Hey guys! I know it's been a while, a loooong while…but I reread my story a bit and I noticed that I got a LOT of errors, grammatically AND storywise (if that's even a word) So next chapter I will try my very best to write the best I can :) …lol starting now. Cuz- I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST, THAT NO ONE EVER WAAS! TO CATCH THEM IS MY REAL TEST TO TRAIN THEM IS M- (screech noise)

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Chapter Thirty: Strange Dreams

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Blood. It was everywhere. Clary was sitting upright on the dark marble floor. She had no idea where she was, but she saw someone in the distance. It was sitting on something, like a throne. And the person seemed to be staring at her. Clary couldn't remember how long she had spent trying to squint into the dark hall and get a glimpse of the person, but after that something arose from behind it.

Walkers growled harshly and made their sluggish way towards her. Clary got up and sprinted away. She was gasping uncontrollably as she wandered through the dark indigo hall. A dark glow appeared in front of her. Clary halted to a stop.

"You cannot escape Fate." A dark voice spoke from the darkness. Clary flinched at the sound. "One day, you will die. So why not make it easier for yourself?" He sounded younger than his words, still probably a little older than her. He stuck out a stiff hand as the zombies fell to the ground.

"Who are you?" She stuttered and took a step back.

The thing inched closer. "You don't need to know, little girl." For some reason, she remembered Jace calling her 'little girl' when they had first met. Jace.

"Where are my friends?" Clary stopped moving. She stared into the black and purple aura.

The man was silent for a few seconds. "You have no idea where you are, yet you worry about your so called friends?"

"Why do you care about who I worry about?" Clary fumed.

"Then again you might just want them to save you, am I right?" He sounded like he was smiling.

Clary ignored him. "Well, what are you waiting for? Kill me off and get it over with."

"Don't be ridiculous." Clary was dumbfounded. If this guy doesn't want to kill me, then what does he want? "Killing you now won't do me any good."

Now. "What do you mean 'now'?"

He went on. "What makes you so special?" The glow neared her. Clary stood her ground. A pale hand reached out of the darkness. As it brushed her cheek she flinched. The hand jerked away red, as if it got burned. He frowned. "I see." He withdrew his hand and motioned something to the zombies. Clary turned and saw the zombies getting ready to jump on her.

She spun to the man. "Wait!" But the dimension aura had already gone. When she turned, a Walker bit into her neck. Her eyes flew open, just before she let out an ear piercing scream.

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Clary's eyes shot open. She found herself lying on a soft bed in a cozy looking room. Her heart was pounding for some reason. She tilted her head to the side and saw Jace sitting beside her.

"Glad you're awake." Jace smiled. It was as if she'd died and went to heaven. Jace's glorious face over hers was shining because of the sunlight. He gently helped her sit up.

"What happened? Where are we?" Clary wondered. Her neck ached as she rubbed it.

"Well," Jace sighed as he leaned back into a chair. "After your little scene back with the Crazies, I had to be the hero once again and brought us to safety." His lips curled up.

Clary whacked him with a pillow. "Oh shut up! Don't act like you don't enjoy it." She muttered.

He raised his eyebrows. "Enjoy running for my life from bloodthirsty maniacs with oatmeal for brains, don't think so. I'm used to girls chasing me around, but these things are insane."

Clary folded her arms and snorted. "I thought it's a Shadowhunter's job to be badass and kill evil things."

"Actually a Shadowhunter's job is to be badass and kill demons. Zombies were never part of the deal, Clary." His smirk actually looked forced. Clary frowned at that. Jace always seemed so happy, all the time. What in the world is happening…? She raked her hair back from her face and sighed. She noticed that she was only wearing a pink tank top and underwear. She blushed and refused to look at Jace. Wait a minute. Clary took a fraction of her hair and put it to her nose. She smelled like summer flowers. Come to think of it there wasn't a millimeter of blood on her body. "Did someone…clean me up after my 'scene'? I smell delicious."

"You're telling me?" Jace played with her scarlet hair. He bent down and inhaled the wondrous scent. "Isabelle said you'd like it." He kissed her neck and smoothed out her hair. She turned to kiss him back but then…

"Isabelle was the one who gave me a bath right?" Clary asked as she gently pushed Jace away from her neck.

He laughed. "Yes of course. Hopefully the day will come when-" Clary held up her hand to stop him. She looked around the room and guessed they were in some kind of hotel.

"Where are we exactly?" Clary wondered. The room looked FANTASTIC now that she'd taken a closer look.

"Welcome to Lily's Moon, Clarissa." He smiled and held up a brochure he'd picked up from the table. She took it and read the cover which said "Lily's Moon" in fancy letters. Her jaw dropped slightly and her heart beat with excitement.

My parents. "Are they here?" Clary asked quickly.

"Who? Everyone else? I think Izzy and the bloodsucker are in the other room. Magnus and Alec went to go find other supplies, but God knows how long they're gonna take. On second thought maybe I should've told Izzy to-"

"No, I meant my parents." Her hope was on the verge of falling.

Jace looked stunned for a moment. Then he said, "We didn't see them around. We didn't see anyone on our way here. I guess they all ran to the airport."

Her heart dropped. "I see." She said quietly. Jace looked at her with his worried tawny eyes. "I forgot to tell you this, but while we were at Bikini Bottom I asked this lady about where people go for honeymoons. She said Lily's Moon was a common place." Her voice didn't waver, but her eyes were blurred.

"We didn't search all of the hotel yet. But we will, I promise." He brushed his lips over her soft shoulder.

Before she could get off track, she said, "I think we should go tell the others that I'm ready now." Jace nodded in agreement and backed off. Clary had one leg over the sheets when she realized she still needed shorts. "Are there any clothes in this room by any chance?"

Jace faked a frown. "Shame. I was hoping you'd forget." Clary rolled her eyes. Jace hopped off the chair and picked up a green shopping bag from the table. He dug out purple shorts and a white shirt. Jace walked over and held it out to her. Clary seemed hesitant to take it. "Don't worry its germ free." He showed her the tags on the clothing. She noticed Jace had switched clothes as well, now wearing a tight black shirt with red shorts. Guess we took a lucky room.

"Thanks." Clary said and stared at him. Jace smiled and bobbed his head at the clothes. "Okay." Clary said, waiting for him to leave. Jace raised an eyebrow. "Shoo!" She lightly shoved him.

"Alright, alright." He said in defeat. "Go to the kitchen when you're done. Yell if you need me." He said as he walked out the door and closed it. Clary sighed and almost regretted not letting him stay.

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(nods) Which means I'm badass. Anyhow, I know I haven't updated for (gulp) a month…but GOOD NEWS! I GOT THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS SERIES FOR MY BIRTHDAY! Yup dat's right JEALOUSY! Lol my birthday's tomorrow so I'll doubt I'll be updating in the next few days…but you never know. Review please? For my birthday! (too bad no one can take me to a greenhouse to eat cheese sandwiches and apples…and see beautiful flowers that bloom at midnight :D)

~Beanie…its beanie bitch .

P.S. I was THIS close to changing this detail...you know where Jace told Clary that Isabelle cleaned her up. I was gonna say Jace did that but...ugggghhhh anyway he would've said something on the lines of

Jace: Ha! Never said that.

Clary: Jace! That's basically rape

Jace: It's not rape if you got (snaps) #SwAg

Alec: You know that SWAG is actually an abbreviation for Secretly We Are Gay?

Jace: Well then Alec, you have LOT'S of swag

Alec: How-

Jace: On second thought, you might have been out swagged by Simon. -ow

Clary: Asshole