AN: Thank you to all of the alerts, favourites and reviews!

I'm not too sure about this chapter, something just feels off. If you see anything you don't like/think could be improved, be sure to let me know! :)

They moved in on Saturday, the 19th of July. Sherlock had come round to their house a few times, but Rachel still hadn't got a good look at him. Whenever Daddy looked through the peephole and saw that it was Sherlock, Rachel was sent up to her room, and although she tried to peek through the glass of the living room door, all she could see was a tall figure in a long coat. Sometimes when Sherlock came round, he and Daddy talked nonstop. Other times, they would say nothing but "hello," and "goodbye". Sherlock always stayed for a long time.

Rachel was excited and sad at the same time on the day of the move. Although she loved the house that she had lived in for her whole life, she was curious as to what Baker Street would look like. She had imagined a whole street full of, well, bakeries. She was very wrong. It had only one cafe, which she thought didn't look very nice, and the rest of the street was full of boring old houses.

221B - their house - was up one flight of stairs. Daddy said that a very nice lady called Mrs. Hudson lived in the bottom flat, and that yes, he was sure that if Rachel asked nicely, she would get one of the cakes she could smell was being baked.

The flat smelled funny, but she couldn't quite put her finger on why. Maybe it was because it was somewhere different than home - but this was home now. She had to keep reminding herself that.

It was quite messy, but it looked sort of like a homely mess. The sort of mess in which you know where everything is. Rachel liked mess.

All of their things from the old house were already in the flat. The moving van that Mycroft had hired had been much too big. They only had one box of things each. Daddy had said that they didn't need to take many things, as 221B already had lots of things that they had.

"I'm going to take the moving boxes up to our room, okay? Stay here, and don't touch anything." Daddy said. As he headed up the second set of stairs, she walked over to a chair and sat in it. Her feet didn't reach the floor, so she swung her legs idly. With a start, she realised that there was a man lying on the sofa, staring at her.

He had curly black hair, sharp cheekbones, and pale eyes. He had his hands together, as if he was praying, and had brought them up to his mouth. He was staring at her.

"Are you Sherlock?" She asked, tilting her head to the side slightly.

"Obviously." He answered abruptly.

"Why are you just led there?"

"Because I'm bored."

They had been arguing. That's all they seemed to do, and Rachel wasn't sure how they'd become friends. But Daddy had insisted that him and Sherlock would be friends again soon. But then another day passed, and another, and they still weren't speaking. Eventually, Rachel got bored of the silence.

"Why are you and Daddy not speaking?" She asked Sherlock, while Daddy was in the bathroom brushing his teeth.

His brow furrowed, and he answered with, "We're arguing." He didn't look away from the laptop he was typing on.

"I know that!" She exclaimed, frustrated. As if she hadn't got that from hearing all of the shouting! "What I meant was... why are you and Daddy still not speaking? It's been ages!" She had only had a few conversations with Sherlock since they had moved in with him, and most of them had been interrupted by Daddy muttering something about 'corrupting her mind'. She wasn't sure what that meant, but she didn't think Sherlock was doing it.

"Because your father refuses to admit that he was wrong." He muttered.

Rachel had decided she was going to do something about it, so that afternoon, on the bus with Daddy on the way back from school, she said to him, "You and Sherlock should start talking again."

Daddy sighed. "And why do you think that?" He asked her, raising his eyebrows.

"Because the silence is boring. Sherlock says you won't admit you're wrong, so just do that and you'll be friends again, right?" She asked innocently, looking up at Daddy.

"Of course he said that," He muttered. "It's not as easy as that, Rachel. And anyway, I'm not wrong, he is."

Rachel stayed silent for a long time, but eventually said, "Most of the time Sherlock isn't wrong. I don't think he would start being wrong now." She wasn't sure why Daddy got cross at that.

It was very late, and Daddy still wasn't in his bed. Rachel thought this was weird - it had to be nearly time for school soon, and Daddy still wasn't asleep! She rubbed her eyes and got out of bed.

She walked downstairs quietly. She couldn't hear any voices, not even the sound of the telly. Eventually, she reached the door to the living room. She pushed it open, and it creaked loudly

She walked through it and saw Daddy and Sherlock led on the sofa together, looking very startled. Their lips looked very red.

After they had got up, Daddy had sent Sherlock out of the room ("This is the sort of conversation that needs to be just us two."), sat Rachel down and taken a deep breath.

"Look, what you saw me and Sherlock doing-" He began, but Rachel interrupted.

"Does this mean you and Sherlock are boyfriends now? Because Amy Adams from Year Six said that she caught her sister and another boy doing that because they were girlfriend and boyfriend." She said.

"I, uh, guess you could say that..." He said, his face scrunched up as if in deep thought.

"The girl's right, you know. A simple connection to make, I suppose." Sherlock said, walking into the room. Daddy went pink and looked very pleased with himself, before he caught himself.

"I thought I told you not to eavesdrop?" Daddy asked.

"When have I ever listened to what you told me to do?" Sherlock replied. Daddy nodded his head, taking this as a valid answer.

"Can I go back to bed now?" Rachel asked impatiently. So Daddy and Sherlock had been kissing - so what? At least now she knew why Daddy hadn't been in bed. Daddy nodded, looking very dazed.

Rachel walked back up the stairs, and got into bed, and fell asleep.