It's been a while but I've been a busy girl the last couple of months. One of the movie channels is playing the first, second, and fourth movies over and over all day today, though, so I couldn't resist. Totally separate story from Forget Berlin. This one is starting out a couple of days after Hobbes & Fuentes talk about Letty being in Berlin.

Rosa smiled sadly while she watched Nico snore softly in her bed before pulling the door shut quietly and continuing on into the kitchen to finish cleaning up from their dinner. After Vince's funeral she and Nico had moved into an upscale apartment building in Rio with plenty of security and neighbours who were only interested in their own lives. She had invested most of Vince's cut from the heist to ensure that she and Nico wouldn't have to worry about money for the rest of either of their lives. The financial security wasn't worth it, though, she thought bitterly to herself. The luxurious apartment and nice things that they both had were an awful trade for the constant loneliness she felt. Every second of the day she waged an internal battle with herself – was it better that Nico would never remember the man that she missed constantly or was it wholly unfair that he never got the chance to remember his father. Though she couldn't bring herself to admit it, most days she was relieved that she didn't have to explain to him why he didn't get to see his daddy anymore.

When she heard the soft knock at the door Rosa jumped, pulled from her thoughts. Security hadn't announced any visitors so she assumed that one of her neighbours was on the other side. What she never expected was the tiny, scowling brunette standing in the hallway, dwarfed by a bulging backpack and too-baggy jeans.

"Oh meu Deus" Rosa whispered, her eyes wide.

"I, um, I know you don't know me -" Letty started, biting her lip and struggling to remember why she had thought this was a good idea. Her voice faltered as her eyes settled on the wall behind Rosa. Beside the altar dedicated to Vince was a smaller one, at the centre of which was the same photo of her and Dom that Letty knew had been displayed at her own funeral.

Rosa's eyes followed Letty's and she smiled softly. "Vince set it up in our old apartment," she explained, stepping back to let Letty into the entry. "It wouldn't have been right not to bring it with us when we moved."

"I'm so sorry to have shown up without any warning. I didn't know where else to go," Letty said softly, even more uncomfortable than she had been moments before.

"Any friend of Vince's is welcome. Even dead friends."

"Oh, uh, yeah. That's kinda why I'm here. Rosa I need to stay dead."

"Dominic will be here in a few days with Brian & Mia. I can't lie to him, not after everything he has done for us," Rosa said apologetically, leading Letty into the spacious kitchen and handing her a Corona.

Letty nodded and looked around nervously before she spoke. "You don't need to lie for me - I promise he won't have a reason to ask any questions. I'll be gone long before he gets here. I just need to lie low for a night, make some changes, and I'll be gone."

Rosa cringed inwardly at the pleading look in Letty's eyes. She knew from everything that Vince had ever told her about Letty that there was no way Letty would ask for help from anyone unless her life depended on it, let alone a total stranger. Rosa didn't say anything else, instead gesturing for Letty to follow her into a large guest bedroom. She watched Letty drop her black backpack on the floor and begin to dig through it before she left without a word, closing the door behind her.

It was almost an hour later before Rosa returned, knocking quietly before letting herself into the room when she heard Letty call out.

"Letty?" she said quietly, "I made you something to eat."

"Thanks, Rosa. For everything." Letty replied, walking out of the bathroom and smiling gratefully as she accepted the plate. Rosa smiled at Letty's childlike posture, cross-legged on the floor, her body curled around the food she was quickly devouring like she hadn't eaten in days.

"You weren't kidding about changes," Rosa whispered incredulously.

Letty was wearing the same baggy jeans and black wife beater she had arrived in but everything else about her was different. Her long black hair was a warm caramel colour, cut into a chin length bob. Her dark eyes were pale green and there was a shiny metal ring in the middle of her bottom lip. The most amazing part was the makeup – Letty had gone from clean-faced and paler than any picture of her Rosa had seen to a deep tan, comparable with Rosa's own dark skin and her nose and cheeks were covered by a smattering of freckles.

"Not bad, hey?" Letty said with a grin, her plate already clean.

"I wouldn't recognize you," Rosa agreed. "You dress like a boy, though. There are clothes in the closet - we're close to the same size. Get some sleep, Letty. Take what you need."

The next morning Rosa woke early, unsurprised when she found the room Letty stayed in looking as though it had never been touched. She checked the closet, smiling softly at the handful of empty spaces before returning to her room and crawling back into her bed where Nico was sleeping soundly. Nico snuggled closer to her, waking only enough to lay his head on her chest and wrap his chubby fingers around a lock of her hair. Rosa stayed awake, however, staring at the ceiling and replaying the surreal events of the previous night over in her head. She had never known Letty so it was easy enough to stay calm when the supposedly dead woman had shown up on her doorstep. But with the rest of letty's family showing up in the next few days she wondered what sort of secret she had really been asked to keep