

Right now, all I can think of is BELLA!


When I woke up, I decided not to go to school. I felt sick.

After eating breakfast, I took a medicine.

I stayed at the living room, watching movies again. At lunch, I felt better.

Then someone rang the bell. I run to the door and opened it, thinking it might be Alice.

But I flinched when I saw Edward.

Without a word, he put his arms around my waist and kiss me.

He kissed me feverishly like he misses me.

I don't know why but I'm enjoying it.

It made me love him more.

I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

When we both pulled out, he rested his forehead on mine.

We are both breathing hard.

"Why did you kissed me?" I asked.

He didn't answered my question.

"I'm sorry" He whispered.

Sorry? After kissing me? Wow. Is this some kind of joke?

He went upstairs, leaving me alone.

I can't take this anymore. I have to tell him I love him…

But not right now! I don't know if I can even tell him the truth. Because I know, I'll be left alone. I'll be hurt…