It all matched up. The events of the last two weeks, where Joey's Red Eyes had been stolen out of his card, along with Kaiba's Blue Eyes, right up until around midday today when apparently the newcomer's life had gone to hell.

Dead on midday, just moments after Pegasus had arrived, a bunch of dragonic monsters that Yami had never heard of in his life, or second life, or whatever it was called, had attacked the tournament and destroyed all of the surrounding buildings. The buildings had collapsed on the people at the tournament, killing almost everyone there.

The time travelling Yugi hadn't had any idea how he'd managed to survive an attack that had killed over two hundred people but Yami had a good idea of what had happened to cause it. The Puzzle's magic was powerful and when the need was great he could use it to do things like create shields and blast away attackers. The Yami that lived inside the Puzzle belonging to the time traveller had probably used that power to save his hikari's life.

Then a horrible thought hit Yami and he couldn't help but ask, "Did your Grandfather go to the tournament with you too?"

The new Yugi didn't say anything for a moment, then he nodded his head miserably. "We got separated in the crowds and when the buildings collapsed he was..."

Solomon reacted in a heartbeat as Yugi's voice wavered and cracked, hugging his Grandson who clung to the old man and burst into tears as the events of the day finally caught up with him.

It was at that moment any dislike Yami still harboured for the teen vanished completely. It had been difficult enough to stay wary of Yugi, even if it wasn't his Yugi and seeing him as upset as this tapped into his instinctual need to protect his light from harm. Instead that anger shifted onto Paradox, the man who had killed his Grandfather and left a version of Yugi homeless and lost in time.

It didn't help that he could sense his own Yugi's distress at the other's words. Just the thought of his grandfather being killed was enough to have sent Yugi reeling, especially when he considered how close it had come to happening here. Just a few minutes longer and there would have been more than one crying Yugi out there.

Solomon waited until his Grandson had cried himself out, falling asleep in his arms as exhaustion met up with grief, and then gently laid the teen down and gestured for Joey and Yami to follow him out.

"He's staying." Solomon said before the other two could get a word in edgeways. "I won't throw my Grandson out on his ear, no matter which time or dimension he's from."

Yami nodded his understanding. If anything he was grateful to the old gamer, who seemed to have grasped the situation before he had. Yami still had questions for the young man curled up on the sofa, but it wouldn't have been fair to the teen to wake him up and ask, nor did he think the other Yami would appreciate it. If his Yugi had gone through what the other had, he wouldn't have appreciated his light being woken up either.

"I can take the couch." Joey shrugged, seemingly unconcerned by this turn of events. "Wouldn't be the first time after all."

"You could always get the camp bed out of the store room." Solomon pointed out for the fifth or sixth time, "It's still down there."

"There's nowhere for it to go." Joey pointed out. Yami, who was fully aware of the fact Yugi would and had dragged it upstairs for Joey before, scowled at Joey, who noted the look he was getting from the spirit of the Puzzle and backed up slightly. "But I'm sure I can find space somewhere, even if I have to set it up in the kitchen."

With that Joey darted down the stairs to get it.

"You know you shouldn't scare Yugi's friends like that." Solomon chuckled.

"Joey knows I don't mean it." Yami waved off the comment, then paused and looked at Solomon, the man's words sinking in properly, "But..."

"Don't." Solomon advised, holding up a hand. "I'm fully aware of you and your frequent possession of my Grandson. I'm also aware of what you used to get up to and how much my Grandson and I both owe you. Don't lie to me."

"I apologise." Yami bowed, a little stunned by this sudden revelation but not as stunned as his lighter half, "But I don't believe you owe me anything. It's I that owe you and Yugi."

Solomon considered the spirit of the Puzzle carefully, as if trying to decide whether he thought he was being honest or not, then nodded slightly, "Maybe we should agree to disagree on that matter. I'm warning you now though, harm that boy," Solomon gestured towards the living room, "And there will be hell to pay."

"It may not be my Yugi in there, but it's still a Yugi and I swore, the moment I first awoke, that I would protect your Grandson. I will not harm the pair in the living room as long as the other Yami doesn't try to attack us, I promise."

Solomon nodded, unable to help feeling relieved. Then he paused and facepalmed. "Oh dear."

"What?" Yami asked, on the alert and worried the moment those words escaped his Grandfather's lips.

"There's two of you."

"And that's a bad thing?" Yami asked, amused.

"Yes and no. No, because I have no problems with raising two Yugis. Yes because, no offence, but you attract trouble more effectively than Joey can clear a plate."

Yami wanted to deny it but found, much to his disgust, that he couldn't.

Both of them winced as they heard the thudding of Joey bringing the camp bed up the stairs and Yugi slipped into control, He gave his Grandfather a sheepish grin, knowing that he'd want a word later, and darted out of the room. He paused momentarily as he passed the sofa.

The time traveller was gone, the thudding had stopped too. Turning towards the door he could hear Yami's voice scolding Joey and it threw him again, just as it had when Joey had first dragged the time traveller into the shop. He felt his Yami's mind brush against his own, reassuring him and relaxed slightly. Yami knew best. The Pharaoh hadn't steered him wrong since they'd actually started speaking mind to mind and had saved his life many times.

"Sorry." Joey was saying as the pair entered the room, the second Yami helping him with the heavy metal frame, "I didn't think."

The look the time traveller's guardian gave Joey made Yugi chuckle. He'd felt the thought behind that look and it went something along the lines of 'and you do normally?' A little harsh maybe, but their friend did tend to have his incredibly stupid moments.

Both Joey and not-his-Yami turned to look at him, his friend giving him a slightly put out look, while the spirit of the other Puzzle just nodded at him.

"Are you alright?" Yugi asked the spirit of the other Puzzle, able to see the way he was holding himself. He'd been linked to his Yami long enough to be able to tell when his other self was hurt and trying to hide it. Obviously the other Yugi hadn't escaped with as few injuries as he'd made out. Yugi didn't think they were serious, the second Yami wouldn't have allowed his Yugi to risk angering his Yami without getting himself seen to first otherwise, but he was still worried.

The second Yami just shrugged, "I'm fine."

Yugi had a flash of what it must be like for his friends when he obviously wasn't fine but claimed that he was but he didn't push it. With his Yami he might have done, offered to share any pain he was in, but this wasn't his guardian, not really. He couldn't help but wonder what the other Yami was thinking, unused to not being able to read his dark's mind.

Suddenly it wasn't the other Yami he was looking at but his doppelganger, who gave him a slightly hollow smile, trying to be reassuring and not succeeding very well. As the time traveller turned to Joey and tried to convince him that it would be fine for him to have the camp bed and Joey could have the guest room, Yugi couldn't help but wonder if his friends could read him as easily as he could read the other him.

As the sounds of the familiar argument washed over him, he started dragging the camp bed to one side of the room and, by the time Joey had convinced the newcomer to take the guest room, via threats of noogies and bullied the time traveller into taking a nap, Yugi had almost finished setting it up and gone looking for some bedding.

"You do realise," Joey commented, budging Yugi out of the way and grabbing some sheets and things for himself, "This has got to be the weirdest thing that's ever happened to us. And that's saying something."

"I know." Yugi agreed as he grabbed a couple of pillows, wondering if he'd ever get used to there being two of him running around. If he hadn't seen it for himself, he wasn't sure he'd believe it.

Joey gained a slightly evil look and poked his friend. Yugi frowned at him, hoping that he wasn't planning on pranking the newcomer. Yami always went on high alert when something had happened to him and he could imagine that being pulled caught in the attack, pulled back in time, nearly killed during a duel and then left in a timeline that wasn't his own would be enough to cause the other Yami to react rather severely to anything that pushed his hikari any further.

"What?" Yugi asked warily, hoping that Joey knew better than to aggravate the other Yugi.

"So, who wants to tell Kaiba there's two Yugis running around?"