We don't own Hetalia. We just own Luton.

ALFIE: I think Scotland is totally freakin' radical so I wrote this radical chapter. Be radical with me.

7 Minutes in Heaven

"Scotty," you call out to your boyfriend as you brush your long, brown, hair from the knots, taking a glance over to the bedroom door. Scotland peeked into the bedroom and smiled at you, "yes, Luton?"

You smiled at the sound of your name escaping his lips, "are you ready?" He nodded, "I'm just waiting for you." You nodded your head and placed the hair brush down onto your dresser and walked over to him, entwining your fingers with his, "alright, I'm done."

He inspected your long purple gown and white heels, "gorgeous," he murmured and leaned in, placing a soft kiss upon your lips. You fixed the tie to his suit and grabbed his hand, tugging it to signal him to the door. He followed you out of the house towards the car to go Italy's party.


You knock on the door and wait as it opens up to Italy smiling, "Luton! Scotland! Welcome-a to my party! Please-a come in!"

The both of you nod and step inside to the house. You notice the other countries already walking around the house. "We're fashionably late" Scotland says lamely. You laugh, "right."

After greeting all of your friends, the two of you make it over to the refreshment table where there is some punch. Scotland scoffed, "where's the booze?" You shook your head and laughed, "I don't think Italy really wants drunk people roaming around his house." Scotland raised an eyebrow, "but I'm good at containing my alcohol. I'll go ask him about it." You nodded and watched him go towards another room, leaving you at the punch table.

You grabbed a small cup and look a sip of the liquid, enjoying the taste of it. You hummed to the beat of the music that was playing as you scanned the room of the countries dancing around. After another minute Scotland came back with a large smile plastered onto his face and a bottle of whiskey in his hand, "I got some!" he chirped. You smiled, "wow... maybe he has trust in you," you laugh. He nodded his head and grabbed two cups off the table, "will you be having some?" You shook your head, "no. Someone has to be the designated driver if you do go over board with the alcohol."

He nodded and placed a cup back down, then turned to you and placed a kiss on your lips, "alright. More for me."


You sat down next to Scotland in silence at a table as a game was being played with some of the countries.

"Oi Den, ya sure they're not going to fight again?" Scotland ask with a gulp of a shot. Denmark brushed it off, "pssh, Norge'll be fine."

You glanced over at the door that the two entered into for the next seven minutes. Poland looked over at you and held the hat out "hey, like, I think you should totally go next."

You raised your eyebrows in surprise and pointed at yourself, "me?" you ask. He nodded, "yeah." You looked at the hat and shrugged "alright."

Scotland looked over and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, "make sure to pick me," he whispered into your ear and took another shot. You nodded and stuck your hand into the hand, feeling around the different objects on the inside.

Removing your hand, you pull out a small Scotland flag. You furrowed your eyebrows, "I don't get how this hat thing works... all the girls are getting who they want to get... not that I'm complaining..." you say and stare at the little flag. Poland shrugged, "you're all just lucky."

Scotland patted your back, "more fun for us!"

Moans were heard from the closet. You're eyes grow wide, "I don't think... I want to go in there..."

Denmark peeked into the closet. After a few seconds you watch as the two scurry out of the room with Poltava's face flushed. You frown, "Scotty. I don't want to go in there now." Scotland frowned, "they couldn't have finished. So it shouldn't be messy..."

You're face grew red, "Scotland!" He shrugged.

Poland grabbed both of your hands and pushed you two to the closet, closing the door. You scrunched your nose to the smell that was left in the closet. Scotland licked his dry lips, "well then... if we just get over the smell..."

You shook your head, "it smells bad." Scotland sighed and placed his hands upon your arms, rubbing soothingly, "it's just seven minutes. Just try to last it." You nod your head. He moved his hand and lifted your head up with his finger, placing a small kiss on your lips. You place your hands upon his chest and slowly circled your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, molding your lips with his. He placed his hands on your hips and tilted his head, licking your bottom lip. Closing your eyes, you part your lips slightly, letting him sneak his tongue into your mouth. He rubbed his tongue on yours, earning a soft moan. Slowly, he moved his tongue around your mouth, tasting what he could. You entangle your fingers in his deep orange hair and lightly tug on it.

The both of you pull away for air. He hummed, "I love you." You smiled, "I love you too." He leaned in for another kiss, kissing lightly again. You move your hands and rest your arms on his shoulders, kissing him back slowly. His lips tasted of the whiskey from a few minutes ago. You smell a little of the alcohol smell escaping his lips.

Denmark peeked into the closet at the two of you, "gross," he mocked with a smile. The two of you look over at him. Scotland raised an eyebrow at him "it's not like you haven't seen kissing before, Den"

You laugh at the pout Denmark gave back. The two of you left the closet breathing in the fresher air, "it smells so much better out here," you say as you look at Scotland. He nodded in agreement. The two of you took your seats back at the table. "Shot?" he offered and held up the empty glass and the half-empty bottle of whiskey. You shook your head "no, thank you." He shrugged, "more for me."

ALFIE: Ayo! Thank you for waiting so long. I sincerely apologize for everything! I love you all for reading this! Thank you so much for the support from you guys. I've been writing some kpop stories so forgive me... I'll try to type up a few chapters or something. Thank you. I love you all and my sincerest apologizes.

NATE: Sorry for these hiatus'. We've been caught up in everything in our lives. Hopefully we will get more chapters out to you guys soon.

ALFIE: P.S.: Remember to leave comments on our chapters! They make me a really happy cookie!