So we find our favorite blonde running through the forest heading home from a mission when he stopped in a clearing near a river because it was getting dark he decided to make camp, he had sent a clone to gather firewood while he unsealed his tent. When he was done the clone had come back with tons of firewood, he made a fire when he felt a familiar chakra but then it disappeared and all he thought was that his mind was playing tricks on him. Later that night as he was sleeping he felt something touching his cheek he woke up and grabbed whatever was touching his cheek he noticed that it was a hand so he turned around and saw someone he was not expecting

"I…Itachi-kun what are you doing here" I asked

"What can't I come see my favorite person, now come here" said Itachi

So I went over to him he flicked me in the head

"OW, what was that for" I asked rubbing my head

He shrugged but I didn't care anymore about my head and went over and hugged him I could feel him tense

"I've missed you" I said starting to cry remembering the night he left

"Please don't cry" said Itachi as he rubbed my back

"I…I want y…you to co…come back to the VI…village" said Naruto

While he cried

"Naruto if you can convince Tsunade that I'm innocent then I'll come back" said Itachi

"Re…really?" I asked

"Yes. Here even take this" said Itachi giving me a diamond ring in the shape of the heart and he put it on my ring finger I gasped

"Itachi you're not asking me what I think you're asking" I asked he just nodded

"Where will I find you?" I asked

"You know exactly where to find me" he said as he kissed me on the head and laid me back down he was about to get up when I grabbed his hand he looked at me

"Please don't leave I know you won't be here in the morning but please stay with me a little longer" I said he looked at me and nodded with a small smile and sat back down; I closed my eyes and a few minutes after I fell back asleep.

(Next day) In the morning I woke up and as I expected Itachi was gone. Soon I got up and made breakfast while a clone took down the tent after I ate I packed up all my supplies and headed towards home where he would finally tell everyone his secret and to say he was nervous was an understatement he was scared as hell of what everyone would think especially Sasuke but he would worry about it later for now Itachi was his main priority. Four hours later he saw the gates of Konoha, as he went through the gates he was greeted by the guards and headed for the tower. As I was about to enter the tower someone called out to me

"Naruto finally you returned"

"Sasuke I thought you were on leave" I asked

"Yea but I'm better now and I'm here to talk to Tsunade about putting me back on the active list" said Sasuke

and then we headed in we talked Shizune and she told us to go right in, we went up the stairs and then went to the large oak door and knocked on it we heard a muffled enter so we went in Tsunade didn't even look up when she spoke

"You a day late gaki. Did something happen" she asked

"No" I said

"Then why are you a day late" she asked

"I ran into someone on the way here" I said kind of lying

"Who was it" she asked finally looking up at me

Now I was feeling scared again I can't possibly say who with Sasuke in the room

"Naruto who was it" Tsunade asked firmly

"Uchiha Itachi" I said I could hear Sasuke take a deep breath Tsunade narrowed her eyes at me

"What did he want" she asked

"To talk" I said

"About what"

"I need to ask something of you."

The abrupt change of subject startled Tsunade. Sasuke stayed rooted to the spot on the floor, fists clenching and unclenching in barely restrained anger.

"It has to do with Itachi." Naruto responded to the silent questions.

Curious and worried, Tsunade nodded her head, letting him continue.

Knowing that this moment was important and becoming defensive, Naruto straightened his spine, clasped his hands behind his back, and stubbornly tilted his chin as he gazed humbly at Tsunade.

"I am aware that this question will cause discomfort but for many people's sake, I must ask it."

Assuming the role of Godaime Hokage, Tsunade sat up straight, understanding the seriousness of the moment. "Go on."

"I formally request that Uchiha Itachi be removed from the status of missing-nin and be reintegrated into the ranks of Konoha."

No one spoke and Naruto stood under the penetrating gazes, cerulean eyes never wavering.


Naruto sighed, realizing that in order for them to understand he would have to bear his soul to them, regardless of the consequences or the possible hatred and disgust.

Naruto swallowed past the lump in his throat. "Itachi ran away from Akatsuki two months after discovering their plans to destroy Konoha to get to me. Akatsuki believes he is on a reconnaissance mission for them and he was told to report in a week from now. He has highly classified information on the details of their campaign and is willing to give them to us in exchange of a safe refuge."

Tsunade shook her head. "You misunderstand Naruto. Why should we trust him? Why should we risk thousands of lives to let him come back?"

"He is willing to fight and protect his home. He doesn't want to see it destroyed by Akatsuki."

"Home?" Silent up 'till now, Sasuke suddenly spoke up, eyes flashing to red in anger. Anger towards his brother that betrayed him and hatred to Naruto – the one person he considered a friend – for supporting and standing up for Itachi in the presence of the Hokage. In fury, Sasuke grabbed the front of Naruto's shirt and pulled him closer until they were nearly nose-to-nose. "Home?" he spat out, discovering that he wanted to rip away Naruto's control and was pleased to find Naruto's calm gaze faltering. "This place stopped being home to him when he killed my family."

Naruto closed his eyes, "You're wrong."

"Wrong?" Sasuke spat out, he pushed Naruto was, scowling as he saw his friend stumble back a few feet. "I believe it is you that is wrong, traitor." He stomped away, never looking back.

Naruto remained standing, but he closed his eyes against the pain. Every footstep that Sasuke took away from him was like a dagger to his heart. He found that the loneliest sound in the world was that of the large oaken door slamming shut.

Tsunade saw Naruto struggle with the pain, painfully pushing it away. When the blond teen opened his eyes once more they were blank, guarded heavily against the world.

Tsunade got up and went around her desk to Naruto, reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder.

Naruto couldn't help flinching at the gesture. He closed his eye then opened them, staring steadily at Tsunade.

"What did you mean, Naruto?" Tsunade asked softly, resting both hands on Naruto's shoulders and gazing into his eyes.

Naruto stepped back, forcing Tsunade to release him. He then closed his eyes and delved into his painful memories. When he spoke, his voice was cold and guarded, "Behind the desk there is a hidden door that leads to a large library. I need you to go in there."

Tsunade was startled; she had believed that only the Hokages and the architect knew of that room. Still, she did as he asked, knowing that he would never have purposely put himself through the massive mental and emotional pain that this must have been causing him. She walked to her desk and placed her hand against a picture of the first Hokage of Konoha, her grandfather. She inserted her chakra forcefully into it and a door silently slid open revealing a large room. The room was filled with bookcase from floor to ceiling and a large, red chair sat in the middle.

"It hasn't changed," Naruto whispered, swallowing the lump that clung stubbornly in his throat.

Tsunade spared a glance at Naruto before stepping into the room; Naruto followed behind her and the door slid back into place. The room was lit with many soft-glowing lights and they were able to see clearly despite that lack of windows.

Naruto sighed, "The third bookcase on the left, top right-hand corner, there is a book called 'No Home is Without Secrets', push it."

"What are you talking about?"

Naruto sighed and walked to the bookcase himself. Finding the book he pressed it gently. Nothing happened.

"Naruto. How did you know that this room was here and that book was there?"

Naruto tilted his head, gazing sad eyes at Tsunade, "I've been here before, with Sarutobi-sama."

The sound of gears shifting filled the room and the chair swiveled, first in one direction, then the other, as if turning a safe combination. Finally, it shifted, moving to the left. It then raised and beneath it, a large pillar pushed up.

Naruto walked over to it and knocked once, twice, then twice again. A small panel opened in the pillar and revealed a large quantity of gold, scrolls, and other valuable items, including the deed to Konohagakure no Sato.

Naruto reached in and pulled out a scroll. Turning it over in his hands before handing it to Tsunade.

Tsunade took the scroll and sat in the chair as the pillar lowered and the chair moved back into its original position. Her eyes widened as she read over the scroll silently. The words on the paper, signed and sealed by the Sandaime Hokage, informed her of Itachi's innocence, of Orochimaru being the true murderer of the Uchiha clan, and of a small girl burdened by fate.

According to the scroll, Itachi had been on duty the evening of the Uchiha massacre and had heard a small cry for help. Investigating it he had discovered a young, 7-year-old Namikaze Naruko being sexually assaulted by four drunken jounins. He had saved her and had notified the Hokage. Then, sensing a large amount of chakra left Naruko in the Sandaime's care whilst he investigated. The young captain had discovered the Uchiha district in ruins, corpses and blood scattered everywhere. Itachi had ran to his house to discover his father fiercely protecting his dying mother's still form from Orochimaru only to be struck down. Heartbroken, Itachi had charged the perpetrator and discovered that the snake Sennin had only wanted his own Mange Sharingan that the teen had acquired upon killing his best friend for treason against the Hokage.

Orochimaru had escaped and Itachi was left to face his brother alone in their bloodied and soiled home. In desperation, the ANBU Captain had told his brother that it was he, not Orochimaru, which had murdered their family. Running, scared and distraught, he then informed the Sandaime what had occurred. The Sandaime wrote a report and handed Itachi a mission to both protect him and benefit the village: infiltrate Akatsuki. The young Namikaze girl, frightened and wary, had witnessed the exchange and she too, had been forced to change her appearance and personality to protect her. Together the three individuals had sealed the scroll that explained all of it, and were ordered to never speak of it unless under dire circumstances.

Tsunade read through the scroll once more, making sure she hadn't missed anything vital. Then, she had checked for authenticity. Satisfied she had rolled it back up and silently stared at the young man in front of her, noticing his guarded expression and tense stance. She thought that it must be dire circumstances indeed if Naruto revealed this to her. Still, the Godaime Hokage had her suspicions.

"Naruto," the soft command had the young jounin raising his head and looking at the blonde-haired woman sitting in the chair, one arm across her lap and the other propped atop the armrest, rubbing her chin absently.

"Hokage-sama," Naruto replied.

"How did you know of this?"

Naruto closed his eyes and opened them after a brief moment. "Because I am Namikaze Naruko," he stated softly and sincerely. His vivid blue eyes gazed sorrowfully at the Hokage. "I was the girl Itachi rescued that night."