I've already got two active stories, but I started this one at work. Not sure I like the Idea I have for it or not, but thought I'd post it and see what response I get. Let me know what you think. I'll continue it if there is enough interest. This story is more for my own amusement than anything else. Don't own Twilight.

Today was a good day.

It was a beautiful, sunny day in Montana. It was in the high 60's, with not a cloud to be seen in the sky. Normally, I would have driven to school and back, but who could resist walking on a day like today. Tack on the fact that it was Friday at 5pm and you could call this very moment a high school student's dream. Life was good, at least for the moment.

It was a few miles from the school to my parent's house, but I didn't mind the distance. Not on a day like today. I was on cloud nine, until I got close enough to my house to hear the raised voices. More accurately, the raised voice of my father. I was still a long ways from the house, but with my better than human hearing, I could hear what was being said very clearly. I internally sighed, already knowing what was being discussed.

"Absolutely not!" Yelled Jacob, focusing his anger on Bella and Carlisle. "Ally will not be made into any more of a vampire than she already is! I forbid it!"

"Jake, please try and see reason." Bella replied, trying her best to remain calm and collected. "She's gonna die if we do nothing."

"Are you sure about the timing, Carlisle?" Nessie asked. She had let go of Jacob and stood a few feet away from her husband. Normally, she could calm him using just a simple touch, but she had no hope of calming him at the moment. This topic was just too volatile.

Carlisle was silent for a few seconds before he answered his granddaughter, but the look on his face told it all. "Yes, she has a year at most. Her body just can't sustain itself anymore. The weight loss is the final indicator. Her shape shifter half just can't survive with her vampire quarter. The internal battle is killing her. The only chance she has is for us to try and turn her human quarter into vampire. If the vampire and shifter parts of her genetic code were even, they could possibly live harmoniously." Carlisle let out a deep sigh. "I've been working on other possible solutions for years now. I'm not even sure if this will work. It may kill her, but it's the only option I can come up with. She's running out of time."

The inhabitants of the house went quiet. This wasn't a new argument, not by a long shot.

After Nessie and Jacob got married, their having a baby became a hot topic. Carlisle wasn't even sure if it was possible for them to procreate, considering that Jacob's shifter DNA evolved in direct response to vampires. The two DNA types weren't exactly compatible. Because of this uncertainty, the day Allyssa was born was proclaimed a miracle. She was born perfect and healthy, with ten toes and ten fingers and everything. Like her mother, she grew rapidly and looked to be a teenager around the age of 8. Mentally, she grew just as fast, acting as a teen well before she reached the age.

Everything was going well until she reached the age of 12, when she shifted for the first time. She was so excited to be a part of her father's pack, that she didn't notice her health failing right way. It started with mild headaches and muscle aches, which were passed off as side effects of shifting. As time progressed, however, the headaches got worse and the muscles pains started to resemble flu like symptoms more and more.

Carlisle did many tests, with no apparent cause for her symptoms. It wasn't until he did a full genetic profile that he found the cause of her problems. It turned out that when her shifter DNA became active, it began to reject the vampire DNA sharing her body. Because it was a more dominant part of the child, the shifter DNA was winning the battle for her body. Unfortunately, Allyssa was what she was. The vampire DNA was just as necessary for her survival as any other part of her. The war between vampire and shifter going on in her body was ripping her apart from the inside out.

They tried increasing her blood intake. It helped ease her suffering, but only slowed her deterioration. It was discussed that human blood might be more effective, but the option was nixed by Jacob automatically. He hated that any part of his daughter was vampire and refused to let her act any more vampire than she already did. Needless to say, when the topic of turning her human quarter into vampire was brought up, Jake went ballistic and, to the surprise of everyone else, so did Edward.

With this, the debate began and continued for years. Jake and Edward refused to let Ally's humanity be destroyed, while Nessie and Bella were desperate to try anything to keep their precious one alive. The rest of the family sided with the girls, but they tried to stay out of it as much as possible. Ultimately, it was up to her parents to decide Allyssa's fate, and they were at a hopeless impasse.

Ally stood perfectly still, listening to her family's current exchange. Tears slide down her cheeks as she allowed her frustrations to show to the silent forest. Her family's constant bickering about her was running her down mentally almost as fast as her body was running down physically.

"Fuck this!" She quietly said to herself, wiping the tears from her eyes and phasing into her wolf form, not caring that her clothes and her book bag were destroyed. As a wolf, she was large, sleek and jet black from head to toe. Her human form was withering quickly, and even though the deterioration to her wolf was slower, she still looked smaller and skinnier than even a month ago.

Ally pushed her muscles to their limit and arrived at her extended family's home in record time. Here grandparents, great grandparents and aunts and uncles all lived in a huge house about a half a mile from the smaller house where she lived with her parents.

With luck, the house was empty, so Ally was able to shift back to human and throw on some clothes without worrying about running into anyone. In her room, she packed up a few essentials in a carry on sized bag, making sure not to pack anything which might cause problems at an airport. She also packed her license and passport which stated she was 18 years old and some money from the safe in Carlisle's office. She bet her great grandfather had no idea that she knew the combination.

Ally chuckled. She was only 15, but she hadn't looked younger than 19 or 20 since she stopped physically aging around 12. She usually dressed down to make her look young enough to be in high school. Her Uncle Jasper had made her fake identification, just in case she needed to pretend to be older than she really was. At least she had some good luck on her side.

She paused by the full length mirror in her room, looking at her appearance. She once liked the way she looked, having a slender, but muscular build, with long black hair and dark brown eyes. Now a days, however, the reflection wasn't nearly as good. She was a solid 5 foot 6 and use to weigh a reasonable 135 pounds. Now she weighed only 110 and was starting to look too skinny. No matter how much she ate or how much blood she drank, she just couldn't keep the weight on. It was getting to the point where the people at school were starting to notice how unhealthy she looked. The teachers had actually started to talk about the possibility that she might have an eating disorder.

She was, literally, watching herself waste away while her family discussed her situation in a committee. They never even bothered to ask what she wanted. As far as her family knew, the seriousness of her condition was unknown to her. As if she didn't notice all the changes happening to her body. Another tear ran down her cheek and she wiped it away angrily.

Grabbing her bag and purse, she marched back downstairs and into the kitchen. She found a piece of paper and a pen and began to write.

She loved her family dearly, but it angered her to think that they couldn't agree to at least try turning her more into a vampire. If it would save her life, wouldn't it be worth it? And if it killed her, would it really matter, since she was dying anyway.

"For god sakes, I live around 8 vampires, you'd think that at least one of them would get fed up with all of it and just bite me already." The tears began to flow again, dropping on the note she was writing. "But no, they don't want to hurt my humanity. Better dead than vampire."

Her father had never said the words, but Ally knew it was what he thought. He had never liked vampires. He only tolerated her mother's family for her sake. Even grandma Bella had lost some of her favor with him after her transformation.

The reason why her grandpa Edward was willing to watch her die, she didn't know. She had once heard them argue about souls and heaven. It all just seemed more complicated than it should have been.

With a final sigh, she placed her completed message to her family on the dining room table. She picked up her bag and headed to the door, grabbing the keys to her Aunt Rose's BMW on the way. She turned and took a last look at the house she often called home, then left the building, locking the door on her way out for the last time.

If they were willing to let her die without at least trying to help, then they didn't deserve to be a part of her last year of life.

To Be Continued...

I'm still not sure if I like it or not. Let me know what you think and thanks for reading!