Okay this is the last chapter of 'Always Loved you,' yes with this it is finished! Adios!

This would be a long chapter, I blush at my own lemon, sometimes I m embarrassed at how bad I am….Sorry!

But thanks' for your support guys! On with the Finale chapter!

[Next Morning]

After some curses and fighting with Sasuke for being too rough Naruto ate his breakfast in peace, which was made by Sasuke.

Naruto frowned when he saw Sasuke dressed ready to leave,"Sasuke where are you going?"Naruto asked and Sasuke went towards him and kissed him on lips.

"Don't worry, I am going out to buy something's."Sasuke said and Naruto got up as well.

"Where are you going? I'll come as well!"Naruto said and Sasuke stared at him blankly before refusing.

"No, you shouldn't I'll go by myself."Sasuke said and rushed out.

"Wa-? Wait! Sasuke-"But the door was slammed shut.

"What's his problem?"Naruto murmured to himself angrily and went to the bathroom to have a bath.

"He was so nice before now he's back to his bastard sel- Huh?"Naruto's eyes widened when he saw the mirror and saw his neck, stomach, navel, his arms, everywhere! There are hickey's every where!

'Wait…..Sasuke didn't make them during our…no, so that means?'

Naruto blushed, Sasuke made them while he was sleeping? Was he some sort of psycho? Damn bastard.


Sasuke was walking down the street, he was sure he saw someone peaking into Naruto's house from the near by tree, he didn't tell Naruto because he knew Naruto would be scared.

Stalkers were no normal matters; they can be unpredictable and unreasonable, so the sooner he got that pervert away from his dobe the better.

So he called Sai, Kiba and Sakura for help.

"Sasuke-san?"Sai said and Sasuke turned to the voice and saw Sai, Sakura and Kiba was standing outside his mansion, since he called them there.

"Hey."Sasuke said and the others nodded, "You guys saw him?" and he got nods in return.

"I was very surprised with your call yesterday, not to mention the fact that Naruto has a stalker!"Kiba said shuddering and Sakura spoke, "We kept watch he seemed to be watching Naruto-kun all night, even though you were with him."Sakura said.

"Yeah we followed him, he seems to be a near by resident."Sakura said continuing at Sasuke's gritting his teeth.

"Another thing."Sai said and everyone was looking at him, "I know who he is, just found out while I sneaked into his house,"Sai said and Sasuke nodded for him to continue, "It's Kabuto from our class, he seemed to be obsessed with Naruto-kun, he has his picture all over the house, obviously taken without Naruto-kun noticing."Sai said and Sasuke nodded.

"I see. Let's burn the down the house with him inside."Sasuke stated calmly and begane to walk towards the other direction and both Kiba and Sai grabbed him.

"Sasuke that's a crime!"

"So stalking isn't?"

"It is, but you'll be in jail for the rest of your life for it, think about Naruto!"

"Who do you think I am doing this for?"

"For yourself!"

"…maybe your right." Sasuke said calming down and everyone sighed in relief.


Naruto frowned when Sasuke didn't come, why was the bastard so late? Naruto jumped when the phone in his room rang.



Naruto felt himself tremble as he heard the voice he gathered all his voice to yell in the phone.

"WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?"Naruto trembled as the person chuckled, he knew it was the man from before.

"I want you."


"I'm in your house."

Naruto stared as the phone was cut off and the horrible ring tone was ringing in his ear, he took his mobile phone and headed for the basement, he went to switch box and pulled at the fuse and the light was gone.

He went into a corner near the washing machine and tried to ring Sasuke but the door of the basement was opened, he clamped his mouth shut as the person came inside inspecting…..no searching for him.

Unknown to him the call did connect to Sasuke but the phone was cut off.

'Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke…please help me Sasuke.'


Sasuke frowned when he saw and his phone ring for less then a second before it was cut again, he frowned when he saw Naruto number.

"Why did Naruto, cut off?"Sasuke mumbled to himself and saw Sai and Kiba running towards him and Sakura looking horrified.

"What happened?"

"Kabuto, we went in with a couple of cops, but he wasn't there…..they're searching for him after they saw Naruto's pictures all over.

Sasuke took out his phone and called Naruto.


Naruto was relived when he saw Kabuto heading up again and close the basement door, but he jumped when his phone started ringing, he picked up hurriedly and was glad it was Sasuke and started to explain everything.

Unfortunately Kabuto heard the ring tone too and came rushing back from Naruto's room, towards the basement.

Naruto gulped when Kabuto stepped into the basement again, this time he climbed fully down and Naruto searched with his hand and finally found a broom as he picked it up Kabuto's flash light was focused on him.

"There you are Naruto-kun."


Sasuke and others where rushing towards Naruto's house,this was very careless of him to think that the guy wouldn't come back only within 10 hours of attacking Naruto.

He hoped he would make it in time.


Naruto smashed Kabuto's face with the broom stick, he pushed the near by rack on Kabuto and ran out of the basement, he wasn't able to as Kabuto's hand grabbed his feet and pulled him causing Naruto to land flat on his face.


Naruto eyed widened when the lights were again back on and Kabuto was kicked off him, he looked back and saw Sasuke glaring at Kabuto.

"I'll Kill You!"Sasuke charged towards him but Sai and Kiba were holding him back as officers came and arrested Kabuto, he gave Naruto a longing glance who flinched and Sasuke was besides Naruto.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"Sasuke began to bombard him with questions but Naruto couldn't hear him, he was so relived to see Sasuke face, he kissed Sasuke and clung to him.

"I'm so glad you're here, I love you so much Sasuke."Naruto whispered before he fainted and Sasuke stood there stunned.

Well this wasn't what he imagined when Naruto would confess the circumstances would be, but he was still happy.

[5 Years later]

"Sasuke, stop hogging Naruto-kun to all to yourself! "Itachi yelled and Sasuke ignored him as continued to feast on Naruto's neck who sighed.



"Stop, it. Not only Itachi-san, but mother and father are watching too."Naruto said and Sasuke lifted his eyes to see indeed his parents, Fugaku and Mikoto were watching them and he let go of him unwillingly.

Naruto chuckled, seriously they've been together for 5 years and been married for 2 but still Sasuke acted like a selfish, possessive, child in front of him.

Naruto happily looked outside the window and sighed again as Sasuke was on him again.

Life was great and Naruto wouldn't have it any other way.

Atlas finished…..I was so in a writer's block for this story and finally it was come to an end!

Maybe it's not so good, but I am sorry that's the only thing I could come up with so review! :D Bye Bye!