HEY guys! another one shot. I really like this one and had a lot of fun writting it, so I hope you like it too!

Its like a two shot, ill be posting the "fun" part when its ready. (You'll know what I mean with fun when you read it)

Laughter. Everywhere. The whole school had seen my underwear, and then they had the show of watching a bucket of whipped cream wash over me. And all because of Len. Oh he was going to pay. He had gone to far. Little pranks at home were okay. And I'll pass one or another at school. But since last week he had gotten a lot more serious and harsh. My brother, bullying me.

I sat up. And looked around at everyone. Tears filled my eyes, I finally found him. Clutching his sides in laughter. Hate and betrayal flowed through me. I quickly stood up, fixed my skirt and walked to him, fists clenched. My face heat up in anger as my tears now began to flow freely.

"Oh man, that was too good" I heard the enemy say. He was the enemy now. Brother or not. These words are the last words I'll ever say in his direction.

"YOU JERK!" I screamed in his face, making him stop laughing. I grabbed him by his collar neck and lifted him up a few inches so that he was higher than me and his toes were the only thing that touched the ground.

He was about to answer when I let him fall to the ground. Then I picked him up again and slammed him to the wall near us. His eyes widened as he processed my strength. I had never used it in front of him, but today, he was asking for it.

"you'd better listen closely Len." I quietly threatened. "You are in big trouble. This is the last straw. You are supposed to be my brother! You are supposed to help me" my voice broke as now more tears flowed down my face. "You will regret it. Oh, and of you ever direct even the smallest nod at me again, we are going to settle this the hard way... Got it shota?"

I looked around at his now silent friends as they now looked at me with new eyes. Even though the laughter was still in their faces, their eyes showed a bit of fear and admiration. I looked back at the enemy. And was surprised at what I found. He looked guilty. He looked like he wanted to apologize. Oh, sure, now he wanted to apologize, now that he knows I can kick his shota butt. But I knew him well enough, he wasn't feeling anything. This time he wasn't going to get away with it. He knew that his guilty pupy face had gotten him lots of things but this time he had gone to far.

I let go of him and instead of walking into school I walked out the gates with my eyes on the ground and dripping cream on the sidewalk. I knew people were looking at me. My shoulders hunched a bit more and my feet sped up at the thought of people watching me. I thought of all my laughing friends and shook my head as I now ran to the vocaloid house.

I gasped as I slammed open the door. Silence. Nobody was home. As usual. I threw my backpack on the floor, not caring if anything broke. The door closed behind me. The wind always did that, but it still startled me.

I stumbled into the kitchen, grabbed a paper towel and dried my tears. There was no use crying over it now. Now the only thing that remained was revenge.

Oh, yes. I could see it now. He was so going to regret messing with his older twin.

I marched up to our room. Yeah it was a bit pathetic. Sharing a room with your brother -enemy- at fourteen. But this is going to change.

I threw open all of the enemy's drawers. I threw them so hard, it got to the point they fell out of the closet. I let them fall to the floor where they wanted. When the closet was clean out of his things I took a deep breath and then let it out in a frustration sigh when I looked around my room.

This was going to be a long process.

Hours passed. Le- the enemy was going to be home any minute now. And I was just about done. Every single thing he owned was out in the hallway. Who knew he owned so much things?

I heard the door slam just as I was moving some of his books and manga out to the hallway.

"I'm home Rin!" I rolled my eyes. Of course he forgot. Whatever, he was going to remember for the rest of his days in his new room... Um, wherever that was.

I heard his come up his stairs. I smiled. Oh this was going to be good.

"Rin I'm sorry for what happened today at school." I dropped his books loudly on the floor and turned to retrieve the rest of his germs from my room. "Can you please forg-" he turned the last corner and stopped. "Rin! What ha- What is- Why are all my things in the hallway?"

I resisted the urge to smile and told myself this was the THING that made my life a living hell. I composed my face so that it showed nothing. Coldness.

"Rin! Come out here this instant" my blood boiled. How dare him boss me around! I grabbed the rest of his stuff and marched out of the room.

He was there, waiting for me with his arms crossed. I didn't look at his eyes. I don't look at him at all. I just marched angrily out of the room.

"Rin please explain the meaning of this" I didn't answer. I didn't turn. I just kept walking toward the other end of the house.

At first he didn't move. "Rin? Rin! Where are you going with all that?"

Then I guess he got the clue because he started following me. "Talk to me! Why are you moving all of my things?"

I just kept walking to a room I remembered was empty. And it was perfect too. Just beside Meiko. Better impossible.

I walked inside the room. Dropped his things on the top of a desk nearby and sighed, relived. It had taken some time to get here.

The enemy walked inside. He was still talking? Wow. Of course he wasn't going to give up. He has to have everything. Because he is Kagamine Len. The 'king of the world'. I just walked pass him like he was no more than a painted wall. That is. Until he reached over and grabbed my wrist.

I stopped. "Rin, please, please tell me what's going on" he pleaded. I knew that tone. But he was NOT going to get away with this. I turned, fire flaming in my eyes. He paled and slowly let go of my wrist. I huffed and walked out. Slamming the door.

I ran to my room. I was just about to close the door when a hand stopped the door. I huffed angrily and faced a breathless Len.

"Why?" he asked between gasps. I glared at him and spit the words out before I could stop myself.

"You brought this on to yourself" I slammed the door shut. Rage poured out of my system and I just felt like punching something. I threw myself on my bed and screamed loudly into a pillow. Slowly I regained my posture. But something was still bothering me. I looked at the closed door and picturing Len in front of it, I threw the first pillow my hands could touch. I felt the tiniest bit better. But it wasn't enough. I needed to hurt him, the way he hurt me.

I fell to my bed again and thought. I was so deep in my own mind, I didn't notice when the other vocaloids came home until someone knocked loudly at my door.

"GO AWAY LEN!" I screamed at the inanimate object.

"It's Miku." said a small voice outside my door. I groaned. I didn't want to see anyone. Specially not lens girlfriend. Was he mocking me? I hadn't come up with my revenge yet. It was only going to get worse if he did anything else.

"Can I please come in Rin? Len isn't here." I sighed and climbed out of bed. I slowly opened the door to the teal headed and without looking at her. I threw myself at my bed and buried my head in my pillow.

"So..." she started slowly. "Nice panties Rin"

I lifted my head in surprise and looked at the teal devil snickering at me. My blood boiled again and I stood up fists clenched.

Slowly, quietly, before my rage got out of hand. I threatened. "Get out" she smiled down at me. And patted my head like if I was nothing.

"Oh Rinny, don't worry, I'll take care if your reputation." she fingered my bow teasingly and laughed.

I clenched my fists harder. "Get out Miku"

"What Rin? I don't hear you". She mocked. "You are just so small" she pouted.

In a distance I heard the front door slam and people walking in. "We're home!" I heard Luka said faintly.

My breathing got elaborated as I now saw red. "Miku?" I was trembling now. Pure flaming anger now flowing freely through my body.

"Yes my dear Rin-Rin?"

"GET THE EFFING OUT OF MY ROOM BEFORE I PUNCH THE LIFE OUT OF YOU OR BETTER YET, MAYBE I'LL GET A ROADROLLER!" I yelled at her pretty little face. She stumbled backwards with fear and scrambled out of my room. Terror in her eyes she squeaked calling lens name. I heard the vocaloids asking what just happened while I headed to the door.

I stuck my head out my door into the hallway and found most of our vocaloid house members outside Mikus door with a woried expression.

I took a deep breath and said quietly to everyone "Rin is mad" they all turned to look at me with something in their eyes that could be defined as nervousness.

"Rin wants some time alone so please LEAVE" I finished exasperated. Kaito actually squeaked and ran away, probably to the kitchen where he could find his ice cream. Everybody else backed away slowly without taking their eyes of me. When they all returned to their respected rooms I slammed the door.

Rin was something you didn't want to deal with when she's angry.

Later that night I twisted and turned in my bed. It was to hot under the blanket and every time I tried to close my eyes, laughter reached my ears. It had been hours since I left my room. But I just needed to think what I'm going to do to them! Yes, them. Len AND Miku. She deserved some little part of the fun too didn't she? Maybe I can prank them both at the same time since they're a couple.

Couple. My eyes shot open. That was it! I got the perfect idea! Oh... This was going to be good.

Hehe Rin Is Angryyyy, oh sorry Len, you have no idea whats in store for you. *Evil face here*

Ohhhh, I hope you liked it, there will be more revenge sweetness soon!


Grace ;D