Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc., are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property or the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Author's note: Sorry it was taking so long, I just recently graduated from college yesterday. This chapter is a filler chapter.

Married Life

Chapter Eight

Rose's point of view

After getting my ass kicked by a surprise attack by a couple of dhampirs, which shower felt like pure heaven. Even though Lissa and Adrian healed me, my body was still just sore from every hit it took from that damn wooden bat. I quickly put my hair up into a messy bun, threw on my slippers and left my bedroom. I tightened the string around my red bathrobe, I really didn't care if anyone saw my pajamas underneath. We had more important information to discuss then my clothing choices at this point.

When I made my way to the living room, everyone was sitting there minus the children. I never knew that I was able to fit as many people as I could in my living room. The Belikov's which consisted of; Yeva, Dimitri, and Viktoria; as seeing Olena, Karolina, and Sonya were watching the children. I know that the rest of the Belikov's were going to be filled in later by Yeva or Dimitri. The Ozera's, Dragomir's, Mason, Eddie, Mia, Niall, my grandparent, parents, and Brenda. We all in a quiet discussion with each other, and didn't notice me enter the room.

"I needed that shower," I said, officially breaking all of the other conversations. It was nice that I have that effect on everyone.

"So," said Yeva, her thick Russia accent was even more pronounced. She looked at the six captives before turning towards me. "I think it is time to tell them about the talismans. They need to know now, so they can start training when they become healthy. Besides all of the Moroi that are going to be on our side, will need to be trained to fight like a dhampir and start using their powers for protection."

Dimitri got off of his seat and kneeled right in front of his grandmother. He gently took her hands in his own, "Did you see something?"

Yeva nodded her head, as several tears fell out of her eyes. "It was horrible, Dimka, death and destruction were everywhere. We weren't able to defeat Viktor. Humans knew about the existence of the vampire world. The remaining dhampirs were used as slaves, and the women were used as blood whores and breeding mares. The Moroi, what was left of them, were treated like dirt. They all lived in compounds run by Viktor, who always choose one that would die that day. The world was in chaos. A lot of lives were taken that night, we will eventually need the Moroi to fight alongside us. If they won't fight with us then we will lose this fight."

I stepped forward and kneeled on the left side of Dimitri. I looked Yeva in her eyes. I muster up enough determination that anyone would be able to see it through my eyes. "I will not let Viktor win, even if it means that I will fight until the day that I died."

Yeva gave me a hesitant smile, "I know you will, Rose, and that is why you make a good warrior."

I gave her a small smile before standing on my feet. I turned around to find eight confused faces. I took the only seat that was available. "I'm sure that all of you met while I was in the shower, so I will not start with introducing anyone. I know this is going to be a lot to handle in such a short time for most of you so I will break it down or if you want the full summary you can come and see me."

"Go on, Rose," said Rhea, with a hesitant smile on her pale face. "I think it is time for us to know everything about Viktor, so we can properly take him down this time. Because of that guy we all missed all lot of important milestones that we couldn't get back even if we wanted to."

"She's right," said Mason. "We are never going to get back those years that he took from us. But we can get our revenge on him in the meantime."

"Okay," I told them. I told them everything; from finding out that I was pregnant with Dimitri's child to knowing the existence of the talisman, to finding all of the current talismans that me and my makeshift group found. I ended with telling them about my marriage to Dimitri. I left it up to Dimitri to decide on if he wanted to tell the gang or not about Tasha trying to go for custody of Hailey. It took about an hour to tell them all of the recent activity that has been happening within our lives. The reason why it took so long, as seeing they were so angry that we had to stop them from damaging any of my furniture with their magic or bare hands.

Andre ran his hands through his hair, "I knew that guy was crazy. Why would anyone want to work for Viktor?"

"They want power," said Yeva, who has been quite throughout the bringing up the past to our new group members. "The dhampirs that are working for him were pissed that they had to put their lives second to the Moroi. They don't want to risk their lives fighting the Strigoi, but they won't be killed by them. That is why they are working for Viktor. He promised them that they won't have to fight the Strigoi, and risk their lives every day. Although, some of the dhampirs, aren't there because they believe in Viktor's dream, but they were forced to be his servant to protect their families that Viktor threatened."

Eric turned towards me, "I don't care how dangerous it is, but I want to fight alongside you Rose."

Rhea glared at her husband, before saying, "He isn't going to be fighting along side of you, the whole Dragomir family will. And when the time comes, if my sister and brothers are still alive, then I know that they will fight along side of us."

Lissa had a sadness in her eyes," They went missing after our car accident."

Rhea sighed, "They went into the human world. I knew for a long time that they didn't like how the dhampirs and non-royal Moroi were treated. They don't want to be found by any Moroi, so they changed their names and appearances."