I'M super sorry guys for not updating in I while, I just haven't found the time to. But… I will ot keep you waiting this long again! I promise: )

So here is chapter six….


Chapter six:

Nina's Pov-

I looked around the attic, where should I hide?

'Nina! Are you up here?' amber called up from the bottom of the stairs.

I pulled out my locket that my mother had given me when I was 5. She said that I would find great use for it when I'm in a time of need. The locket was shaped like an eye, except it's turned the other way. It's wooden, and in the middle is a red jewel. When you open it up, there's a picture of a girl. When I asked my mother who it was she said that I will find out, but not now.

As I wondered around the room, I glanced at my locket again. I couldn't believe my eyes, the locket was glowing! It was glowing a bright red. What could it mean? Out of the corner of my eye I saw a the same bright red glow, and as I turned my head I saw that it was a little shape on the wall. It was the same shape as my locket. Does that mean something? I was interrupted from my thoughts as I heard footsteps coming up the attic steps. I did all that I could think to do, I pressed my locket into the red glowing shape. At first, nothing happened, but then the wall next to me begun to slide to the side. A sudden, strong force pushed me forward, moving into the other side of the wall. I looked inside the little space and saw that on the wall there was a picture of the same girl that was in my locket, but her eyes were glowing red. It looked…evil and frightening.

Amber's footsteps were drawing nearer. I didn't want to go in, but at the same time I didn't want amber to find me. I quickly took a step forward, into the small room. I heard the sound of to heavy stones grinding up against each other. When I turned my head to see what the noise was, I noticed that the wall that was once side open, was now closed. How do I get out? I frantically pawed at the wall, trying to pull it back open. No use, it wouldn't even budge. Great, just great Nina. Not knowing what else to do, I took a seat up against the wall. The side I was sitting was facing the wall that held the creepy little girl picture. Since her eyes weren't glowing anymore, she looked sweet, and innocent. I felt like I knew her, not just like I met her once, but like she was an old best friend. I felt like I knew her name, like it was on the tip of my tongue. But how would I now her? I could I forget someone like that? My thoughts were interrupted by a door opening, then closing with a loud thud.

"Nina, I've searched everywhere and this is the only place I haven't looked, so I know your in here!" Amber shrieked. I held my breath and froze, as if she could feel, hear, and see my every move. I heard footsteps advancing closer, closer, and finally stopping on the other side of the wall. I could hear her sigh.

"Nina! I'm not mad, I just want to talk to you!" Amber shouted. She waited for a response.

I kept quiet, I wasn't about to tell her how my somehow 'magical' locket was glowing and got me trapped behind a wall. That would just sound crazy. Besides, my mother told me to tell NOBODY about my locket. She was very serious when she warned me not to. She said that the blackbird would take it, and in the end probably take my life as well. Ever time I think about how she gave me the locket, I get shivers up and down my spine.

"I guess she's not In here after all. Maybe she is hiding outside….yeah!" I heard amber say, and then there were fast, loud footsteps running towards the attic door. I waited until I heard the door slam, and Amber running down the stairs until I let out my breath and got up. I scanned the room for an exit. Nothing. Then a symbol on the wall begun to glow. I walked closer to it and realized that it was the same symbol as the one on the other side of the wall. I grabbed my locket, which was now glowing red too, and placed it in the shape. The door slide open, lurking me forward and I quickly ran out. I'm never telling anyone about this. Never. The door grinded closed behind me. This was unbelievable; I had a magical locket that opened a secret door, weird! I looked at my watch, it was getting late. I'll come and examine the space later, but not now.

As I walked down the steps, I looked behind me once more, I just couldn't believe my locket could open a secret door. When I got to the bottom of the steps, I put my hand on the knob and tried to turn it, it was locked. I thought back to the days when I couldn't get into my jewelry box, so I would take a bobby pin and pick the lock. So, I reached into my hair and grabbed a pin, which was holding up a small braid. I quickly picked the lock and cracked the door open, to fist check and see if anyone was their before I walked out. Through the small crack I could see there was no one so I threw the door open quickly, walked out, shut it, and locked again. Once I was finished I walked back to m room.

When I walked into the room, Amber was propped up on a pillow on her bed staring at me, and it wasn't in a nice way, it was a death glare.

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Thanks for reading it, please please please review!:) - - It makes me happy!

HOA QUESTION!": How many puzzle pieces were their? (Sorry, really easy!)

Until next time,