Piko heard the sound of a slap resonating through the air; he turned his head in the direction from where it came from.

"I hate you!" A young girl with opalescent hair rushed past Piko, tears forming at the edge of her dark blue eyes. She didn't even bother to look up at Piko as she scurried past him, poor girl, he thought. A frown encompassed his face as he continued to watch her storm off; hopefully her home is close by. Piko then cast his glance over to the male who was stricken. He just stood there and let the pouring rain soak him; his clothes begin to tighten around his body if that was even possible with his clothes being extremely tight anyway.

Piko made his way over to the older male; he got on his tip toes and raised his umbrella over Meito. He looked up at him, tilting his head. His short brown hair was plastered to his tan skin, completely soaked. He had deep brown, almond eyes.

"Are you alright?" Piko asked his voice as sweet as honey. The man just stared down at Piko, a blank expression on his face. Piko could see the side of his face that was hit by Kaiko swell already. "Want to use my umbrella?" Piko asked, sincerely concerned.

"Aren't I already?" he exhaled, his voice deep and alluring, just the sound of this man's voice made Pikos body cringe. The man in red brushed his fingers slightly over Pikos, almost in an attempt to bewitch Piko in some way and took the umbrella from him. The man held the umbrella over the two as the rain poured down around them, the sound of the harsh, pelting water droplets filled both of their ears as they looked deep into each other's eyes. Piko reached up to touch his face but he grabbed Pikos wrist, clenching it tightly. Piko winced at the pain shooting up from his wrist.

"I just want to help the swelling cool," Piko said meekly. Hesitantly, but surely, he let go of Pikos wrist. Piko let the back of his hand brush against the swelling cheek, the man didn't wince. Piko looked around the park and found a near-by stand open. He ran over to the stand and asked for a bag of ice, getting kind of soaked in the process. Once he received the bag he ran back over to the brunette and was happy to be back under the umbrella. He handed the pack to the man and he took it, putting it against his cheek. They both started to walk down a street, Piko wasn't sure where they were going but his house was coming up, "So, what's your name? I'm Piko Utatane" Piko said gently.

"You don't know me?" he asked, looking down at the small boy next to him. He mentally chuckled at how small Piko was.

"Should I?" Piko asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"I'm in the same company as you, Vocaloid, My names Meito Sakine" he said monotonously. Oh! Now Piko knew why he looked so familiar.

"Oh! Your Meikos younger brother," Piko said brightly, proud of himself he remembered now.

"Yeah," he said.

"I'm sorry I didn't remember you," he said honestly, "I'm still new and there's just so many of us," Piko put his hands in front of him as he looked up at Meito, searching his face for any kind of facial expression. It's strange, Meiko is like an open book, but Meito seems to be the complete opposite.

"It's understandable," was all he said. They walked in silence after that for about five minutes, but it felt like so much longer. Piko stopped and so did Meito; they reflections were shown in a near-by puddle.

"Um, this is my house," Piko smiled, remaining kind and gentle. Meito put the umbrella out for Piko to grab and he just stared at it, thinking. His eyes traveled to the ground and then up at the sky, the rain pouring down on both of the boys. "I don't think the rain is going to let up, why not come in Meito?" Piko said, returning his attention to Meito. He smiled, "At least come in till your clothes dry?"Meito stared at Piko, considering his offer.

"Alright," there it was again, that low, alluring, seductive sound. Piko and Meito walked into the house together, Piko started to slip his shoes off, pressing his hand against the wall for support.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Meito asked. Piko looked up at Meito, blushing slightly at the way Meito was looking at him. Meitos eyes scanned over Pikos body, taking in his small waist and the curve of his hips. Piko looked up at Meito, wondering what he meant.

"I'm sorry?" Piko tilted his head and smiled in confusion. Meito stepped closer, dropping the ice pack, "Don't play dumb with me," he said, inching his way closer to Piko. By instinct, Piko took a step back every time Meito took a step forward. However, soon Piko couldn't go back any farther because his back met the wall. Meito cornered Piko like a pack of wolfs corner their prey. He towered over him, letting his long fingers run up Pikos side. "Girls use the same tactics on me all the time, I'm not stupid," he said, his voice almost a whisper. Heat rushed to Pikos face as he realized what Meito meant.

"N-no, that's not it!" Piko stuttered.

"Oh?" Meito said. He let his head tilt a bit to the side as a sardonic smile crept upon his face. Piko shivered.

"I-I just invited you in because I was worried about you," Piko exhaled, casting his eyes down to the ground.

"How nice of you," he said, emphasizing the word nice. He raised Pikos face and made him look into his eyes, "But I think you should be more worried about yourself," he said with a chuckle. Piko pressed his back more against the wall, wanting to escape from Meito.

"Y-you're scaring me Meito," Piko said frightened. An amused chuckle escaped his bitter lips, he drew nearer to Piko. Piko could smell Meitos breath and it reeked of alcohol, and yet it aroused him.

"This big,badwolf is very hungry Piko," his voice came out smooth and enticing, almost sending Piko into a trance.

"I-if you're hungry I can go make you something to-"Meito pressed his lips roughly against Pikos and slid one of his legs in-between Pikos. Piko squirmed, banging his fists gently against Meitos strong, wide chest. "No!" Piko gasped and was silenced as Meito slid his tongue into Pikos mouth. His heterochromia eyes instantly shot open at the sensation. He could taste the alcohol that he had drunk. The heavy flavor was so strong that he felt like he himself would become drunk. His tongue batted playfully at his own, and he found it increasingly difficult not to move his own in response. Finally, after enough stimulation, he caved in and began to move his. Minutes passed before they broke the very passionate kiss, leaving a thin trail of saliva in between their lips. Pikos breathing was ragged, and his face a bright red. A smirk of triumph encompassed Meitos face as he licked his lips flirtatiously.

"S-stop, please," Piko pleaded, he was scared.

"Do you really want me to stop?" he asked seductively, his hot breath dancing around Pikos ear. Meito kissed the side of Pikos neck and left red marks as he made his way downward.

"Y-yes, please," Piko pleaded his voice practically a whisper.

"Hmm, but your already so aroused," Meito exhaled, his leg brushing lightly against Pikos hard-on. The gentle touch sent a shock of pleasure through Pikos body; a light moan escaped his plump lips. He gasped and covered his mouth, more heat flushing to his cheeks. What was that sound that he just made? "Look, you don't want me to stop," he said seductively, brushing the back of his hand against Pikos cheek. Piko moved his head slightly away from Meito, frightened. "I'll make you feel things you've never experienced before," he said.

The sound of foot steps made their way down the stairs and Meito and Piko looked up to see a woman with long pink hair. Luka. "Tch!" Meito stood up and distanced himself from the little boy. Piko slid down against the wall and sat on the floor. Unable to stand. He was shaking.

"Oh, Meito! How nice of you to visit" Luka chimed sweetly and smiled. She walked over to the two and glanced at Piko, and then back at Meito. She raised an eyebrow.

"I was just leaving," he replied before wrapping his hands around the door knob and opening the door.

"Oh...well it was nice seeing you. Have a good day," Luka watched Meito shut the door quietly behind him and looked back at Piko. She knelt beside him and noticed a tear fall down his cheek. "Piko, what did he do to you?" Luka asked, knowing full well he hadn't done anything good. She knew how he could be sometimes. Seductive. Charming. Rude. Cold. Satan's spawn itself. Piko shook his head and brought his legs up to his chest. He wrapped his arms around his legs and buried his head into his small, fragile arms.

"Piko..." Luka reached out to him.

"Please Luka...just go away,"

"..." She sighed, "Alright, I'll be upstairs if you need me," she got up and started to walk up the stairs. Half way up she looked back at the small, helpless boy and frowned. She clenched her fists and continued up the stairs and made a mental note to talk to Meiko about her brothers behavior.

Piko wrapped his arms around himself and could feel the heat growing in his cheeks. He clenched his arms and shut his eyes tight, trying to calm his beating heart.