

Chapter Seventeen: Moonlit Reunion

After a week of texting and calling to no avail, Izaya decided to go for Plan B – the more direct approach. Though he hadn't considered the direct approach to be so time-consuming. It was already an hour after school ended and he has yet to see Rei. According to some students earlier, Rei was present today and should be coming out any moment.

All this waiting just made Izaya even more anxious. Not only did he need to speak with her about Celty's head but he was also hoping to ask more about Nakata Daichi… well after he's apologized first.

A while later, someone exited the building, but it wasn't who he was waiting for. Though he was just as familiar. Kida Masaomi frowned when he saw who was waiting by the school gates, and he also had a pretty good idea why he was here. Kida tucked his hands in his pockets as he stopped in front of Izaya.

"What do you want?" he said blankly.

"I'm waiting for someone," Izaya replied.

"Rei-chan, right?" Kida asked bluntly.

"Yes, has she told you about me?" Izaya tilted his head to one side.

"She said she hated you, can't say I blame her though," Kida recalled. "She also said anyone who knew you must be unlucky."

"I've heard worst," Izaya shrugged. "Is she coming out soon?"

"What do you want with her?" Kida demanded. "She's my classmate you know, and if she gets hurt then I'll-."

"What? Are you trying to make sure Rei-chan doesn't meet the same fate as your little girlfriend?" Izaya snapped distastefully. "Is this just some futile attempt in redeeming yourself?"

"Shut up," Kida spat. "Don't bring Saki into this. Rei is my friend and you will stay away from her."

"Or what?" Izaya rolled his eyes. "You're really in no position to threaten me, Masaomi-kun. You're practically powerless without your gang of-."

Izaya stopped talking as he looked over Kida's shoulder. He turned around and saw Rei leaving the building. Rei fiddled with her backpack as she left the building, and only as she got close to the gates were the straps put on properly. She turned up and saw a most peculiar scene.

"What's going on?" she turned to Kida.

"Nothing," he shook his head. "Orihara-san was just about to leave."

"Oh… is that so, Orihara-san?" Rei looked to Izaya.

She was mocking him.

Izaya didn't like the tone she used, nor did he like the fact she's acting as if they were strangers.

"I needed to speak with you," Izaya said. "I've tried calling but you didn't pick up."

"My phone met a watery grave," she shrugged. "I'll be going then if that's it."

Rei pushed past Izaya and walked down the street without looking back.


"Leave her alone," Kida grabbed the man's arm. "She obviously doesn't want to talk to you."

Kida let go of Izaya's arm and headed after Rei. It doesn't look like he'll be able to speak to Rei so easily, not with Kida with her anyway. He hadn't even known Rei was friends with the ex-leader of the infamous Yellow Scarves.

If both Plan A and B have failed, then he'll have to come up with a new plan – Plan C.

Not only does she not have a phone now, but also Kida seems to be determined to keep them apart. Izaya doesn't dare follow Rei back to her house, the last thing he wanted was to meet Nakata Daichi. The only other way was to send her a message… somehow.

Izaya pulled aside a girl as she was leaving the school grounds. The girl gave him a stern glare as she raised her eyebrows in question.

"Hi, I need you to do something for me. I can pay."

"What the hell?" she crossed her arms. "What kind of girl do you think I am?"

"What kind of guy do you think I am?" Izaya shot back. "As if I'd be interested in you."

"Did you come up to me just to insult me?" she said. "I'm leaving!"

"Wait! I need you to bring a message to one of your schoolmates," Izaya called. "I'll pay you 1000 yen."

"Who's is it?"

"Nakata Rei," Izaya replied. "Tell her to meet-."

"Nakata Rei?" she grimaced. "As in Crazy Rei? No, thank you. Go find someone else."

She rushed off before Izaya can say another word.

There goes Plan C…

Izaya was starting to get restless. Just why was it so difficult to speak to Rei? Why was nothing working for him? It seems like he won't be able to get to her through any conventional means. If that's really so, then he'll have to go all out for his next plan… Plan D.

Phones won't reach her, a bodyguard in his way, and people won't cooperate.

'All out…'


When Rei arrived home, she found Souichi in a heated argument with her father. Things weren't looking well with her brother's fists clenched and her father glaring from behind his laptop.

Rei took one look at the situation at hand, and made a straight turn back around.

"Wait just a second, young lady!" Daichi called. "Come back in here."

He's barely spoken to her the whole time she was back, and now he's mad at her about something?

'What gives?'


Rei looked over her shoulder.

"Come in and sit down."

With a small frown, Rei walked into the room, plopped her discoloured backpack onto the ground and sat down on one of the many sofas. By the way things looked, it's as if her brother could strangle her if she made one wrong move.

Rei was incredibly uncomfortable.

"Was it true that you were with a man named Orihara Izaya?" Daichi asked his daughter. "Tell me the truth, Rei."


"I told you!" Souchi glared over at Daichi. "I've spoken to him personally. He's been helping with the search."

"… Is that it?" Rei looked up. "Can I go?"

"No," Daichi shook his head. "Don't lie to me, Rei. The least you can do is tell me where you were. I just want to know if you were safe."

"I wasn't with Orihara Izaya, okay?" she growled. "What makes you think I was anyway?"

"Only Orihara Izaya is capable of finding the information about your mother," Daichi crossed his arms. "I need to know if he did indeed find out for you."

"If you doubt me so much why don't you just clarify it with him yourself?" she stood up.

"I've tried, but he hasn't replied," Daichi looked back to his monitor. "Almost as if he's avoiding me."

"Technology fails sometimes," she shrugged. "I'm going upstairs."

Words wouldn't describe how mad Rei felt. Instead of speaking to her about her mother, he goes on and speaks about Izaya. Does he really care so little about what has happened? What has happened because of him?

Rei had no plans of leaving anytime soon, but it was because of living with people like her father that made her want to leave to begin with.

Flipping her new laptop open, she clicked open her only bookmark. Typing the password, she logged into the Dollars website. It's been some time the last she came on. Forums about her have stopped popping up so there really wasn't much to do.

Deciding chatting was better than nothing, she opened up a chat room and set up using the name 'Ren'.

[Welcome, Ren-san]



Wow, these people are friendly. Their little icons also looked familiar. There must have been somewhere she recognized them from.


[Are you new here?]

[Yeah, sort of]

[Were you at that large gathering two weeks ago?]

[Yeah, it was fun]

[We were just saying maybe we could do something like that again]

[Exactly, it was a lot of fun. It was great to see other members]

Rei tapped her index finger as she watched the words flicker on and off her screen. Why must things be boring for her even when she makes an effort? She had little to no interest in meeting up with these people, in fact, the thought of that greatly bothers her.

[I gotta go]

[Oh! Bye Ren-san]

-Kanra has entered the chat-

A little bright orange box appeared on screen.

[Good evening~]

This was all too familiar to her. She had definitely seen that orange avatar somewhere before. Then it hit her. It was from that night she was with Izaya, he had the very same chat room open on his computer.

[Good evening Kanra-san!]


Kanra was no doubt Izaya. This she was almost certain. Before she could close the chat, another window opened up.

[Is that you, Rei-chan?]

Okay, now she was on hundred percent certain. Her fingers lingered over the keys as she thought this through. Did she really want to speak to Izaya? After what happened earlier today? He did say he's been trying to contact her… but that doesn't make up for what he's said before. That doesn't even begin to make up for what he's said.


It was painful waiting for a reply. Izaya wasn't even sure if Ren was really Rei, but he went with his gut instinct. The clock ticked by slowly, this caused Izaya to squirm slightly in his seat.

"What's wrong with your face?"

Izaya looked up and saw Namie staring at her from across the room. She was obviously amused by his expression but said nothing to imply it.

"Stomachache," he lied, looking back down to the screen.

-Ren has left the chat-

Well that's just brilliant.

If that were really just Rei, then he has missed his chance to speak with her. Why on earth were things so difficult for him? Why was he so determined for one girl? What Rei thinks of him should mean nothing to him. Nothing like this has ever bothered him before.


Namie placed a bottle down on the table along with a glass of water.

"Your face is terrifying," Namie crossed her arms. "Do people usually turn that shade of red when they have a stomachache?"

"Thank you, Namie-san," Izaya shooed. "You can leave now."

With a tight frown, Namie picked up the things placed down and turned back to the stairs. If Izaya was going to be stingy about things, then she couldn't care less.

Izaya had spent the whole afternoon and majority of the evening working on his Plan D. With a single phone call, he was able to find out information regarding Raira's new school schedules and recruitment placements.

If everything goes according to plan, he should be able to slip in, give Rei a note, and leave without trouble – and with a valid excuse if he needed one. Which he desperately hopes he didn't need, the last thing he needed was to have Kida know of his presence at school.

The plan was going well so far, the paper note was safely placed in Rei's shoe cabinet and if she does respond accordingly then he should be able to speak with her later tonight.

It's been a long time the since Izaya was at Raira. The last time he was here was probably his very own graduation ceremony… and after such a commotion he and Shizuo made, the school never contacted them again. Being back here was indeed nostalgic even with all the new renovations the school has made.

Izaya wandered along the corridors, humming a little tune with his hand tucked inside his pockets. It seems that lunch has just ended and lessons were commencing. There were a few tardy students here and there but no one worthwhile has shown up yet… until now.

"Eh? Orihara-san?"


Looking back over his shoulder, he found Ryugamine Mikado staring back at him oddly. Mikado had a hoard of baseball bats in hand and looked to be struggling with them.

"Ah! If it isn't Ryugamine-kun," Izaya greeted. "Long time no see!"

"U-Uh yes…" he nodded back brashly. "W-what are you doing here, Orihara-san?"

"Visiting," Izaya shrugged. "What about you? PE?"

"Yeah, I've got PE right now…" Mikado brushed past him. "Sorry but I've got to get these downstairs…"

Without another word from him, Mikado rushed down the stairs. Izaya walked over to a window and looked through. Just as he thought, the first years were all gathered on the field. Looking towards the girls' side, he searched for the blonde girl.

Rei stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd. Perhaps it was her striking bright hair, or maybe it was the big gap people kept a distance at. Either way, spotting Nakata Rei from her classmates was an easy feat.

Once Mikado arrived with the bats, the co-ed game of baseball can start. It was a balanced mix between girls and boys teams. It was a typical high school game from what Izaya could see.

When Rei was up to bat, the crowds grew silent. The pitcher threw the lightest ball he could, and Rei hit it with little to no effort. The ball flew high the air, but no one ran for it. Everyone stayed in their places as they watched the ball land right next to a fielder. The ball rolled right to the fielder's toes but still then, he wouldn't touch it.

It was almost cruel the way they treated her, but she didn't seem too bothered about it as she dropped the bat and walked around the bases.

The only person that looked to be properly happy with her performance was Kida Masaomi. As Rei got back in the stands, Kida approached her and began to grin and speak to her. Izaya wasn't too touchy with Kida's fondness of Rei. Sure, it was a little annoying… especially after he pretty much yelled at Izaya.

He gave them one last look and tore his attention away from the window and marched down the hall. His job here was done, and he should just leave before he gets caught up in some mess.

"Excuse me? Yoshida-san?"

Izaya looked back and saw a person who he presumed to be a teaching staff here at the school.

"Yes?" Izaya decided he'd take up the role of this 'Yoshida' for the moment. "I apologize but I got a little lost."

"That's no problem at all, Yoshida-san," the lady smiled back. "I'm Nishimoto Tae, a teacher here at Raira. Your class is waiting for you, if you'll come with me."

It seems that whomever Yoshida may be, he was someone that's supposed to be filling in a class as a substitute while the homeroom teacher was away on some business.

The lady Izaya was following noted his strange attire but laughed it off, saying that it was 'cute'. She proceeded to ask him various questions regarding his work, family and friends. It was a tedious experience for Izaya. The woman was shallow and so blatant with her advances.

"Are you married, Yoshida-san?" Nishimoto asked. "I can't imagine a handsome man like you unmarried."

"I'm not."

"Really?" she practically gaped. "Would you have any interest in going out with me this weekend? I hear there's a nice movie that's playing on Saturday."

"I'm not married, but there's someone I'm seeing at the moment," he told her.

"A girlfriend?"

"Not exactly," Izaya subconsciously told her all this. "And we're not speaking at the moment."

"… What's she like?"

"… Special," he said. "And really blonde."

"Uh…" Nishimoto looked back down at her brown locks. "Well maybe this break as an opportunity for you to go out and meet new people!"

"You think so?"

"Yes!" she stopped in front of a door. "So will you call me?"

"Alright," he nodded.

It wasn't as if the real Yoshida was here to object.

She smiled back then turned to open the door. As she addressed the class, Izaya took a peek in the class and frowned at the lack of interesting faces. What he didn't notice was almost every single female student's eyes sparkled at the sight of the young and handsome substitute teacher.

"Everyone please welcome Yoshida-sensei."


PE classes were the worst for Rei. She had zero tolerance for it and not to mention people always let her win, no matter what sport they were playing. It was almost taxing enough having to go to school with these people, but it was even more infuriating when they get too scared to even make it difficult for her.

Dumping her gym bag onto the floor, she kicked her indoor shoes off as she slammed her shoe cabinet open. Rei swapped the shoes around and stepped into her leather shoes. Just as she was about to close the cabinet she noticed a piece of folded paper in the corner of the box.

"Did you see that new substitute teacher?"

"Oh, you mean Yoshida-sensei?"

"Yeah! Wasn't he good looking?"

"I thought he was a little weird though."

"Good looks are good looks!"

It was three senior girls talking amongst themselves as they left. They carried on speaking of the amazing lesson they had with their substitute teacher with much excitement. Once they were out of the way, Rei picked up the note and unfolded the creases.

[Meet me tonight at seven, on the roof of this building – Izaya]

Under that line of words was an incredibly badly hand drawn map with a large red 'X' over a building. The drawing looked to be traced from something, but the lines were wobbly and uneven. If the map weren't labeled she probably wouldn't have understood where she was supposed to go.

The building that she was supposed to meet him at was supposed to be abandoned in a more quiet part of the city. It seems almost shady the way he was inviting her, and to such a place especially. If it had been any other girl that received this note, they'd probably tear it up without a seconds thought, but Rei wasn't one to fright over such crude invites.


The building was a lot more difficult to locate then she imagined at first. Especially with the help of the map she received, or lack thereof more like. Finally stumbling onto the roof of the designated building, she glanced around in search for Izaya.

The moonlight illuminated the roof well, and she easily spotted a figure huddled up on the roof of the staircase hatch.

"Your map was really pathetically drawn," she called. "I was wandering around this area for close to an hour looking for this building. You also do realize there's a scary slasher running about at night, don't you?"

He nodded lightly.

"I don't fancy getting cut up just because you've asked me to come out."

"I'll never put you in harm's way."

"…" Rei sighed as she looked down to her feet. "So what have you called me all the way out here for?"

"Come on up here, Rei-chan," Izaya called. "There's something you'll want to see."

"No," she said. "I'm fine where I am."

As much as she disliked Izaya at the moment, she was awful curious to what he wanted to show her.

"Have I ever lied to you about something like this before?"

"Well no…"

"So come on up here," he insisted.

Her curiosity getting the best of her, Rei walked towards the ladder and climbed onto the platform where Izaya sat. As she sat down next to him, she felt a slight prick under her palm but she paid it no mind; she didn't want to cause a fuss in front of Izaya at the moment.

"What am I supposed to be looking at?"

"Firstly, I'll tell you more about this building," he said. "The building has been abandoned around two years ago, and since then it's been quite a popular site for suicide jumpers."

"Fascinating," she grumbled, her hand twitching slightly from the pain her palm. "And?"

"There's been four jumpers in the last six months," he noted. "And Rio Kamichika would have been the fifth."

"… Rio?"

"Sound familiar?"

"Too familiar," she recalled the girl. "Why didn't she die?"

"There was an interference," he shrugged. "From our favorite headless rider."

"Really?" Rei's tone lightened considerably. He nodded back reply. "Just how is it you know so much?"

"Isn't it only natural to take an interest in things you love?"

"I guess," she sighed. "Is that it?"

"Wait, don't go yet," he raised his voice slightly. "I wanted to apologize about what I've said. About your mother."


"I grew up with a normal bunch of folks, so I never knew what it was like to feel truly alone," he told her. "So, I'm sorry."

"… You're really apologizing to me?" she grinned. "That's unlike you. Since when did you care about what others thought of you?"

"Just very recently actually," he sighed. "And it's really giving me a bother."

"Yeah?" she chuckled. "If it helps, I've been feeling something similar… Do you think this is what they call love?"

It was incredible how one little word can agitate him so. He turned to her and saw her staring back at her with lips curved into a damning smile.

"Perhaps…" Izaya sighed.

"Hm…" she thought hard. "I don't know if I love you though…"

Once again, just one thing she says made him feel like his world's come crashing down on him. When did his world start revolving around this blonde goddess of his? Rei was probably right about their relationship, perhaps it really is love – on his part anyway.

Rei kicked her legs back and forth through the air as she hummed a quiet tune. She seemed to be still in thought, but he couldn't tell what she was thinking. It was as if she could jump at him any second.

Izaya almost flinched when her left leg froze midair; she turned her attention to her right hand and pulled it off the concrete. She examined the wavy ridges left on her palm then onto the carvings on the solid rooftop. They were the very same carvings Izaya made to tally up his experiments, and it looks by Rei's face that she's realized too.

"… I don't know if I love you," she spoke again. "But I like you too much to say that I don't love you."

Hearing such words from her almost put Izaya at ease. But with this new commitment, there'll be newfound problems.

"Does it not seem strange to you that you'll be with an older man?"

"No?" she eyed him. "It'd make no difference if I were twenty and you were thirty. People generally aren't very smart when it comes to these types of things. What's socially acceptable or unacceptable are just opinions of our dimwitted society; they don't matter to me."

The words she was saying were like music to his ears. Sometimes, on occasions like these, Rei seriously sounded like the most intelligent person in the world.

"I didn't think you'd ask something like that. I would think that these things also didn't matter to you."

"They don't matter," he agreed. "I'm just worried how you'd be treated by your family and friends."

"What friends? What family?" she scoffed. "Izaya-kun, I live for no one but myself. I'm not here to impress anyone."

"… Rei-chan, has anyone ever told you how amazing you are?" he smiled. "If not, then let me be the first to say it – you are amazing."

"Huh, really?" she tilted her head sideways. "How so?"

"Always, Rei," he said with a small shake of his head. "You always exceed my calculations. You're so different from every other human. I never know what to expect from you next. It's just unbelievable, meeting someone like you."

"… Hm," she nodded with a sly grin. "You sound almost infatuated. Are you? Infatuated with me?"

"I think I'd be lying if I said no," he looked to his lap. "... I mean- you interest me."

"… Close your eyes."

"Why?" he grew defensive. "The last time I did that you shove me off into a pool of water. I don't want to take my chances on a rooftop."

"Just do it!" she huffed. "This is my first time, okay? I'm really nervous about this."

"About what?" he was still unconvinced.

"Kiss!" she exclaimed. "A kiss!"

Izaya might as well have pushed himself off the rooftop by the way he fumbled after hearing those words. He turned to her and saw that she was waiting for him to do as he was told.

Once his eyes were closed, Rei huddled closer and stared at his face. She hadn't a clue what she was supposed to do. Sure, she's seen other people do it, but now that she's on her own faced in her own predicament…


Izaya must have been closing his eyes for at least half a minute now, and Rei hasn't done a single thing. Perhaps, she's just messing with him. It was plausible; she's not one to stick to anything she's said. The moment he was about to protest, he felt a pair of soft lips pursed on his right cheek.

"Oh my god!" he heard her yell as soon as she pulled away. "Hey! That wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be!"

Opening an eye, Izaya let out a sigh.

'I guess I was expecting too much this time…'

Okay, it's been far too long since I last updated and I'm sorry for that! But I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Thanks to those that favorited and alerted this story! :)


i88, Alexandria Volturi, SilverDragon13, Chocoholics Unite, OneHellOvaWriter, ILAUGHATYOUALL, animelover1990, Amara-nii chan, indescribable music, Ume Kanda, xxMZ Vampy Chickxx & ALL THE GUESTS - Oh guys, I'm so tired and there's just waay too many of you to reply individually. Forgive me! But I loved every single one of your reviews! I particularly liked all the guest reviews I got asking me to update xD Anyways, I'm so glad you're all enjoying my story, and I really do appreciate it when you leave me reviews and I'm sorry I'm taking such a long time :P Thank you all again! :D