So, here it is! The epilogue! I've been wanting to write this for so long, and it's probably been my favorite chapter to write. It's set to Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran; and yes, I was inspired by the ballroom scene in The Vampire Diaries. Don't judge :P Once again, you guys are awesome, and thank you so much for keeping with me throughout this very long story. Anyways, enjoy the last chapter! :)

3 years later

The sky was that same serene, calming rose-pink colour that it had been on the evening that Taylor decided to allow more than 50 Sixers into Terra Nova. They had to go through an intense interview process to ensure that they would pose no threat to the safety of the colony, but in the end Terra Nova was a much larger colony. Among the Sixers allowed into Terra Nova were Rebecca, Ethan and Savannah, who now had a cabin near Skye's. Some Sixers had chosen to go back to the Sixer camp, where they felt at home, but not before Taylor made it clear that they were welcome back in Terra Nova if they decided to return.

Skye was standing at the foot of the stairs to the fort, marveling at how beautiful everything looked. She didn't think that a proper wedding could be held as Terra Nova was cut off from 2149, but Taylor managed to pull off what may have been the prettiest wedding she had ever seen. What struck Skye even more than the scenery was that she was now officially married.

Skye and Lucas had exchanged vows on the fort balcony about an hour ago, and they had been nonstop dancing ever since. She managed to catch a break when Lucas noticed that she was getting tired and offered to get her a drink. The whole wedding had been a hassle, seeing as it was the very first wedding in Terra Nova, but it had all been worth it. Everyone was still out on the dance floor, including Josh and his new girlfriend. Josh had blown off his steam about two years ago, and he and Skye were now good friends. Beside Josh were Maddy and Mark, who were now engaged to be married as soon as Maddy finished her schooling. Deborah and Taylor were also dancing, laughing good naturedly at each other's clumsiness.

Skye felt a smile spread over her face as she saw Rebecca negotiating with a very feisty nine-year-old Savannah, who was trying to convince her mother to let her have a sip of champagne. Ethan, who had been Lucas's best man, came up behind Savannah and lifted her into the air, making her squeal with delight and forget about the champagne. Seeing them made Skye excited for the future she had ahead of her with Lucas.

"How about a dance, kiddo?"

Skye turned her attention to the source of the voice and found Taylor standing in front of her, looking completely out of character but rather spiffy in a black tuxedo. She nodded with a smile, letting him lead her back out onto the dance floor. She saw Lucas set their drinks down out of the corner of her eye, and she saw him turn to his father and pretend to slit his throat threateningly before heading over to Deborah for a dance. Taylor winked back before turning to Skye, giving her a teasing smile. "Something tells me your husband isn't too happy that I stole you away."

Skye was taken aback by Taylor's use of the word 'husband', but she figured that she should probably get used to it. "Well, he's going to have to learn to share."

Taylor laughed, spinning Skye around at the next beat. "I sure am glad that you're going to be around to keep him in line."

Skye watched Taylor's carefully timed steps and marveled at how far he had come since she first told him that he was going to have to dance at her wedding. "Huh. He dances. And I didn't even have to beg."

"Well, Deborah did drag me out here," said Taylor teasingly, rolling his eyes for emphasis. "Couldn't exactly say no."

Meanwhile, Lucas was waltzing expertly with Deborah, who was already a skilled dancer. Deborah looked up into her son-in-law's honest green eyes, a small smile on her face. "You know, I never stopped to think for one moment that you and Skye would end up together."

Lucas let out a chuckle, shaking his head slightly as he spun Deborah with perfect timing. "Neither did I."

"But I'm not surprised," Deborah continued. Lucas raised an eyebrow, confused over her contradicting statements. She looked up at him, a smile spreading over her face. "Well, seeing as she once said she would leave us all for you."

Lucas shook his head good-naturedly. "Come on, Deb, we both know she was only saying that so my father would let me stay in Terra Nova."

"Still," Lucas looked down into Deborah's eyes to see the trust she was holding on him in her eyes. "You take care of her, alright?"

Lucas nodded, squeezing Deborah's shoulder gently. "Always."

Skye let out a giggle as Taylor nearly tripped over his own shoes, and she quickly covered for him by switching the direction she was stepping in. Taylor groaned, turning to look at how swift Lucas was while dancing. "That is definitely not my gene."

"I'd say that and his eyes are the only differences between the two of you," said Skye, narrowing her eyes slightly in thought. Taylor shook his head, knowing how true Skye's statement was. He looked up again, his gaze questioning.

"Have you told him yet?" asked Taylor, gesturing suggestively towards Lucas. Skye smiled mysteriously, turning to look at Lucas. He looked up at the same time, meeting her eyes and suddenly feeling unable to look away.

As the music approached the switch in the middle of the dance, Lucas cut across the dance floor and slipped into Skye's arms, winking down at her. She gaped for a few moments before letting Lucas slip a hand around her waist, gripping onto his other hand tightly. "Cheater."

Lucas looked down for a distraction and caught sight of the gorgeous, flowing white dress that Skye was wearing. "You look stunning in that dress, Bucket."

Skye rolled her eyes as Lucas spun her, remembering the argument they had had over her wedding dress. In the end, he ended up picking one for her, but she had to admit that it was a beautiful dress. "Well, I didn't have much of a choice."

Skye concentrated on the footwork of the waltz, determined not to mess up. It had taken Lucas a good three weeks to teach her how to dance, because like Taylor, her feet just weren't made for dancing. Noting her concentration, Lucas ducked down to smirk at her. "You know, you're quite the dancer."

Skye's head snapped up and she glared at Lucas, suspicious that he was making fun of her. "Oh, shut up."

Laughing softly, Lucas leaned down and pressed his lips gently against Skye's. She was taken aback by how his touch still sent her head spinning, even three years after the first time he kissed her. Irritated by the chasteness of his kiss, Skye jumped up onto the balls of her feet and wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Just as the kiss began to get heated, Lucas pulled away, his lips still brushing against Skye's. "Bucket…"

Skye sighed with pleasure and tried to lean in again, but Lucas pulled away and spun her again, laughing as she pouted. She furrowed her eyebrows slightly as she remembered that she had news to tell Lucas. She found herself worrying for what felt like the hundredth time that day about how he would react to the news. Deciding that there was only one way to find out, Skye took a deep breath and looked up at Lucas. "So… I have some news."

Lucas raised an eyebrow questioningly, stroking Skye's back absentmindedly as they danced. Skye pressed her lips together, looking down at the skirt of her dress. He reached out and tilted her chin upwards, his expression now concerned. "What is it?"

"D'you remember back in the Sixer camp, you said you liked kids?" Skye bit back a smile as Lucas's expression became even more confused. She took a deep breath, knowing that she couldn't breathe her way out of telling him. "Lucas… I'm pregnant. I found out this morning."

Lucas froze mid-step, his expression blank. Skye tightening her grip on his hand, her eyes wide with concern. Lucas renewed his stroking of her back, but his expression remained unreadable. Skye moved closer to him, lowering her voice. "She's a little girl. Dr. Shannon checked as soon as we found out."

Lucas's eyes were now as wide as Skye's, and she could have sworn that his heart had stopped beating. Skye placed her hands on his shoulders, shaking him gently to try and revive him. "Lucas? You okay?"

When he didn't respond, Skye felt her heart sink all the way to the bottom of her stomach. "I thought… I thought you wanted to have children – "

Before Skye could finish, Lucas crushed his lips against hers, wrapping his arms around her waist to bring her right up to his body. She would her fingers in his hair as his tongue moved irresistibly against hers, her heart rising back up to its original place. She shivered with desire as Lucas's hands moved up her spine to cup around her face, and pouted again when he pulled away. His forehead was still resting against Skye's as he opened his mouth to speak, his eyes piercing into hers. "I love you. And her."

Skye felt tears fill her eyes as Lucas's hand moved down to rest against her stomach, and she squeezed her eyes shut before she ruined the makeup Maddie had put on her that morning. Taylor and Deborah approached the two with wide smiles, turning their attention from each other. Taylor reached out and pulled Lucas into a hug, exhaling with relief as he returned it without hesitation. As they broke away, Lucas reached out to wrap an arm around Skye's waist, bringing her into his body. She looked around at her surroundings, feeling completely carefree. After a lifetime of hardship, she had finally found her place in the world. This home, this family, these friends… and this man. This was without a doubt where she belonged, and was going to stay.

Gaah, I can't believe this story's done :'( Writing this story has been the most amazing experience, and you guys have been the most amazing readers. A special thank you to everyone who has reviewed, because you guys keep me going :) I will most definitely be writing more Lucket after a short break, most likely shorter stories but Lucket nonetheless. So till next time :)