AUTHOR NOTES: Well heres the new chapter I hope you all enjoy !

I don't own Supernatural...SAD!

Sammy? Sammy waky, waky…Sam?

Sam? Sam…Wake up…please?

Samuel? Samuel…I'm so sorry…

He ached and it felt like fire was being spread over his body like butter. His skin burned and blistered while his bones broke into pieces. Sam just laid there withering in pain as a pair of hands ran over his skin, trying to sooth his hot corpse—but he wasn't died was he? Though it felt like it—but only making it much, much worse.

Sammy? Everything's ok, Uncle Al is here…Please don't cry Sammy…Please?

Sobbing could be heard clearly as a voice far in depth of his mind called out to him.

I'm so sorry! I just wanted to make you happy!

We all did.

"Mmmm you taste so sweet," was purred into his ears and his vision blurred. Large hands ran down his naked chest, nails digging its way into his red skin. White blinding trails followed after sharp jagged nails. A sneer was pressed into his neck as sharp thrusts hit against him. Sam screeched, a burning pain raced through his veins, blood pounded into his ears and unknown to him he was crying. Cool tears brushed his ruby cheeks, down his neck and landing on the dirty sheets under him mixing and imprinting itself with the blood that pooled down his thighs.


It made things worse knowing that Al and the others could 'see', 'feel', and 'hear' what was happening to him.



Sam whimpered as fingers bit into his hips pulling him closer to the agonizing shoves.

…Al, Helena lets, let Samuel dream for a moment.


No…we let him dream last time and look what happened. He believed that his relationship with Dean was back to normal and he believed that Castiel loved him just as much as he loves that fucking angel. But in reality he was being reduced to this, being tortured over again! No, I said no!

So that's what it as all about. Everything that he thought was true was nothing but a dream. He wasn't in a loving relationship with Castiel and he wasn't making things better between him and Dean. He hadn't had a brother's night with his brother, he hadn't made love with Castiel, he hadn't been happy…no that was a lie. He had been happy even if it was nothing but a false fantasy. 'Thank you,' he whimpered to Helena and Ivan and most importantly Alfred. 'Thank you.'

Al, please we can't leave him like this.

Sammy, do you want to dream again? It's up to you; I won't make your choices for you any longer.

Sam winced as his insides screamed, harsh breathing reached his ears and his insides were coated with warmth adding to the burning on his body and he jerked in pain. 'Please?'

Ok, Samuel, just close your eyes and leave the rest to us.

He listened to Ivan and his eyelids slide down, his chest lowered in soft breathing.

"So good baby, feel so fucking good," Arms pulled at his waist and…

Now you can open your eyes, Sam.

...And he listened to Helena, opening his eyes…

"Daddy?" he blinked into bright green eyes staring down at him. "Daddy?"


Those bright green eyes seemed to grin at him and a brown haired covered head shook in amusement. "Silly, Daddy! Are you having one of your 'episodes' as Uncle Dean likes to say?"

"What?" this time the eyes didn't look amused, more annoyed then anything and rolled.

"Papa! Daddy is being funny again!" The small child cried before hopping off the bed and running out of the room…Wait? Bed, room Sam sat up and looked around him. He wasn't in that place anymore but in a house it seemed.

You are in a dream landscape, Sam. In this dream you were never born a hunter. The world you have always lived in was never real. You are thirty-five and have three kids with your ex-wife who left you for your best friend and gave you full custody of your children.

That's when he noticed the picture on the nightstand. He blinked and picked it up. Three children were pressed into the glass 'grinning' at him. The oldest, a boy, had reddish brown hair and green eyes. He smiled softly unlike the youngest, whose eyes looked familiar, and the middle child who seemed to scowl into the picture. He gently traced the faces of the three children. They all seemed to have different personalities to them. The oldest seemed more calm while the youngest looked like the worlds happiest child and the middle who tried to act indifferent but her eyes told a different story.

"Am I alone?" He asked aloud. It was quiet.

No you recently started dating and it's gotten quite well. You live with your boyfriend of six months and your children already look at him as another father.

"Really?" His eyes widen and even if he knew—this time he knew—that this was all a dream he couldn't help but feel happy. He had a family. "Who's my—"

"Sam?" his breath caught in his throat and he had to blink back tears.


There standing at the doorway leaning one hip against a side was Castiel. The angel—

Man. Alfred whispered silently for the first time since his dream started—

Was barefooted, clad in a pair of old blue jeans and a plain white T-shirt, a fluffy, feminine, pink waist apron tied around his hips. He wanted to laugh at the sight, a tiny smile made its way on his face, but as he looked up into his boyfriend's blue, bright eyes he felt a familiar tightness in his jeans as smothering, lustful eyes grinned at him.

"Matthew was says you're acting—and I quote—like Uncle Gabe when he's going through a sugar withdraw." Castiel shook his head smiling the whole time as he walked towards Sam, "I swear if we let Gabriel and Dean come over here more than once month our children are going to turn into quite the devilish monsters." Castiel slide into his lap, pulling the photo frame from his fingers and sitting it back on the nightstand.

"Ours?" he asked, not thinking about the way he said it until it was too late. Castiel's eyes widen in shock, he looked hurt and quickly covered it. Sam felt bad. "I didn't mean it that way, babe," he whispered grabbing tightly onto Castiel's hips to stop the other man from pulling away. "I just liked to hear you say the word 'ours'."

The hurt in those blue eyes quickly disappeared and rolled in amusement. Sam grinned to that's where—Matthew?—got it from. "Silly man," was whispered against his lips. "You are my fiancé aren't you? When we get married what's mine is yours and what's yours in mine including those little monster's you call your children!" Castiel yelled as if wanted for his—their—kids to hear.

"Hey!" was yelled from downstairs.

He chuckled, looking up into those eyes he so dearly loved. They looked back down at him with the same adoration he was pretty sure where in his eyes. "Ok, I have breakfast ready so come downstairs ok," A quick peck to his lips and Sam nodded as Castiel slipped from his lap and out the door. He fidgeted at the lack of warmth but soothed his hands over his laps, smiling the whole time. 'Thank you.'

Anything for you, Sammy…Anything for you.

He looks so peaceful…

He's happy Alfred.

But was it the right thing to do? Should we have—?

Quiet you two! Someone's coming…

The door that kept him in was thrown up and Sam groan as light filled the room, burning his eyes. He was so use to the darkness for so long and even thought the light hurt his sensitive eyes he craved the brightness. He left his eyes wide open, even though he couldn't see much of anything but white shadows. Weren't shadows suppose to be black?

"Sammy!" Someone called.

"Al?" it was barely hearable and though his throat was sore, raw he still spoke. He could taste blood deep in his mouth.

"Sammy, hey it's going to be alright, everything's going to be all right—"

"Al?" He called again, this time a bit louder but the voice hadn't seemed to hear.

Hands gently touched his body and though he didn't want anything to touch him he leaned into the light touches. He could fell the tips of finger tips tenderly caress his skin only to pull away as if they were afraid of being burnt. "Oh God, Sammy—"

"Al?" he tried again, tears pooling around the corner of his eyes. Please let it be Al, please!

"Bobby!" was yelled and Sam flinched. "Oh I'm so sorry, Sam," was whispered and hands ran through his dirty hair, pulled the blood and sweat covered strains. "I promise I'm never going to let anyone hurt you again. No one," Was vowed. Arms gripped under his knees and he was in the air. He smiled as warmth was pressed against his skin. He buried his face into the chest he leaned against and took in a deep breath.

"Al," he smiled.

"You got him, Cas?"


"Dean we have to leave now!"

"Right, come on, Cas. Everything's going to be alright, Sammy. I'll fix everything."

AUTHOR NOTES: Who knew that was going to happen? Not me! hahaha :D Review please and I hope you liked it Myurra-K