Senior Year!

Once upon a time in a far away land a beautiful girl…

Only joking, you all know me as Hermione Granger, third of the golden trio, brain box etc. I do go to school in an enchanted castle though. Back to Hogwarts I go for my final year. It's so sad but so exciting to go back there in peace. No more drama no more war. I turned down being Head Girl to focus on my studies. Oh I forgot to inform you Ron and I are taking a break. It was going all so well at the start of summer then well things got weird and we were constantly fighting so we're giving each other a bit of space and we'll see how things go at school. In all fairness we did spend last year in each others pockets.

"What you doing?" Harry asked nosily.

"Harry! Don't be so nosey" Ginny said walloping him.

I laughed "Ginny its fine, Harry I am writing a diary of the final year of Hogwarts," I said lightly.

"Good idea, now I am thoroughly looking forward to a normal year at Hogwarts," Harry said peacefully.

"Nah mate, secretly you will miss the drama," Ron said.

"Trust me, I won't," Harry said.

"I wonder what pudding they'll have at the feast," Luna said dreamily oblivious to any conversation, we had to laugh. I love Luna she keeps things interesting.

"I hope there are profiteroles," I said dreaming of cream filled puffs with lashings off chocolate sauce.

We then had a huge conversation about food then played a game of poo head with muggle cards.

Well ladies and gentlemen the feast did not disappoint there were profiteroles thank you and goodnight.

First morning of Hogwarts I was so excited! I even put more effort into my uniform. I spent last year camping and not looking my best now as much as looks aren't everything but I am determined to not have 'bushy haired book worm," as a year book title. Wonder woman? Ha ha I joke of course.

Oh guess what spell I found in a little spell book called "useful magic," a spell to make muggle technology work. So I got a little IPod and docking station. I told Harry too and I bought him a Nintendo DS for his birthday. He loved it and it bamboozled Ron it was hilarious. Sorry got side tracked, making myself look pretty I straightened my hair with a spell, little eyeliner and mascara I also put on a thick belt to go over my waist and some converses. I went down to breakfast and met Ron, Ginny and Harry.

"Love the Hair," said Ginny.

"Thanks," I said feeling myself blush at the compliment.

"Oh look who the cat dragged in," said a disappointed Ron.

I turned round to see Draco Malfoy walking in looking generally unimpressed.

"Delightful boy," I said dripping with sarcasm. Let's just say we are polar opposites and leave it at that. Right off to lessons I'm so excited NEWTS begin now eek.

The lessons were good, just going over old things to get us back into learning. Last year wasn't exactly a field trip so we had a fair bit of catching up to do. The classes were slightly bigger. As a few of us are a year behind we've mixed with who used to be the year below us. Harry was happy; Ginny was in most of the same classes. I had a free period so I managed to fit in a spot of studying. It was when Professor McGonagall (who is now head mistress) called me over.

"Miss Granger I would I like your help with something," she then lead me to an empty class room.

"Fire away Professor," I replied.

"This is a very big ask and I know this might be difficult for you but I am concerned about Draco Malfoy he's been very down since the war and hasn't really got over it. I was wondering if you could look out for him," She said.

"No way, Professor McGonagall, he hates me I think someone else would be better," I said.

"I understand Miss Granger, I wouldn't normally ask but if you could think about it. I think everyone needs a friend especially now," she said kindly then walked away.

I was a bit shocked to be honest, me befriend that awful boy? Of course it's a no.

I walked to lunch deep in thought, Draco would push me away even if I did try surely, and I decided to sleep on it I walked to lunch I was first one there, Ginny and Harry weren't long behind me. I didn't want to tell them about the Malfoy thing, they'd tell me not too and that will just confuse me even more. I looked over at him he wasn't himself. Blaise and the rest of his friends were with him but he just wasn't really paying attention Maybe I will try and help. Senior year everyone deserves a year to remember right? Doubtful he will actually want anything to do with me. Lunch was funny Ron and Harry played chess, Harry actually won. Ron wasn't happy at all about this we did tease him.