Chapter 1: First Sight

First timer; please be gentle. This chapter is dedicated to sugarquills007 for writing amazing stories and being so encouraging and vihagupta95 for helping too. Thank you guys! Enjoy and RnR pls.

"Harry!" She yelled and rushed to his side. He had just arrived on the scene and watched, from afar, his head cocked to a side as she rushed toward Potter, her long brown hair tossed about behind her. She looked alright- her skirt an inch too long, a pullover a size to big but her frame was small enough: there was something worth looking. She rushed into Harry's open arms and he heard and audible 'oomph' followed by a muffled apology. He let a small smile grace his feature. Then, running a hand through his hair, he walked toward Harry.

"Alright there, Potter?" He asked.

"Never better" Harry grinned back at the confused man. She pulled out of Harry's arms and turned around. He stiffened. There standing in front of him was his ex-mortal enemy; the first girl to punch him; the first mudblood who hurt him; the brains of the Golden Trio; the only one he never apologized to: Hermione Granger. She studied him while, he her. And in that moment he saw how she had changed without changing at all. Her hair of course was longer; less bushy and curlier… her eyes still deep chocolate brown, her complexion had remained peachy while she had grown up. How had he known so much about her? He's observed her of course. When the manor had echoed of a high-pitched screams, he had stared at her, rooted to the spot with terror; fear; shock. He had meant it when he had called her a mudblood but that was just petty name-calling, harmless jeering -It had kept father happy and provided cheap entertainment- it was something about Gryffindor reactions. But the physical hurt- he had never imagined nor thought of. It was terrifying to watch someone his own age under the cruciatus curse- it broke his idea of superiority and he had fought on the "right" side. He had befriended Potter and Weasley and other Order members but Granger- she had disappeared, leaving him in a state of guilt. No one told him where she was and he'd only just managed to hear was something about her parents. So he waited.

"Granger" He acknowledged her, nodding.

"Malfoy" She replied equally emotionlessly. His features softened and guilt racked across his face.

"I'm sorry Granger." he said softly. The phrase contained every single emotion he had felt: his remorse most prominent. She blanched. "And Granger, Welcome back". With that he turned on his heel and left her and her best friend in the empty corridor of St. Mungo's.

Hermione turned to Harry. "Did he just apologise to me?"

"I told you. He is the good guy Hermione. Give him a chance, please?"

"Alright alright, I will. I might've been a little immature. I'll be nice."

"Alright Healer Granger, I'll be on my way now. I've got a work to do."

"Harry!" she laughed, whacking him on his arm.

"Hey! Hey! If you want me to be your first patient you got to ask Hermione. No need to get violent!" He exclaimed backing away from her as she giggled at him, shaking her head. He smiled genuinely and said "He's right Hermione, Welcome back" and then, he disapparated.

"It's good to be back, Harry. It's good to be back." She said softly.
