Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, setting, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Rated M, not suitable for anyone under the age of 18.

Edited on 4/1/2014: Chapters have been edited and made into larger chapters. This is chapter one through four.

Just a little info for this story. This story will be long (more than 100,000 thousand words). Rose and Dimitri's relationship will start off slowly in the beginning, although they will have a stronger relationship towards the end. This story will have a lot of people in it, and not just the regular characters in the vampire academy series. Some characters from bloodlines series will also be in this story. There also will be some characters that I have created to think the plot. This story has Romance/drama/family/suspense/angst/ hurt comfort. Also I have never been out of the country, so if I have any details wrong about some town/place/country, please don't be offended. Pm me if you have any questions about the plot line of this story.

Chapter one

Lissa's Point of view:

Sitting in my over-sized office, looking over several important documents that needed my signature, from many of the academies worldwide. Most of them are dealing with new security guards, new teachers, and positions. Plus budgeting for the entire Moroi country is also with the paperwork, which was recently completed by this afternoon. Boring, but necessary, I thought. This was the one thing that I hated about being Queen. All this paperwork was starting to make my hands numb.

Yawning, as I randomly punched numbers into the calculator, with the end of a pen. Just to pass the time, for at least a few seconds. Monday's were always slow, especially during the summer months. Particularly in the office, as they don't have a meeting or any visitors unless I send them in. Especially now, since it is summer and I have lowered the office hours so I can spend time with my family. But I wouldn't trade my job for the world, like seeing that I'm helping more of my people then the last Moroi queen.

The summer that I have turned nineteen, I became the Moroi queen and have ruled ever since. Five years of being their queen. It has been five years since I've been married to the love of my life; Christian Ozera, who now has taken my last name as seeing we didn't want the Dragomir's to die out with me. A lot of our guy friends said that he lost his man card, by taking my last name.

Four years since we started having a family, we had our first daughter, Rosie. Then a couple of years later we had Sadie. We are now trying for a boy this time, but so far we didn't have any luck.

Sadie is two years old. She is my youngest daughter. She has shoulder length golden blond hair which she has gained from me. The brightest blue eyes, she got from Christian's side of the family. She is a happily and bubbly toddler.

Rosie, however, is four years old and my oldest. She gained Christian's raven black hair, and my jade green eyes. She has Christian's sarcasm. Sometimes when I look at her, I get a pain in my chest.

Half the time I can picture her with blue or brown eyes. She is like the perfect duplicate of my former best friend. Well, a mini version of Christian, and my soul sister; Rose. But I always push that though back.

I sighed, as I ran my fingers through my tangled hair. Rose. Thinking of her brought up pain. The last time I seen her, I said several things. Hurtful things that I never really meant, but I did say them anyway.

When she left, I felt like a part of me was missing. For a while I was a selfish bitch, which I didn't need anyone to tell me otherwise. Blaming her for pushing Dimitri too far, when he just had a life altering shift done to his body and all the guilt he had accumulated, while she was only worried about herself. For not letting him have time, which she should have has made, and he would have eventually gone back to her. I closed my eyes as the memory flooded my brain.


It was a long Sunday afternoon, and I just got back from rekindling my romance with Christian. We worked through our problems, like normal people. We backtracked through our past relationships. He felt like he was no longer a threat with Aaron. Aaron had found a new girlfriend; Audrey Dashkov. Plus she is now pregnant.

I was floating on cloud nine. At that point, I was certain all our happiness was coming together. Realizing that it was a time that I went to see Dimitri, we meet up at the same time for the past two days. They had him still locked up in a small apartment, with two guardians standing by the front door. They both nodded their big heads at me before I walked through the door. I was usually the only one in here.

The big guy to the left opened the door. Sitting on the edge of an ordinary brown couch, was Dimitri. His elbows were resting on his knees, heads resting in his hand. His light brown hair was lying messy; also it was covering the front part of his face.

"Dimitri!" My voice startled him, like seeing he jumped a foot in the air. His hand prints were indented into the sides of his cheeks. Brown eyes were glazed over non existing tears. Looking at him broke my heart. Sitting down next to him, grabbing his larger hands with my own, his face had so much pain that I wished I could take it from him.

Meeting eye to eye, "Dimitri, what happened to you?"


One simple answer had my heart beating into overdrive. One word it took until I knew I had to do something even though she is my best friend. It only took one word for my built up anger pour through me. He laid his head down on my shoulder. His light brown hair was combining with my own blonde. Taking in a deep breath, while comforting him as much as I could do at that time, when I had other things on my mind.

"Dimitri, I will be right back. There is something that I need to do. Something important that I forgot I had to do, I will see you later."

I left him there without him saying anything else. His sadness built on my anger. I took off in the direction, of her apartment. Thinking she would be there. Blocking her from the bond, as I knocked on her front door loud enough for her to hear even if she was sleeping or whatever she was pass, as a tear-stained face Rose, opened the door. Her cheeks were puffy. Her eyes were blood shot and glossy, as I was able to tell that she was crying recently. Her dark brown hair was in a messy bun, just thrown together sloppily as if she didn't even bother using a mirror. She was wearing red furry pajama pants and a matching tank top. A faint smell was coming from her. She looked messed the thoughts out of my head, I pushed past her, going inside her room.

"What are you doing here?" She asked in a small voice. Her eyes were glancing in the opposite direction.

"I told you, that you need to stay the fuck away from Dimitri. He has a lot of things going on. He can't handle the fucking pressure of you constantly nagging him twenty-four seven. Grow the fuck up."

Her eyes darted to the floor, taking in a deep breath, "I just wanted to talk to him."

"Maybe he doesn't want to talk to you. Have you ever thought about that? Just stay the fucking away from him. Or else you will have to deal with me." I said as I made my way from her apartment door.

"Why? Why are you there for him? I thought you were my friend. Friends come before guys. But I guess you don't care," she mumbled the last part underneath her breath.

"He doesn't have anyone. You do. He needs me. And if you don't get that through your thick head, you won't have me either." I said then left.

*Two days later…Still flashback*

I was still pissed off at Rose. I have never been so angry with her, until the past two days. I know she loved him, but she should have just stayed with Adrian. He was so much better for her. Fewer rumors would run. I relaxed my hands before anyone of them except her and her father was at the café. We were all eating breakfast, healthy food. Not that junk she eats.

We just minded our own business, and just some light conversation about boring stuff like the weather and what to do before the college semester starts. Abe Mazur, who looked like a furious pirate mobster, and who is Rose's recently discovered father. He came into the café bringing everyone's attention towards him. He spotted our small group to the far end of the wall, and started moving slowly towards our table with a determined look in his eyes.

Abe's tan business suit and tie, clashed, with the multicolored scarf he was wearing. His short brown hair was, combed and parted on the top of his head. How can he not be hot wearing something like that? It was close to eighty degrees, and it was eleven o'clock at night for humans. His face was emotionless, his eyes were unreadable. A perfect guardian mask; as of what Rose and Eddie would always say. His eyes darted to Janine, Dimitri, and me. By the time he reached the table, he had thrown down several white envelopes with our names delicately written. He carefully sat down beside Janine. Not bothering to look at her.

"What are these?" Adrian asked, as he ran his fingertips over his name on a plain white envelope.

"These," Abe let out an eerie chuckle. One of his guardians came over to him, handing him a large Styrofoam container, with what smelled like caramel coffee. "Their letters, young man, one for all of you, and even you Janine. The letters are from my darling daughter, Rose. You know the girl you broke up with six days ago. Besides that, I went to her room, to spend some quality time with my daughter. But she wasn't there. So I went to see, Hans."

"What did he say?" Eddie asked.

All of us were on the edge of our seats. Dimitri had a pained look in his eyes. Adrian rested his head on his left hand.

"Well…we started talking, good guy that man is. But back on to that topic. She left. She quit from being a guardian. She went on her own. Took her last two paychecks, one from last week and her current one then quit her job. She also even sold her car that I bought her, and it was only current out in the United States. She left. She even sold her apartment. He told me that she told him; she was sick and tired of living in the past. Tired of people telling her what to do, what she can't do and everything in-between. She wanted to live her life for herself." Abe said.

"Wait…where did you get the letters," Janine said.

"Hans gave them to me. She gave them to him, to give to one of us. There are good bye letters. For each one of us, at least this was her way of saying good-bye. So now I hope you're happy, you drove my daughter away. Good luck," Abe said, with a half angry smile on his face. He got up from his seat, through the cup of coffee in the trash. Then he left after he finished talking.

"Maybe we should read the letters," Mia said. She moved closer to Eddie's side. He wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her closer to him. They made the perfect couple.

"That's a good idea," Christian said. I reached for the one that had my name delicately written on it. The paper was a pale pink, with many tear-stained spots.

Dear Princess Vasilisa Dragomir,

Congratulations', princess. You got your wish. I left and will be leaving him alone. But you probably don't care that I left. It is not like I have anyone anyways. Adrian broke up with me the day before I talk to HIM. But you don't care. I'm taking your advice to heart. So I want you to take mine in, as well. I don't want anybody to find me. Ever, so don't even try to hire a private investigator. You were my best friend, well, more like a sister. I will always hold you in my heart. I need time; you hurt me as much as Dimitri.

Love Rose.

I looked up, with to see everyone with tear-stained faces. It was my fault. I did this to her, I thought, as single tears rolled down my cheek.

*End flashback…*

Ever since that day, I tried to move on. She always held some part of me, even if we only shared the bond. That is the only way I know she is alive. But she will always be my sister, not by blood though.

At first I did try to find her, along with Christian, while the other tried to stop us. Although it was always a lost cause, I should have known, since we did run away when we were younger. On several occasions, I tried to contact her throughout the bond, but I never seem to get a reply. So I move on with my life.

Ever since Rose left, Tasha was following Dimitri around like a lost puppy. It was sickening. He told her many times to politely fuck off. He was very annoyed with her, so were the rest of the gang.

Tasha did get better with time though, more tolerable. He was really guilty. He thought it was his fault that Rose was gone. Where I told him it was mine. But in reality, it was both of ours. He was in love with her, and she loved him. I never really understood their love, until I felt it with Christian. Maybe I should have let her talk to him that day.

No, I thought. He is so much happier. About two years ago, he slept with Tasha. Which in result they had Hailey, around the same time I had Sadie. He loves his daughter, but not Tasha. She confessed to getting him drunk so he would sleep with her.

He was angry at first, but when she was born. Nothing mattered more than her. He told me Rose would always have his heart, even if they were never together again. But somewhere in my heart I knew that they would find a way back to each other, they both just needed time.

In the past three years, Eddie and Mia, both gotten married and I didn't even think they were going to make it through the dating stage. Although he is my other part-time guardian, he is also a very close friend along with Dimitri, and Rose's mother; Janine. Eddie and Mia have a four-year old boy; Mason Castle, as they named him after Eddie's best friend that died at the age of seventeen. He is an exact mini clone of Eddie.

Adrian was another story altogether. He stopped his crazy drinking and smoking. He went back to college, getting a degree in English. So he takes his days writing for the Moroi news. Then two years ago, when Dimitri's family came over from Russia, he decided to move on with his life.

He met and fell in love with Viktoria; Dimitri's younger sister. That was the year she became his guardian. Then something happened to her. A Strigoi attacked her and Adrian. She died, and Adrian brought her back to life with the spirit. So now she is shadow kissed to him. Five months ago; he proposed to her, and will be married in the next couple of months.

Think of the gang, and the past five years, had me in a daze. A daze was so powerful that I didn't notice everyone was sitting on many chairs, looking at me with concern looks. Everyone except for the kids, who meant something important, will be going down. Christian came over to me, kissed me on the lips, leaving me breathless.

"Your, Majesty, you need to look at this," Eddie said, as he handed me a single piece of line paper. The paper looked like it was quickly ripped out of a notebook. I rolled my eyes at him. I told him many times when it was just us to call me Lissa, even if they on duty.

I took a look at it, "Oh shit…" Then darkness consumed me.

Lissa's point of view

Darkness was all around me. All I was able to see was darkness that was until I opened my eyes. To see many pairs of worried eyes, the gang was staring at me, including a Moroi doctor; that was recently hired. I waved them back, so they weren't too close to me.

Hell, even I need my personal space. Sitting up, as I laid my back against the expensive tan couch, and taking a deep calming breath. I knew I wanted some excitement, but this was just a little too much. Hell I have two kids to worry about, I didn't need this mess.

"Vasilisa, dear, I think you need to take it easy. You should lie back down and relax," the Moroi doctor said. "There might be a bigger problem then you passing out."

Glaring at her, and twisting my hands together, I said, "No. I'm fine, thank you very much. I just had some very unexpected news that I didn't want to hear. What's your name?"

Getting a good look at her, I was able to tell she had some Indian in her. She had a tan, a bit darker than Abe's, but more color than most Moroi. Her eyes were dark brown, almost black. She was wearing light pink scrubs, with a white doctor's jacket. She looked like she just ran here from the Moroi hospital. She gave me a friendly smile before saying, "Dr. Tamika Ispahan."

"Can you please leave us? I was just a little shocked. But I'm so much better now," I said, sincerely. In retrospect, the only reason why I passed out was from the note.

Christian came over to me, giving me a small kiss on the forehead. The doctor turned around and left without a second glance back. Leaning my head on Christian's shoulder, I rubbed my temples, since I was starting to get a major headache. Great, just what I need on a Monday, I thought sarcastically.

"Where's that note?" I asked them.

Eddie walked over to me, "Here, I don't think you wanted anyone to see it." Oh…how right he is. The press would have a field day, that's for sure. The press would love any single information that they could find out about me, even if it were something that happened many years ago and was concealed to look like humans had done it.

"Thanks and you are right. We were the only ones who need to know about this," I told them.

"What does the note say," Viktoria said. She is the only one, along with Tasha, that doesn't know what truly happened to Victor Dashkov. She reminds me of Rose, and she has the exact personality that Rose told me about. If Rose would have been Russian, she would be exactly like her.

"Vika, manners," Dimitri told his younger sister, seriously. Sometimes he was always seemed to be too stern. I wondered how he and Rose fell in love. They're personalities would clash constantly, although I think that rumor opposites attract true.

"Guys its fine, she needs to know so do all of you." I told them, before they started their sibling rivalry. Even though that they are both adults. They still argue like children. Everyone was in this room, besides Tasha, Abe, and all of our children.

Tasha only comes here once in a blue moon. She basically hightails it out of court when she was a pain in the ass and no one wants her here.

"Where's Tasha, Abe, and the kids?" I asked them. Since I'm married to Christian, I have to think of her as a member of the family. Although, that doesn't mean I don't like her, or for that matter trusts her. She purposely got Dimitri drunk, so he would stay with her. Even though he told her that he is there, only for his child and nothing more.

"Oh…she is with the kids, next door. Half of them are already sleeping. So she put them down for the night. Do you want me to get her?" Mia asked me.

I shook my head, "No. Let her stay with them. I don't want her to know anything. Got that," I told them while narrowing my eyes at them.

"Sure," everyone muttered.

I thought for a moment, "Where's Abe?"

Janine looked at me, "I don't know, but I will call him." She left the room, with her cell phone. She had a determined look on her face. Two years ago, Abe and Janine, got over their differences and started working on their relationship. They both loved each other, dearly. You can see it in their eyes.

"So can we hear what the note said?" Vika asked, again.

"Yes. Just give me a moment," I said. I breathed in, trying to bring calmness into me. Well, here goes nothing, I thought.

"Nowhere you go is safe. I will get you; I have people all over the place. Nothing can stop me, from getting what I want. Nowhere to hide as I will be watching closely, don't tell any guardians' about this, or you will be in trouble. Signed Victor Dashkov your all-time favorite uncle, I will see you soon."

Since it was now sealed up, not read out load, only when I just did. Their faces turned into pure shock. Half of them had scared expressions. While the other half had, had their mouths open, exposing all their pearly white teeth.

"He has someone working for him at court," Dimitri said, as he rubbed his eyes.

"How can that be possible?" Adrian asked.

"Simple. If he stepped foot anywhere near here, he would be easily arrested. So it is the work of an insiders' job." Dimitri said. He ran his hand through his hair. "Someone who is not afraid of working with a criminal."

"Your right, now the question is who it is," Eddie said. The door opened to show Janine and Abe, they both were holding hands, and smiling widely at each other.

"Who is what?" Janine asked, flustered.

"Someone who is suspicious, that would work with a felon. Someone we would least expect," Eddie said.

Janine looked confused, "What are you talking about, Eddie?"

"Read this, it will explain everything." I told them while handing them a piece of paper. She accepted the piece of paper. Their eyes read the words as understanding read clear in their eyes.

"So what do we do?" Mia asked a bit scared.

"I have a perfect idea," Abe said. Everyone turned to look at him, at the same time. Today he was wearing a black suit with a silk purple scarf.

"Honey, what's your perfect idea?" Janine asked him. She kissed his cheek. It was so weird to look at them being affectionate towards each other.

"Well, whoever wrote this is probably watching your every move. So why don't you announce going on vacation somewhere tropical, but then go somewhere else. It's simple really if you think about it. It's just throwing them off the trail," Abe said.

"That is a pretty good idea, but where will we go. We all have kids, and it is summer. But traveling with kids is very tiring." I was rambling at this point.

Abe looked down at his feet and mumbled something incoherently. "What did you say?" Christian asked him.

Abe sighed, "I have somewhere that we can go."

"Where," Viktoria said.

"Texas. Austin, Texas." He replied.

"Why there? It hotter and has more humidity," Adrian said. "Besides, we also don't know if the area has any Moroi or dhampirs living there. So there is a reason why you chose that place."

Abe looked really uncomfortable, "Rose. No one will suspect visiting, they think she died. Plus it is too hot for Moroi to live in Texas."

"What! I thought you didn't know where she was? How long have you know where our daughter was? Why didn't you tell me?" Janine yelled at him. Her light skin tone, turn a bright shade of pink. I never have really seen her enraged before. The other times she was either stress or depressed since her only daughter ran-away.

"I ran into here two years ago. She didn't want me to tell anyone where she is. She thinks you all hate her. Plus you know how stubborn she is," Abe replied.

"Can we go, please? I have to make everything better," I said.

"Will she even see us?" Eddie asked.

"Will she help us?" asked Mia.

"How is she doing?" Dimitri asked.

"Quiet!" Abe yelled. "She would want to help, but I think it would be better to surprise her at her house. She's doing fine," Abe said, in one breath.

"So is that who you were talking with on your phone?" Janine asked.

"First call, yes. The second phone call was from Bob, my pilot if anyone wants to go we leave in an hour," Abe said, as he left with Janine.

Several hours past as we were driving up to a very large mansion that put mine to disgrace. Although this one had a southern feel to it. The landscape was impressive; trees everywhere, beds of multi-colored flowers, and a small swimming pool. The yard looked like it went on for miles. It all screamed money. We left our luggage in the limo, as we got out of the Limo.

I was holding Sadie, while Christian was holding the hand of Rosie. Abe knocked on the door. A second later, the door was opened up, by a little girl who didn't look no older than six or seven. She had long light brown curly hair that was neatly pulled back on the sides by butterfly clips, and chocolate-brown eyes. She was wearing pink princess pajamas.

A taller woman stood beside her. She looked the same; her long brown hair was in a messy bun. She was wearing a simple gray sweatpants and tank top. In her right hand was a plastic spatula. Her eyes landed on us, as she froze. Her mouth was hanging open, as she said my name, "Lissa, is that you?"

Dimitri's point of view:

It has been roughly six and a half years, since I have seen Rose, or even heard anything about her. She didn't bother contacting anyone after she left.

Knowing she left her friends and family behind, and it was all because of me, which torn me apart even more. Also know that Lissa still tells me that it wasn't my fault. Though, I clearly know that it was most of my fault for not opening up to her sooner.

I will always blame myself slightly. We don't even know that she is still alive, until Abe opened his mouth. I wished he would have told us sooner, then just keeping it to himself for two whole years.

The worst part of it is though, I still love her, and I never stopped loving her. Even if she is rude and extremely sarcastic, she has a heart made of gold, and she was the most loyal person I have ever met in my life.

I just wasn't good enough for her, and I didn't want to ruin her reputation even more than it already was. I sighed, resting my head on the leather seat interior inside of the limo. I hoped it wasn't going to become awkward reunion between us. The coldness of the leather reduced my frantic nerves, slightly.

My daughter, Hailey, was sitting next to me in the limo. She was fast asleep. Her small hands were gripping a small stuffed pink furry teddy bear that I gave her for her first birthday. Her raven black hair, pulled into a loose pony tail, lay on my left arm.

Couple of days after her second birthday, Tasha, gave up her rights to being Hailey's mother. She thought if she gave me a child, I would stay with her and become the perfect family of three. My feelings for her were always friendly towards her and nothing more. I just wish that she would have gotten that through her head, and stopped asking me if I was going to be with her in a romantic sense.

Even after she drugged me to sleep with her, and betrayed our friendship, she still thinks that everything was going to become fine between us. I don't talk to her; neither does most of the gang, including my sister. When Vika thinks I'm not looking she glares at Tasha. Her eyes were full of hatred.

The only ones that, talk to her is Christian and Lissa. Half of the time I don't think that Lissa even what's to see her, but she does it for the sake of her husband. Since she is his only family that he has left, not including his kids.

Thank god, that Tasha went with her boyfriend of the past year. He was a dhampir, in his early twenties. He has natural blond, curly hair, and the brightest blue eyes that I had ever seen. I think his name was Dewy, nope…Dillon. That's right his name is Dillon Lazar. He was the only dhampir that lived with two parents growing up. In fact, I think they both were both married to each other, from what I heard.

The limo hit into the concrete sidewalk, as we drove up to her house. The house was large, with bright white siding. Vivid flowers were in neatly planted groups next to big, green, bushes along the side of the house. Windows were open, colored curtains flowed in the warm summers breeze. After parking, Hailey went right to her aunt. Holding her hand as her life depended on it.

Abe knocked on the front door. Noise came from the house, but not loud enough to make anything out. The front door opened within seconds.

A small girl, around five or six, was standing there. She had light brown curly hair, the same chocolate-brown eyes that I have. Wait…she has the same color eyes that I do. Also, her light brown hair color too.

Rose appeared next to her. She was also beautiful. Aging has done her wonders. She looked like she was in shock until she spoke, "Lissa, is that you?"

Rose's Point of view

Six years ago my life dramatically changed, for the better and worse. I went from saving the love of my life, from being an undead vampire, to losing all my friends and family. Including all my friends that I considered family, which was mostly all of them.

As I was sitting on my couch, with my oldest daughter, Lydia, laying her head on me. My mind went back to the last six years.

The day Lissa told me to leave him alone was my breaking point. I needed to get out of their and fast. Not with a child on the way. Yes…I was indeed pregnant. Four months on that day. With all the stress, I didn't take any notice to the small changes happening to my body. So I left, after talking to Hans. Even knowingly I took the cowardly way out.

Though I did do it for my unborn child more than myself, I needed to have someone in my life that I could take care of and have them depend on me. So when I first left, I wanted to see to a small town, in Scotland, that my mother grew up. Plus, I was able to meet some of my relatives that don't like my mother. So I stayed with my aunt, Margarita, and her three daughters; Brianna, Brenda, and Bridget.

Margarita is my mother's older half-sister and is a Moroi. Brianna and Brenda are both dhampirs, while Bridget is a Moroi.

Brianna is her youngest child at ten years old. She has dark brown straight hair, hazel eyes, and is small for her age. She is a girly-girl out of the group. Loves the colors pink and purple, and all the other colors were always second best to her. For her age, she has decent fighting skills. She is my only cousin that would ever want to become a guardian, unlike her two older sisters.

Brenda is her middle child and is sixteen. She has straight black hair, tanned skin tone, and dark brown eyes. Her eyes are a bit lighter than mine. She is the shy one of the family, and total book-worm. She hates how dhampir woman is treated by most Moroi, so she has nothing to do with our world. Only if needed.

Bridget is her oldest daughter at the age of nineteen. She is only a couple of months older than me. She has short curly black hair, with several blond highlights. She eye color is a light sea green, the same as her mothers. Even though her younger sisters are both dhampirs, she doesn't treat them any differently. She is now in college to become a general surgeon.

I stayed with them until, Lydia, was six months old. It broke my heart that I wasn't able to tell, Dimitri, that he was the father. Something that he wanted the most and I didn't have the heart to tell him that he was her father, but I did think that he moved on her me which broke my heart in the process.

While I was living with my aunt, I worked for her at her small four star Italian restaurants. I had made enough to move into a small house in the outskirt of Las Vegas, Nevada. The house was a small three bedroom, two bathrooms on a two-floor house.

When Lydia was two, I meet a young dhampir that was having trouble fighting a couple of Strigoi. He was able to take down the one, while I took down the other two. He didn't really have the best training.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Dillon Lazar," he replied.

From that day on, I started a relationship with him. He had the brightest blue eyes that I had even seen, and blond, curly hair. We even took the next step in our relationship, and even eloped with having an Elvis impersonator. Everything was good after that.

He even started looking after Lydia as his own child. She even looked up to him, but she also knew he was not her real father. Although they do share a strong bond with each other there was always something missing.

Thing was going extremely well with our marriage. Then we had twins of our own. We had a boy and a girl. Jasper and Alissa Lazar came into the world. So I became a mother of three. When the twins were three months old, we moved out of our small house. I bought a house in Austin, Texas. I have everything in my name.

Then one day I was out, with the kids, after another fight with Dillon about some stupid shit. I ran into my father, as he was coming out of a department store. He told me everything that happened to everyone. First he wanted to tell everyone that he found me. But I convinced him that, I didn't want them to know. And if they did it was only because of an emergency.

So now I had my father back in my life, while my marriage was going downhill. So I ended up divorcing his ass. The last straw was when I found out that he was cheating on me with another woman. A woman whom I hated with everything inside of me; Tasha Ozera, who has done everything against me but I don't know why. So in the process, he signed all of his rights for the twins over to me.

I turned back into the movie I was watching with my kids. The twins, which were three years old, were lying on the other sofa, sound asleep. Lydia was resting against me. There was a small ding from the timer, signaling the cookies are finished. I was baking a dozen chocolate chip cookies, and was getting the off the pan with a spatula, when the front doorbell sounded.

Lydia went to answer the door, with me following behind her. As soon as I seen them. I was in shock, but I knew something was wrong. So I said the first thing on my mind, "Lissa, is that you?"

Shaking my head, making sure I didn't see things. The whole gang was on my porch, including Dimitri's younger sister; Viktoria. More importantly, I think I was in shock. After all, I haven't seen any of them in a couple of years. Except for my father, who does visit regularly? Blinking, I notice that some of them had started to sweat from the mid afternoon heat.

"Come in. It's too hot out there. Lydia, why don't you go and wake up your brother and sister?"

"Sure," she said, as she skipped into the living room. Her brown hair flowed behind her. The sound of her dragging her doll against the floor trailed after her.

Opening up the front door to my house, as wide as it was I able too, as I motioned for them to come into the room and out of the blistering heat, as I didn't want the cool air from the house, to mingle with the hotness of the outside desert Texan air.

Their faces showed astonishment, as they took in the design. Slowly they came through the door, as they were too afraid. I think they might have thought it was a dream. I know I did. In Viktoria's arms was a small girl. She didn't look anything like her, but their eyes were the same. With looking at her, I was able to tell that she was Dimitri's. Great, I though sarcastically. He moved on. Wonderful, even though it has been several years I was still deeply in love with him.

They all piled into my large living room. All too afraid to move, as if they thought I was going to kick their pale vampire asses out of my house. My three children were sharing an oversize red recliner. Jasper's blond curly hair was frizz and sticking up everywhere. His blue eyes were looking at everyone. His face lit up when he saw a little boy in Mia's arms. Sometimes I wonder if he has enough friends that are guys. But I do know he gets along with our next door neighbor sons.' Although they are human, and don't have the same strength as we do.

Alissa brown eyes rested on her grandfather. A smile spread across her face, showing off her dimples. She didn't look nothing like her father and I was happy for that. But, on the other hand, Jasper had some of his father's qualities.' She jumped off the recliner, and then ran straight to him. She hugged him on his right leg. Her dark brownish black hair was now braided, and behind her ears. He picked her up, "Grandpa, why didn't you visit earlier?"

For only being three, they were smart. I think it has something to do with being born from both dhampirs. Lydia was like that at the same age, just with more of her father's attitude.

"I had things to do baby girl," Abe said. Jasper and Lydia both ran over to him for their own hugs. Now with Abe looking like a pirate mobster, in general a bad-ass, does well with the kids. Not that it is shocking. Maybe to outsiders, but not to me and the family that knows him.

"So…Rose, how are you doing?" Lissa asked, nervously.

"Good and you?" I asked with happiness. I really did miss her. I also knew over the years she felt really bad about what she had done towards me and Dimitri. I knew that she has been trying to find me, but it never was the right time to be reacquainted yet.

"Great. I'm married to Christian for five years. Became the queen to the Moroi and dhampir world, five years ago as the queen previously resigned, also. Had two wonderful children; Rosie and Sadie, and Rosie's named after you. How have you been, and your unknown kids for the last five years," Lissa asked, curiously.

"Well, I will tell your guys that later. Quite a long story and I don't want the kids to hear. So Eddie and Mia, how are your guys? Who are these other kids?" I asked, them curiosity.

"Oh…this is Mason, mine and Eddie's son." Mia said. She pointed to her son, which was the tiny version of Eddie. He was now on the floor playing with Jasper, with several toy cars and action figures. My girls were playing with Barbie dolls, with the other girls. Normally Alissa doesn't share her dolls with anyone that is the same age.

"Um…Rose! Why do you have a spatula in your hands?" Christian asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"I was making cookies," I mumbled. "So who is the other little girl?"

Dimitri and his sister were looking at each other. None of them was moving. It looked like they were having, a silent conversation. Lissa, Mia, and Christian were fidgeting in their spots. The others were looking anywhere but at me. Some of them preferred looking at the light, yellow, colored ceiling.

Dimitri sighed as he looked me in the eyes. "Her name is Hailey. She is my daughter and Tasha's."

My eyes bugged out of my head at them mention of Tasha's name. That home wrecker doesn't she have better things to do. Abe saw my expression and went to hug me, as I fell into the now abandoned chair. Placing the spatula on the coffee table, that was once in my hands. I put my hands on my face and sighed.

"Rose…" Viktoria tried to talk, but I cut her off.

Abe moved next to me. My father hugged me tightly as my oldest daughter, Lydia, sat down in my lap giving me extra comfort. She gave me a hug.

"Rose where the hell is your wedding ring, didn't you have one the last time I saw you?" Abe asked.

"Were divorced, Dad. He cheated on me." I told him, as I looked towards the ground.

"Rose, you were recently married?" Mom asked a little shocked.

Sighing, I said, "I was, up until two weeks ago. I think it is time to tell you my story." Taking in a deep breath.

"Why did you respond to Dimitri finding out he has a daughter?" Adrian asked.

"No. I didn't respond to that. I reacted to Tasha's name. It will all be explained in my story."

Dimitri's Point of view

"Um…Rose! Why do you have a spatula in your hands?" Christian asked, with a raised eyebrow. He was sitting on a large, red sofa. Lissa was leaning on him.

"I was making cookies," she mumbled, with a tinge of pink covering her cheeks. From what I knew about her, she wasn't even able to boil a pot of water without being able to burn the pot. "So who is the other little girl?"

I started to stare at my sister. I didn't know whom to tell her that she is mine child. Taking a deep breath, turning my head to look at her, I said. "Her name is Hailey. She is my daughter and Tasha."

Rose's eyes bugged out of her head at them mention of my daughter. I hoped that wasn't the reason. I wanted to try to get back on her good side.

Abe saw her expression and went over to her. Just as she sat down on the red recliner that looked comfortable and as well as being new, but then again she has a bunch of free time on her hands also. She placed the spatula on the coffee table, before bringing her hands to her face and, sighing.

"Rose…" Viktoria was trying to talk to her about god knows what. Until, Rose silenced her with her hand. All of us were looking at Rose. I never saw her so vulnerable.

"Rose where the hell is your wedding ring, didn't you have one the last time I saw you?" Abe asked. Shit! Is she married? Why doesn't she have a ring?

"Were divorced, Dad. He cheated on me," Rose said, weakly. That bastard! Why would anyone want to do that to her, is insane!

"Rose, you were recently married?" Janine asked her shocked.

Sighing, as she replied, "I was, up until two weeks ago. I think it is time to tell you my story."

"Why did you respond to Dimitri finding out he has a daughter?" Adrian asked. I wanted to know that too.

"No. I didn't respond to that. I reacted to Tasha's name. It will all be explained in my story."

So something happened to Rose that involved Tasha. Great! I thought sarcastically. What doesn't she do to the people I consider family.

Rose's Point of view:

Taking in a deep breath, I started with the story. "The day I went to talk to Dimitri, I found something out. Something that was not supposes to happen to me. Although he didn't want to talk to me, I needed to get through to him. But the night before I found out, Adrian, broke up with me. Which in the process was a good idea? But then Lissa came and yelled at me for talking to Dimitri."

I looked at Dimitri and Lissa. They both had guilty looks on their faces. I didn't want either of them to feel any quilt. "She wanted me to leave so I did. I went to live with my aunt Margarita and her three daughters."

My mother's face brightened up. "How is she? Three kids! I only knew that she had one. Wow!" Then she looked guilty.

"She's fine. She misses you. I think you should talk to her. After all, she is your sister, and the feud used two have going on happened a while ago."

Mom gave me a bright smile. "What are her kid's names? I know that she has a child around your age."

"Bridget is the oldest, and she is a Moroi. Then Brenda is the middle child, and she is a dhampir. Then her youngest is Brianna, and she is a dhampir." I said, as I recalled my cousins' names. They tended to call me all the time.

"All girls," mom said. "She always wanted a lot of kids." She said sadly.

"She let me live there with her. She also gave me a job at her now five-star restaurants in Scotland. Then I gave birth to Lydia. Before you ask, she is Dimitri's daughter. Let me finish the rest of the story before you ask any questions."

Sighing softly, "I stayed with them until she was two. I had enough money for a house. So I went someplace where there are more jobs. I moved to Las Vegas. Three weeks after moving there. I save a young dhampirs life. His name was Dillon Lazar. We started a relationship. Then got hitched, with I was four months pregnant with the twins. We moved here not too long ago. Two months ago I found out he was cheating on me this past year with Tasha. So we went to court. I divorced him, and he signed his rights over for the kids. Apparently, the only reason he was with me was for my money."

"How can she be my daughter?" Dimitri asked, as his Russian accent came out heavier. "Dhampirs can't have kids with dhampirs."

"I'm shadow kissed. I'm different. That's all I can say, now."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dimitri asked, heartbroken. I wasn't able to look at his eyes. When I did, I saw a lot of sadness and pain.

"Because if I had tried to talk to you again, Lissa would have yelled at me or worse and you know how she could get. Beside my doctor, said I couldn't handle the stress. So I did the weakest thing. I left."

"I would have believed you if you said something?" Dimitri questioned.

"Well, you said dhampirs can't have kids with each other. So if I went up to you and said; she's your daughter. You wouldn't believe me." I whispered. This was one of the fears that I had when I thought, of telling him that he was the father of my oldest child.

"Your right, but I would have believed you," Dimitri said.

Through the bond I felt Lissa sadness, guilt, and a shit storm of other things. "Lissa, it's not your fault."

"It is if I didn't yell at you then, Dimitri, would have known is oldest daughter."

"Then I wouldn't have Jasper and Alissa. It was fate. It had to happen that way."

She breathed in deeply, then, ran over to me. She gave me a giant hug. "I missed you," I whispered.

"I missed you, too." She replied back.

"Not that I'm happy to see your guys, but why are you here?"

"Victor Dashkov." They replied at the same time. That's when, I started to panic.