The pain still tingles in my cheek as I run down the dark street. The ground beneath my feat only appears as a blur from the tears streaming down my face. I slow my pace because of the lack of oxygen getting to my lungs. I look up slowly from the ground and I see a big, red, brick, house. I don't know what was going on with my feet but I was pulled towards the porch. Climbing up the stone steps I thought to myself,

Why am I doing this?

I reached the porch and felt the night breeze on my bare arms and legs. I pulled my jacket tighter around my body. Even though we live in a warm climate, Shorts and a tank top is not a very good outfit for after dark.

I walked up to the dark green door. I stretched my hand out and rang the doorbell. The chime went off in the house and I heard pots clank and the sound of footsteps nearing the door. Then the door swung open to reveal the brown haired Ms. Anderson. She had a dirty towel flung over her shoulder and her hair pulled back into a ponytail.

"Oh, hello Kim." She said cheerfully but then her face fell slightly into a confused look "What are you doing out this late?" she asked taking a quick glance at the black book bag hanging loosely on my shoulder. I shrugged a bit moving the bag closer to me and then wiping away whatever was left of the water on my face.

"Ms. Anderson, Is it alright is I stay here for awhile?" I ask feeling pitiful because I didn't make eye contact with her once. Her glance softened and she invited me inside with out asking any further questions.

When I walked in I saw the grand staircase right in front of me. I shifted over a little, feeling uncomfortable by being in the Anderson's house. I have never really been here.

"You can take off your shoe's right in there" Ms. Anderson said and she pointed towards a small room, the laundry room. I went in and removed my flip-flops on the little mat by the garage door. I walked back out into the entranceway where Ms. A was standing.

"Now lets get you to bed." She smiled and we both walked up the white staircase with her in the lead. I followed her all the way up and she stopped when she reached the hallway at the top of the stairs.

"We don't have any spare bedrooms at the moment but Jack's room is right down this hall" she pointed down the left side of the hallway "it's the last door on the right." She said as she smiled and began to walk back down the stairs. When she suddenly turned around abruptly, looking right at me "Oh, and he is probably asleep but don't be afraid to just shake him awake." Adding and she continued down towards where I assumed was the kitchen. The sound of pots clanking resumed and I slowly walked down the hallway to Jack's room. I reached a door and immediately knew that is was Jack's. On the door was a yellow diamond sign the read Ninja Xing. I chuckled as I remembered the time we found Bobby Wasabi and he had that sign in his house.

Turning the doorknob I tried to make it as quiet as possible but as it opened you could hear the Creak of the doors bolts. I cringed not knowing what to expect.

Jack's room, all though dark from the current time, was painted a dark blue. All of his Karate Paraphernalia covered the walls and in the center, up against the back wall was a big bed. The coverings were Black and crumpled up. I dropped my backpack on the floor right by the door and tiptoed over towards the bed. Looking down at it I saw Jack. He was fast asleep and his hair was ruffled a bit from the pillow. A smile grew on my face, as seeing Jack like this was rare. He looked vulnerable.

I jumped slightly when he groaned and rolled over onto his side. Chuckling I grabbed a pillow and a blanket from his bed, not wanting to interrupt his sleep. Lying the pillow and blanket on the floor, I walked over to my bag and pulled out my flannel shorts. Quickly changing, into my shorts, I set myself down on the floor where the pillow is. Laying my head on the pillow I took a deep breath. The aroma of vanilla filled my nose and I smiled thinking about where I was. I pulled the blanket up over me and I closed my eyes letting sleep take over.