My life was lived surrounded by shadows; I watched the light with an envious stare, longing to let the light envelop me. I longed to walk the Earth by myself for the first time. I longed to LEAVE this place.

Will I ever truly leave this place? Will anyone ever really accept me? Will anyone ever love me?

Will I ever… Be free?



Shigure sighed as the sounds of a fight echoed from the floor above interrupting his "creative" process.

'Whatever could those two be fighting about now?' he thought, going back to his current novel "Midnight Kiss".

In the background, Shigure faintly heard the ringing of the telephone and the padding of socked feet walking down the hall past his study. A few muffled words were exchanged, and padding back to his study, Tohru stuck her head inside.

"Hatori-san is on the phone for you Shigure-chan." She said smiling brightly.

"Why thank you Tohru! Without you, our precious little flower, in our lives, what would us uncivilized men do?" Shigure said dramatically as he glided past Tohru out into the hall.

"Oh NO! I'm sure you would be fine! I am not that important or special," Tohru denied profusely.

"It's true Miss Honda," Yuki said suddenly from behind her.

"AAH!" Tohru cried out startled "Oh Yuki, I didn't see you there."

"I apologize Miss Honda, I did not mean to frighten you."

"Oh it's fine Yuki!"

Meanwhile down the hall Shigure's cheerful moon had faded, as the two teens continued chatting oblivious.

` "Hari! How good of you to call me!" Shigure cried into the receiver cheerfully.

"She has been found Shigure."

Shigure's smile dropped immediately as he hoarsely whispered "What? Where? Is… she safe?"

"Chisana is alive and healthy, don't worry about that."

"But where is she?"


"WHERE!" Shigure demanded darkly.

Hatori sighed deeply, having known it was useless to try to keep anything from the dog on the topic of Chisana. "She is in Tokyo… She," He paused wincing inwardly, already picturing the reaction his next words would bring. "Is living in a yakuza syndicate…"

All Hatori could hear was silence, then "Get me on the first flight to Tokyo."