Hi there people! Maybe I was stupid when I decided to write an Avatar fanfiction, or maybe not. I really think this can be a good story, because my ideas say so, but we'll see!

This is my little 'side project' that I have, though I work the hardest on my Harry Potter fanfic, but I'll write as much as I can on this one!

Let's begin with a short prologue to get all of you sucked into this, tell me your thoughts about it, if I should continue or not!

I just want to clear out some things before we start too:
- Bold
text in dialogues are Na'vi.
- Italic parts are memories.
And yeah, the rest I think you'll understand!


"So, how do you say 'I made this necklace out of leather straps and crystals yesterday'"?, mum asked the little group of young people before us. Neytiri straightened up a bit from where she sat in the middle of the room, and repeated the sentence in english with almost perfection. I heard a snorting from the back of the room, and saw Tsu'tey who looked at her with a face that said he thought Neytiri was a real show-off. I smiled at them while I played with my own necklace. There were no crystals in it, but a beautiful red stone that I had found in my younger days when I for the first time followed mum to the forest.

"Good job, Neytiri! Let's repeat it all together one last time before we end this lesson, okay? One, two, three!"

They had come through half of the sentence when the door flung open and Sylwanin ran in with a few of her friends. She rushed through the whole room to us and took mum's hands in her own. I saw the fear in her eyes as she looked pleading at my mother.

"Grace, please, you must help us. We didn't mean to, they threatened us and we just wanted them to stop destroy the forest! Please protect us!"

Mum took Sylwanin with her and stepped forward to the door and looked out with a worried facial expression. There was a strange and uncomfortable silence before I heard a shot from a gun and in the next second Sylwanin fell to the ground. Her friends started to fire arrows around outside the building and Neytiri ran up to her sister and tried to wake her up. But Sylwanin was dead. The machine guns started to spit bullets all around and my mum screamed to everyone to get out the backdoor. Everyone, except Sylwanin's friends and Neytiri ran to the backdoor, and I ran up to her and tried to pull her with me, but she was much stronger than me.

"Come on, Neytiri! We have to leave or we're gonna be killed!", I screamed to her but she shook her head and the tears streamed down her cheeks.

"No! Sylwanin, wake up! Sister?", she screamed and shook her sister's body harder.

"She is gone, we have to leave!"


She screamed with a broken voice of sorrow and I felt my eyes sting as tears started to fall down on my cheeks.

"HELP!", I screamed and looked around in the room. "Somebody help me!"

I saw someone running towards us as I continued to try get Neytiri to let go of her sister. The person, which was Tsu'tey, came up to us and started pull her in her other arm and together we managed to move her to the backdoor. As we passed out through it I got shot in my foot. The pain was unbearable and I stumbled at the small stairs and fell down on the ground below. I tried to stand up and continue running but my foot could not carry my body weight.

"I'll carry you, hurry!", Tsu'tey said as he turned his back on me. I climbed up and he and Neytiri started running again. The school building and the forest flew away behind us until we reached a small clearing where Grace had stopped with the rest of the group. Tsu'tey bent his knees a bit and I carefully landed on my healthy foot.

"What's happened to her? Tsu'tey?", my mum asked with a worried voice as she rushed to my other side to support me.

"Someone shot me in my foot", I answered and she looked down at my feet.

"Sit down and let me see how bad it is", she commanded and I let go of her and Tsu'tey and slowly sat down on the soft grass.

"This is going to hurt a bit I'm sure", mum said as she began to lace up the shoe. When she started to take it off I clenched my teeth and drilled down my fingers in the soil. The pain was only getting worse. Mum made a troubled face after she had looked at the injury and stood up again.

"Tsu'tey, you and Neytiri must lead the others back home, I have to take Marlene back to our domain and give her medical care. Can you manage to do that?"

Tsu'tey only nodded for answer and turned around and started to yell at everyone to get up and follow him. Neytiri did the same and they followed everyone out of the clearing. Before Tsu'tey stepped into the trees he turned and looked me in the eyes before he disappeared after the others. That was the last time I saw him.