When darkness is no less, then everything you built become undone.

There's no fight, and no flight, disaster leaves your passion overrun.

Don't cry, Kaoru. Hush now, don't cry. I will protect you – I will really try.

I'll hold you Kaoru, hold you and try to kiss that ugly bruise away.

Why did father hit you? We're always together, and I'm the troubled one. You never get in trouble – you never get scolded – never disciplined – so why did he give you that mark?

Hush little brother, Hika's here. Stop crying, before I shed raindrops too.

"It's the dark," you whisper now. "Hold me Hika, I don't like the dark." You sob – you sob and I sob too. I can't do anything. We're both so in the dark, underneath our blanket thin and helpless.

Why did he hurt you?

It's time to let go…time to carry on with the show.

We hide, but he finds us. He hits us. He kicks us to where we mewl like those homeless kittens we see on the street. Do you remember them, Kaoru? Good, I don't want you to – to remember. I don't want you to – h-hurt anymore. And he throws me away from you.

"Hikaru!" you cry. I strain to reach, then we reach together, in unison, like always. But he grabs you before I can even touch your identical palm. He holds you high – but I don't look at his face. I look at yours, baby brother. A drop of blood rolls down your cheek. I look away…and I die a little when I can no longer feel the connection. The bond has been broken – and I cry harder.

Don't mourn what is gone, greet the dawn, and I will be standing by your side…

I try to snuggle into your warmth, but you aren't there. Why aren't you there? Where are you? Where are you? Where…

I'm being carried – away from our home. They hush my calling for you. They tell me I'm safe, but I'm not safe, not without you. Your broken body lies alone now, whereas mine has been cut from the vine and moved. I'm still broken.

Together we'll face the turning tide.

I sing a lullaby to you.

I sing when you're gone.

I sing.

I sing.

I sing, until my voice breaks with every sweet note.

Remembrance can be a sentence, but it comes to you with a second chance in tow.

She pulls my arm, and I look behind me and sneer at the faces of pity. She says I'm going to a better home.

We know better, right Kaoru?

They can't see me anymore. I'm hiding with you – in that coffin over there.

Don't lose it.

Don't refuse it.

'Cause you cannot learn a thing you think you know.

I giggle. You're in the mirror, Kaoru. You're giggling too. The woman shakes her head at me, but I won't leave you alone. I can say I love you, and you will always say it back.

A new light is warm, shining down on you after the storm.

Don't mourn what is gone, greet the dawn…

"Get away from that mirror," she says. She thrusts a hand at me, but I scream and hold on tighter.

And I will be standing by your side.

And when it breaks, so do I.

She didn't do it on purpose…

"There's blood…oh God, someone help!"

She needs to stop crying, I'm alright.

I close my eyes and I see you, only you, and you hold me.

We're alright.

Together we'll face the turning tide.

But Kaoru...why can't we wake up?

La La La La

Oh Kaoru…please forgive me...

La La La La

I never meant to -

La La La

Child abuse is wrong, and we should be working to prevent it.

The song is "Dawn" by Poets of the Fall.
