Author's note: Any recognizable characters I do not own. Saia is my own creation.



Pain… Cold… Darkness…

Where am I?

I hear a crash of furniture and children screaming in my hazy mind.

Oh god… I have to get to them…

Shoving the pain to the back of my mind, I manage to open my eyes. I am laying on my side in our tiny apartment and blood is everywhere.

Is it mine?

I manage to turn my head toward my whimpering sister in the corner. Her twin brother is laying lifeless beside her.

NO! I have to get to him! my mind screams but my body isn't responding. I try to call out to them but all I can manage is a groan.

The pain is overwhelming my senses as I desperately fight to remain conscious. In the end, the darkness wins.



It's an unusually quiet night at the hospital but Yoon Ji-Hoo doesn't mind. After a busy evening, he is enjoying the down time. He knows that being a doctor means working these night shifts. He just wishes his body would get used to the idea.

Last chart is finally done.

As he stands up from his chair, he yawns and stretches his arms over his head. The clock on the wall reads 3:57am as he drops the charts off at the front desk. It's been a long night and he is happy to finally head home. His thoughts wander towards the woman from yesterday afternoon but he pushes them away.

Wait till you get home Ji-Hoo. He tells himself.

"Leaving for the night, Dr. Yoon?" Nurse Baek asks. He nods politely at her and turns towards the exit.

"Have a good night!"

Breathing in the crisp morning air he thinks wearily of his soft, warm bed and a hot shower. Yet as he sees the screaming ambulances pull up to the door, he realizes that he will have to wait.

Author's Notes: This is my first attempt at fan fiction. I wasn't much of a fan of Ji-Hoo at first but he grew on me. So I wanted to give him a happy ending too. I hope you readers out there liked my Prologue. If so, I will be happy to continue with the story. Reviews are always welcome. ^^