Disclaimer- none

AN- Sorry it took so long. I took a few liberties with the timeline of Neal's past that haven't been expanded on in the show. Basically, Neal was a con and running with Keller before he met Kate. You guys are going to hate Juliet even more this chapter ^-^ R&R and enjoy!

"Remember the days Caffrey?" Keller sighed as set his gun down onto the bed. Since Juliet came back with a bullet nick to her leg, they'd been easing their prisoner off the sedatives. Enough to make him moderately conscious and feel pain. As it turns out, the Burke's were harder to persuade than he anticipated, so the con was stepping up his game at the cost of his former friend. "Remember the days when you and I ran the world? No one knew it of course, but we had more dirt on the politicians than anyone." The blue collar con gave a nostalgic smile. "You were not such a girl around my guns and had no problem sleeping with people to get into somewhere. Then there was the Lawrence, Kansas job."

Neal stirred, his fellow con's words evidently piercing his conscious. Keller grinned and began cleaning his gun.

"Simple, really. It was hardly anything fancy." The blue-collar shrugged. "You find a pretty receptionist to show you the place, jam up a lock in the gallery, and get back and start working. I would be working on security and weapons, and then we'd go. But you had to go and pick the wrong receptionist didn't you Caffrey? Madison Singer. A perky 23 year old with long blonde hair and a hint of an Irish accent who you had feelings for." Keller twirled his handgun and snapped the magazine into place with a crack.

"It's a shame she got caught in my line of fire. Her and her 4 year old kid, Nick." Matthew gazed at Caffrey with a glare similar to pity and disgust, then turned his chair and rolled to the door where Dr. Hunt quivered with anticipation. "I'm getting the bullet removed Neal." He glanced back, violence bleeding from his eyes.

"It seems the Burke's might get caught in my line of fire."

Juliet cocked her gun, gazing down at the blue eyed man without a flicker of pity in her eyes. This job was not supposed to go on this long. It was supposed to be relatively easy. All of the other families whose kids had been held ransom paid up instantaneously. Then again, Neal wasn't technically the Burke's son and the Serenity drive was more than just a bargaining chip. It held the fate of hers and Matt's careers on it. Peter Burke had seen it, but unless he looked in its contents, they couldn't use it as evidence. And the only two who could identify them are Mrs. Burke, and the lovely man in a state of semi-consciousness before her.

"Hi Neal." The blonde whispered, leaning down over his stirring form. Her pink lips were inches from his, causing her breath to tease his face. "My name's Juliet. Juliet Tyler. We're gonna have so much fun together." A soft giggle escaped her mouth as she reached down and popped out two of Neal's stiches. Caffrey's blue eyes flew open and a pained groan leaked from his mouth. "But before I get too ahead of myself, we need an audience don't we? How about Elizabeth?"

"L-lle-leavvee her 'lone." Neal choked out, a slur causing his words to run together. His glazed eyes focused at El's name, glaring exhausted and pained daggers at his tormentor. "You ssttay-y 'way f-fr-from her."

The blonde's eyebrows rose up in surprise at his statement. Not many could fight sedatives as powerful as Hunt's, especially after being in a coma and having them pumped into you for days. He had determination. Lots of it. That meant he'd be better to play with.

Another stich popped under her fingernails, causing a sharp gasp.

"I'll do what I like Caffrey." Tyler hissed venomously. "Ricardo! Get in here and help Neal to the car. We're going to get the wife. Bring a gun."

Juliet reached into her pocket, pulling out Neal's cell phone. Keller had messed with it and deactivated tracking so the FBI couldn't use the second easiest way to find him. The first easiest, his anklet, had been modified to suit their needs. That way, on the off chance The Burke's won and got their precious surrogate son back, they'd have to deal with that little alteration.

"Ready?" The southern blonde turned to the large man standing next to her. Neal was pinned to Ricardo's chest by a muscular arm wrapped around his upper chest and a handgun pressed to his temple. His blue eyes were darting around, glazed and confused. He was hopelessly lost due to his blurry vision and total disorientation.

"Make the call." He grunted, tightening his grip on the con and his gun. Juliet grinned, and then pressed the speed dial 3 button. Elizabeth.

X x X

"Oh my god. Neal?"

"Guess again Lizzie. Although, if you wanna see blue-eyes again, open your door."


"Try anything, and I'll put a bullet in him. His head this time."

"Ell? El dd-don'tt."

"Neal? Hun, is that you."

"Come outside Mrs. Burke."

"Okay. I'm opening the door."

X x X

Elizabeth shifted uneasily, her eyes darting fearfully from Juliet, to Neal, and then to her thug. She was exhausted and heartbroken. When the caller id had read Neal, for a moment she had hoped…. But instead she heard Juliet's voice. Then Neal's gasping, broken voice that matched the ones that had haunted her dreams since that night. That, and now Peter collapsing in the street after the gunshot. Last night had been rough after Juliet shot Peter. He'd shift from tense and angry to worried and over protective in a split second. Vaguely, she wondered if this was how Neal felt around the FBI agents. Half the time they were out to get him and the other half they were his friends. It was no wonder he had turned to the one constant he had had his entire conning career when Peter had accused him before he'd known the truth about the treasure-Mozzie. She had walked on thin ice the whole rest of the evening and night, being especially careful about her answers to everything. He'd wanted to know a lot about how Neal had gotten in, how Neal had taken the guards out, mainly stuff about the escape. The agent hardly spoke a word, and when he had it was about that night. It seemed as though he was trying to justify his original anger and unsurprised feelings that Neal didn't come home, when in reality, he had given everything up for him and his wife.

"How did Neal blow up the room with Serenity?"

"I was in the hallway, I never saw a thing."

"So he left you unprotected and alone in a hallway that guards could walk down at any moment?"

"I had his gun. He had taken out the guards. I was safe."


When El had woken up the next day, Peter was gone and a note was left on the pillow saying he was going to talk to Diana and Jones about the situation. Mozzie was working on the drive, so El was on her own. That scared her a little bit. Now, standing outside of her home with a gun to Neal's head held by Juliet's thug, she realized she had been right to be scared.

"What's it going to be, Princess?" Juliet asked smugly, kicking Caffrey's shin with her high heel. His glazed eyes rolled towards Elizabeth, not really comprehending the situation, but pleading with whoever was there to end his pain. Blood was soaking through the bandages on his chest where the bullet had gone in and sweat and tears trickled down his face. The sedative had him so far gone he didn't even know who was there. "Are you going to come with us and let Neal live a bit longer? Or are you going to make me shoot Caffrey, again, and have me drag you? Your choice."

"Okay." Mrs. Burke stated, a slight tremor rolling through her voice. "I'll come."

So? Whatta you guys think? I really like it. Well, the ending is a little jerky…

Anyways, Juliet is gonna hit all-time bitch high next chapter. Just warning you now.

Oh, and Peter, his Suits, and Mozzie are going to work together as a flawless (not really) team.

It's going to be good.

Review Please?