The minions ran out of the classroom ( still carrying Tsukune) with obvious joy that they found their lost master.

"Master! We found master!" They chanted happily in their jubilee.

"Awww. Isn't that nice? The little gnashers are overjoyed for your return and the era of blood and carnage you'll lead them through in building your empire!" Gnarl said adding in his humor.

"Look you got the wrong person, I'm not an evil overlord. I can't bring myself to kill anyone, and even if I try I'm not strong enough to defeat the weakest of monsters." Tsukune explained to Gnarl hoping to clear up the situation and not get into something that could potentially kill him. (which happens an awful lot to him actually)

"Nonsense! I know evil when I smell it. The blood of overlords flows through your veins. Evil is hereditary you know, and don't worry about fighting your minions will do that for you. Now why don't you practice using them. Extend your hand with the gauntlet to send your minions."

"Send them?" Tsukune asked unsure of what Gnarl meant.

"Yes when you send a minion he will run in front of you and most likely smash the most interesting thing or kill the nearest enemy, keep your hand extended and your other minions will follow him and help out bringing more chaos and destruction in their wake."

"Well what about my friends? I can't forget about them. I don't think they would be very happy with me if I became an evil overlord and started pillaging villages and towns."

"And killing heroes. Killing heroes is one of our main businesses. And don't be to sure about those girls. In fact-" Gnarl took a couple steps away from Tsukune giving space between the two.

"Three, Two, one"

"Why are you countin-"

"TSUKUNE!" Tsukune turned around only to be tackled off the chair by Kurumu.

"Tsukune! I never realized you were an overlord. Do you know I have a thing for bad boys?" She asked as she shoved his face between her breasts suffocating him. The minions at seeing this started giving loud whoops and hollars in amusment. Bang! A yellow basin fell on Kurumu's head knocking her out cold and dropping Tsukune who was gasping for breath but did enjoy the experience.

"Get off of him your suffocating him !" Yukari yelled at Kurumu before helping Tsukune up.

"Besides Tsukune likes my small breasts better. The evil look would look good on you Tsukune. You would also look good in black too. I can make you a black magical cloak, and other magic items for your brown things then you can go crush any opposing armies easier! Then when you come back and you're tired Me and Moka will take you into your bedroom for you to relax and together we'll make hot steamy-"

"Yukari!" Tsukune yelled at Yukari breaking her out of her fantasy.

"No Tsukune would be better with me." Mizore said popping out from a nearby trash can gaining a shocked reaction from Tsukune, Yukari, and Kurumu.

"If there's any body who plots an uprising or rebellion against Tsukune I'll freeze them." She said in the most calm and nonchalant voice clinging on to Tsukune. Moka then walked into the scene of this fight.

"Tsukune and his delicious evil blood belongs to me!" Moka yelled grabing Tsukune trying to claim him for herself and compete with the other girls. Unaware to them this wasn't exactly helping Tsukune with his case of trying to get out of being an overlord.

Tsukune looked past the girls (who were using him as a human tug-of-war game) to see the minions enjoying every minuet of the fighting in amusment, in fact a few in the horde were beating up each other no longer able to hold it in. He then looked to Gnarl who was giving him a smirk.

"It seems that your mistresses are estatic about you becoming an overlord. I don't think they mind do you?" Tsukune sighed. He guessed he could be an overlord or at least try it out for a little bit.

"Come master, you have to learn the basics of minion control. Excuse me, girls?" The girls stopped their fighting and turned to face Gnarl.

"As much as I love a good fight, and one for the overlord at that, he needs to learn proper overlording. Can you let go of him for a minuet?" The girls looked down to see a now dizzy Tsukune and releashed him.

"Thank you. Now to deal with the minions." Gnarl turned around to face the now fighting horde.

"Silence you miscreants and get in line! Show some respect for your master!" The minions instantly stopped fighting and got in a single-file line.

"Good now let's go outside." Gnarl began walking toward the exit with Tsukune following suite with his loyal followers (I.E His minions and the girls).

"Um excuse me?" The group stopped when they heard this voice and turned around. Standing there in a green army uniform was Ruby complete with saber and sergeants hat.

"R-ruby? Why are you dressed like that?" Asked Tsukune in shock. She paused for aminuet and came up with an answer.

"Well let's just say many, many, things have happened." The rest of the group just stood there in silence at this.

"Any way." She continued.

"The headmaster wanted me to become your assistaint to help in becoming an overlord."

"W-wait the headmaster knows about this?" Questioned a surprised Tsukune.

"Oh yes. I alerted the headmaster before we came here to get you. We're old drinking buddies." Said Gnarl

"Yes and he said he wanted me to help with my knowledge of black magic and-" Ruby continued before stopping a little bit and blushing.

"When we get to your tower we can go into your torture room and make sure all of the devices are working right and are fully operational." Tsukune's jaw dropped even though he should be used to it by this point.

"ooohh she's a keeper sire, and it appears you have yet another mistress. I can tell you'll be a fine overlord. Now, Let's go." Gnarl said leading Tsukune and his friends toward the doors.

They stepped outside the academy to come face to face with a group of Gremlins. The bunny like creatures were destroying and vandalizing school property smashing benches and eating walls and windows, sexually harassing girls by looking up their skirts, and worst of all eating all the snacks out of the vending machine (God have mercy).

To Tsukune and the girls this looked like another situation they would have to trouble them selfs with fixing. To Gnarl and the minions this looked like their source of enjoyment for the day as well as target practice.

"Ah it seems that these fluffly abominations have decided to attack this school. Perfect! This will be the best time to practice with your minions on killing things. As I was saying before to send your minions just hold your hand out. They'll go toward the most interesting thing to smash or kill."

'This should be interesting.' Tsukune thought. He wouldn't reget killing them because Inner Moka or one of the girls would probally do the same thing to the fluufy creatures. He didn't quite think of this as an evil act since he was technically helping people. He lifted his gauntleted hand and extended it out. The minions suddenly ran towards the Gremlins clubs raised shouting "FOR THE OVERLORD!"

The Gremlins looked over to see the horde of minions charge toward them. The minions swarmed around the first several gremlins and beat them over the head with their clubs. The frail bodies of the Gremlins weren't able to handle the punishment form the minions and fell dead after a few hits much like sheep. The minions then moved on killing Gremlin after Gremlin as they went. The Gremlins at seeing their comrades die started to run way in fear of these minions.

The minions ran after the Gremlins not letting their source of enjoyment get away. Once they were in close enough range they jumped on the Gremlin's backs and hit them over the head with their clubs killing them too. Some minions even took hold of the Gremlin's bat-like ears when they were on their backs using them like reins and riding them around like tiny horses.

"Yeaaaaaaah. Bunny go fast!" Shouted the minions riding the Gremlins.

"The fact that they look like bunnies makes them even more fun to kill." Gnarl remarked. He then looked over and saw the girls were about to join into the fight and help out Tsukune. He went over to stop them.

"Can you girls not help the overlord whith this fight?" He asked. The girls stopped and wondered if it was okay to let Tsukune do a fight by himself. They would have liked to help to make sure he's safe and also they too wanted to kill some Gremlins. Gnarl noticed this and reassured them.

"Don't worry. I only want the overlord to fight by himself so he learns about using his minions. Once he's done this you can help him in any fight and help his minions spread the blood, destruction, and carnage." Gnarl may have imagined it but he could have sworn he saw the girls smile a litte after he said that.

Tsukune was enjoying himself. He was actually able to fight a monster on his own. Granted it was small bunny like one and he was using creatures to fight but he was controlling them that had to count for something. As his minions were killing off the Gremlins he noticed one of them siting on a high fallen pillar replicating several from it's self making new one.

"Master that's the leader. He's making more Gremlins, kill him and stop this incessant spawn. Use a minion sweep to get your minions up to him. Move your hand around to make your minions move in a group to command them through more intricate pathways. Once they get near an enemy they'll do exactly what you would expect them to do. Kill it." Gnarl said to Tsukune.

"Right!" He stuck his hand out and started moving it around the minions stopped what they were doing and followed in the same directions he was moving it. Using the minions sweep he led the minions in a big clump up the pillar up to where the Gremiln was. When they got to the top several minions swung their clubs at his head smacking it with a sickening crack.

The real Gremlin fell over dead and his clones disapperated . The minions went into a cheer for their victory shouting at the sky. Tsukune then noticed that were the gremlin had died there was a brown glowing ball where he used to be. One of the minions took it in his hands and carried it to Tsukune.

"For you!" He said giving Tsukune the ball.

"What is it?" He asked examining the glowing sphere. It then suddenly dissappeared in his hand.

"W-what happened!" He yelled in shock.

"That was life-force master. It's the energy that lives inside all living creatures. You'll need to harvest more in order to summon more minions, but I'll explain that at the tower. Come sire, and well done n dealing with that Gremlin. I told you, you have the blood of overlords in you." With that Gnarl walked off towards the woods as the minions picked up Tsukune and carried him off towards his dark tower with the girls following him...again. None of them noticed a certain purple haired spider girl watching them from afar.

"Kuyou would want to hear about this." She said before running off.

AN: Greetings again. The killing of fluffy creatures has commenced with more on the way. As said by the summary this will also be a Tsukune X Harem fic with them as his mistresses and what not in case that case that wasn't apperant. The next chapter will have the wait for it...the Dark Tower. As said last time enjoy the ride my comrades in evil. There will be more killing of fluffy creatures and heroic heroes (yuck) and evil wannabe's. -Conqueror C