During the Ball

NyraGrimm, thank you! As promised, here it is. Goldpen, thank you! I like to think that Tugger's a big romantic softie at heart. :) Cuty, don't you worry… there are definitely sequels planned. The story can't end here! the1andonlyofo, last chapter of the fic, but their tale still isn't over. You'll notice why at the end. :) JusticePig, quick! Light a sparkler too!

A big thank-you to CrazyIndigoChild for beta-reading!

12. After the Ball

(This chapter/epilogue takes place, uh, after the ball.)

"You were amazing tonight."

Mistoffelees blushed, ear twitching against the hot breath. He'd known Tugger was sneaking up behind him, and didn't startle when he felt large, warm paws wrap around his middle and a deep voice purr against his ear… but still, he blushed.

"Simply… marvelous," Tugger added, letting his paws slide down to rub against Mistoffelees' belly.

"Will you stop?" Mistoffelees chided, batting at Tugger's hands, though he grinned at the motion. "Everyone's going to wonder. That is, if they don't think you're trying to molest me."

"Who says I wasn't?" Tugger returned.

Mistoffelees laughed and leaned back, happily nestling himself into Tugger's mane. He was happy not to be the centre of attention, at least for the moment. Grizabella's return, and subsequent departure to the Heaviside Layer, had left a blanket of high spirits over the tribe.

Old Deuteronomy had been right. Earlier that night, he'd spoken of forgiveness, and peace, and Mistoffelees finally understood what he'd been trying to explain. He was happy for Grizabella now, plain and simple, and felt rather guilty for his earlier shunning.

Scanning the dispersing crowd, Mistoffelees tried to locate Demeter. His gaze landed on happy, chattering, still-excited Jellicles, still bright-eyed and bushy-tailed despite the occasional yawn. Cassandra and Alonzo found each other in the crowd, and after exchanging a quick nuzzle, walked off together, most likely to collect their kittens from Jezebel's den.

Mistoffelees smiled as he spotted Victoria and Plato, blushing at each other and purring and as amorously entangled as they dared while out in public. They were officially mated now, and surely kittens would be on the way soon… and Mistoffelees' smile grew wider as he pressed on Tugger's hands, still flat against his abdomen. With a little luck, maybe Victoria and Plato wouldn't be the only ones welcoming some kittens in the near future.

He finally found Demeter in the crowd; she was smiling and speaking with Bombalurina who, for all her faults, did seem to care for her friend quite a lot. All the same, Demeter didn't seem to require much comforting any more; she had made her peace with Grizabella, and finally her family's dark past was behind her. Mistoffelees watched as she bade Bombalurina good-night, and wove through the crowd until she'd caught up with Muunkustrap, playfully scratching at his back to catch his attention.

Munkustrap had been conversing with a bright-eyed Old Deuteronomy, who happily smiled at Demeter's arrival. They were too far for Mistoffelees to hear the conversation but whatever was being said made Demeter and Munkustrap laugh.

A purr rumbled from Tugger's chest and into his ears. He must have been looking in the same direction as Mistoffelees, as he said, "That was an amazing thing you did tonight, saving him from Macavity like that."

Mistoffelees smiled modestly. "Well, that was quite the song you sang about me earlier."

"Wasn't it? I thought it had quite the flair."

"Flair's one way to put it." Mistoffelees happily sighed and relaxed back into Tugger's chest as his mate's face nestled between his ears. He was exhausted after the night's tumultuous events, but elated at the same time. "We should go get the kittens before Jezebel loses her fur."

"What about my fur?" Tugger mumbled against his ears. All the same, he unwound his arms from Mistoffelees' torso and together they slowly ambled in the direction of Jezebel's den. At a playful swat from Tugger's tail, he responded with a hip-bump that brought them close to one another again as they walked.

"So about my song…" Mistoffelees cheekily said. "You had to do it, didn't you? You had to mention the kittens."

"How could I not? You have to admit it is rather phenomenal."

Mistoffelees delicately snorted. "They didn't exactly come out of a hat, you know…"

"I was being tasteful. I figured you would appreciate it. Of course, I could do the song again, and mention how you produced seven kittens right out of your-"


He shoved ineffectually at Tugger, and after casting a quick glance to make sure nobody had overheard, smirked at the comment.

"Despite that," Mistoffelees said. "You sang some awfully nice things."

Now it was Tugger's turn to smirk. "I suppose I was inspired."



"Thank you."

They sauntered to a stop as Mistoffelees gently wound his hands in Tugger's mane, pulling him close for a kiss. It was meant to be a sweet and chaste thing, at least at first, but it quickly turned into something much more passionate as Mistoffelees couldn't resist slipping his tongue into his mate's mouth. He finally pulled away with a bright look in his eyes.

"We might have time for one last cuddle," Mistoffelees murmured, drawing teasing little circles into Tugger's chest fur. "If we're quick about it…"

"Hmm," Tugger agreed. "Maybe if we can find a quiet-"


They leapt apart automatically—after being interrupted so many times while trying to be intimate, the two had become quite skilled at pretending there was absolutely no funny business going on. Out of the corner of his eye, Mistoffelees saw Tugger's brief look of disappointment, quickly replaced with a genuine smile as Mandragora led the pack of kittens, a bemused Jezebel bringing up the rear.

"Daddy!" Mandragora happily squealed, launching herself at Tugger's legs. He bent down to pick her up, nuzzling her gently.

"Did you kittens all behave for Jezebel?" he asked, as Aloysius pulled on his tail a bit to catch his father's attention while Cappella came stumbling after, yawning and blinking sleepily.

The old queen in question arrived behind the clamoring kittens, carrying a half-asleep, disheveled and disgruntled-looking Josephine, stumbling briefly to avoid tripping over Augusta and Cyrano as they ran around her legs. "I could only contain them for so long," Jezebel huffed. "Once they saw Cassandra and Alonzo, they knew you weren't far behind."

"It's just as well," Mistoffelees said, smiling at Josephine who sleepily frowned back as Jezebel passed her over to Tugger, while he picked up Tourmaline, who'd been gently pawing at his legs. "We missed you kits."

"Did you see the Rumpus Cat?" Aloysius asked excitedly, yanking on Tugger's tail to get his attention. "Was he scary?"

"Frightful," Tugger shuddered, shifting both kittens in his arms so he could look down at his son. "You would have been so scared."

"No I wouldn't!"

"Daddy!" Augusta said, crashing into Mistoffelees' leg as she came toddling up. "If Josephine says I spilled cream on her earlier tonight it's not true because anyway, it was an accident because Cyrano pushed me!"

"No I didn't!" Cyrano protested.

Mistoffelees did his very best not to laugh. "Why don't we figure all that out tomorrow?"

Tugger grinned and nudged Josephine with his nose; she'd laid her head on his shoulder, her tiny mane completely askew. "Some of you need to get to bed."

"Noo-oo, I don't," Josephine whined.

"Some of us do," Jezebel said, stifling a quick yawn. "Though maybe… maybe after seeing if Jenny and Jelly are up for a cup of tea. Oh, your little ones were simply pleasant tonight, have no worries…. Though I'd keep an eye on that one, if I were you."

She surreptitiously pointed at Cappella, who was now cheerfully batting at Cyrano's tail. "I know my favourite teacup didn't just disappear and reappear on the top shelf on its own."

Mistoffelees shrugged innocently. "Maybe you just misplaced it?"

Jezebel narrowed her eyes. "Well go on then. Go put your little army to bed. And if I know you two, you're probably both tuckered out by now after the Ball."

"Jezebel, please!" Tugger gasped, gathering Mandragora and Josephine closer to him in mock indignation. "Not in front of the little ones!"

The old queen scoffed and quickly walked away, muttering something about Jenny and Jelly and needing a strong cup of tea.

"I could use a nap," Tugger said, shifting his armfuls of kittens so he could lean in closer to Mistoffelees. "You've positively exhausted me."

Before Mistoffelees could respond, Tugger gave him a quick, playful kiss, earning a disapproving whine from Josephine and a cry of disgust from Aloysius on the ground.

Tourmaline, however, was giggling. "Daddy, look," she said, pulling and tugging at Mistoffelees' shoulder-fur. "You're all sparkly."

He quickly looked down at himself, biting his lip. The post-magic glow in his fur never lasted this long, and there had only been one exception so far. An exception that had taken place just about a year ago. "I am, aren't I?"

"You definitely are," Tugger said, grinning broadly.

Mistoffelees smiled back, excited and exhausted all at once. He glanced once more at his mate, valiantly holding two sleepy kittens, and he adjusted his hold on Tourmaline so he could get the attention of the others. Aloysius still had one paw absently clutching Tugger's tail, while his other paw scratched at his small ear; Cappella was yawning and leaning against Augusta, who was preoccupied with innocently pulling on Cyrano's tail and giggling at his annoyed swats.

Mistoffelees smiled at the sight. "Come on, kittens," he said. "Let's go home."

The end

And thus ends another tale. Now if you'll excuse them, Misto has to go pee on a stick and confirm the good news. ;)

I believe this fic took so long to be completed because I was preoccupied with other stories… so stay tuned for a few one-shots, and then a lengthy fic to continue the epic story of "Mysterious Ways" and "During the Ball". Thank you! :)