An idea came to me. Kid Flash and bubble wrap… What can we do with this?

Robin walked into the mountain quickly. He had a rough night in Gotham with Joker escaping… again. He was battered and covered with bruises he was sure he had been injured before but he couldn't quite remember. He was badgered by KF to come to the mountain. That he had something amazing. But at the moment he didn't care. He wanted to sleep. But of course, the yellow blur came zipping in front of him.

"Rob!" he yelled excitedly. A wicked grin on his face, "Back from Gotham I see."

"Yeah. Look KF I just want…"

"To see this awesome thing! My mom sent me a care package and it has the most awesome thing inside!" he said like a small child getting a video game, or a Wally getting food.

"Food?" Robin asked.

"N- Well yes but something even better!" he said with a grin that would make the Cheshire cat jealous. Robin shrugged his sore shoulders.


Wally's jaw dropped and then went back to smiling, "World's second best detective can't figure it out? For shame Robin. Batman will be so disappointed."

Robin hit Wally lightly on the arm.

"Dude, I'm tired. What is it?"

Wally ran out of the room for a second and came back with something he could tell could only bring trouble.

"Bubble wrap!" Wally cried. It was an industrial sized sheet of bubble wrap that could cover anything in the base.

"Bubble wrap. You're crazy man," he said. Wally hit him on the arm. Right on one of his bruises. He hissed in pain.

"Dude you hurt?" Wally asked. Then a smirk came to his face.

"What? I was fighting Joker," Robin complained.

"Dude, I know just what to do to keep you from getting any more hurt," said Wally. Robin took a step back. But Wally was too fast (the one bad thing about speedsters) and had him covered in bubble wrap from head to toe. But somewhere along that line Wally had gotten himself caught in it too.

"Oh that didn't go as planned," Wally muttered as they fell to the ground with lack of balance.

"Ow! What was that for?" Robin yelled.

"What? Just seeing if gravity was still working," Wally joked shifting his weight trying to get up. The constant sound of popping bubbles filling the room. He looked at Robin's face and instead of ignorant idiotic happiness on his face, there was shock.

"Dude, your glasses…," Wally's face blushed slightly, "You have nice eyes."

Robin turned red and clenched his eyes shut. Batman was going to kill him. All because of bubble wrap.

Yeah. Weird Idea. If anyone can come up with a good YJ bubble wrap story I would LOVE to read it. Please review and write!