._. SHAME ON ME for not posting for a... WHILE. e.e I'm very sorry for keeping you all waiting. Anyways, I've been so busy with school and all that I havent even get to TOUCH my laptop except for homework and such! Anyways, thank you ALL VERY MUCH for your wonderful reviews! I'm very happy you guys are supporting me for this story! I love you all!

Chapter 3.

"Hey lady! Why don't you have a little chat with us! And maybe we could do some fun after that.. if you know what I mean," one of the crew winked, and the rest he was drinking with, laughed. Ember rolled her eyes, and crossed her arms in response.

'I'm not too happy about being in this adventure anymore. I should've just stayed home with mom. I wonder how she's doing right now. Is she okay? Is she sleeping? ..Is she ill? Ugh. I hope not. I really hope you're alright, mother. I know, at this moment, I am not', Ember thought to herself.

"Hey! I'm talkin' to you! Speak when you are spoken to!" the man, this time, shouted. Ember clenched her fist with anger, and glared at him, however.. she smirked when an idea popped in her head.

"..What do you want? Is there anything I can provide to you, sir'?" Ember smirked.

The crews whistled, and winked at the man, whom they call, Pirate Luis. Luis smirked at Ember, and drank a few his alcohol.

"Well.. a massage wouldn't be so bad. Give me a massage, beautiful. A very.. relaxing massage indeed," he smirked, evily.

"With pleasure," Ember replied, and cracked her fingers. She smirked while she walked towards Luis, but the crews Luis was surrounded with, thought that she had something else in mind. When Ember stood infront of Luis, he smirked at her, and Ember smirked back, and walked over to his back. When she was walking, Luis slapped her back and Ember gasped, but smirked.

'You're asking for it.. Mister..', she thought, evily. She then placed her hands on Luis's shoulder, and started to massage his neck and shoulders, carefully. Somehow, she kept her smirk glued on her face, while massaging him.

Behind all this, Captain Phantom was watching from afar, with Chip on his side.

"Oh, what does he think HE'S doing? Ugh.. I'm gonna kill that guy," Danny growled with envy, clenching his fist, until his hands glowed green. Chip placed a comforting hand on Danny's glowing ones, and he immediately calmed down.

"Keep watching, Danny. Maybe she might've had something else in mind," Chip pointed out, and they both kept watching.

Ember kept massaging him, until Luis relaxed, however, in the middle of her massage, she dug her nails into his skin, and clutched it real hard. Luis screamed in pain, and quiclky stood up, rubbing his shoulder and neck. When he finally calmed down, he glared at Ember, whom was smirking, and looked over at the crews he was surrounded with.

"GET. HER!" he ordered, and the crews surrounded Ember. Ember got into a fighting stance, keeping her eyes on the crews. Two of them swung at her, but she dodged and the two crews ended up hitting 3 other men, knocking them out of the ship. The rest, decided to walk towards her, and started to punch and kick her. However, Ember swung, using a rope she found, and kicked the men's faces, knocking most of them out of the ship, and about 4 of them unconscious. She then jumped back on the floor, and smirked at Luis, whom was rubbing his bleeding shoulder and neck.

Meanwhile, Chips and Danny's jaws are both on the floor, staring at Ember with 'awe'.

"How.. does.. she.. DO THAT!" Danny exclaimed, and started to panic.

"Calm down, Danny!" Chip shushed him. Danny made a 'eep' sound and quieted down.

"So.. do you have something to say to me, LUIS? Or do I have to throw you overboard so you could join your crews in the freezing water?" Ember exclaimed, and she crossed her arms over her chest.

Luis looked down, and itched his wounds," I'm sorry I tried to do something I'd probably regret. I guess I just lost myself there for a minute. This is what I get for drinking too much."

"It's cool. But I don't want this to repeat. If this repeats, and I don't mean to threaten you, I WILL throw you overboard. Got it?" Ember raised her brow, panting a bit.

Luis groaned in pain, but managed to answer her question with a nod. He then walked away, cluctching his shoulder in pain.

"Immature," Ember said for the last time, and walked over to the front of the ship, rubbing her jaw, that was kicked. She looked up at the moon, which was shining brightly, and the million stars, glistening at her. She imagined her mother, when she saw the stars. She imagined the times when she once fought robbers, and bad guys, and Ember would always cheer for her. In the end, her mom gets injuries from only her jaw or mouth. Ember smiled at those memories.

'I miss you mom. I love you,' she thought quietly.

Danny took a step towards her, and Ember knew that he was behind.

"You saw that, didn't you.." Ember said, without turning.

"..Only all of it. . But.. how?" Danny questioned her.

Ember turned and faced him, her beautiful blue-green eyes staring at his neon green eyes. They seemed to glow in the dark to Ember.

"How what."

"How did you defeat.. most of the crews? Who thought you how to be skilled at fighting?"

"..My mother. You've met her before, remember."

"Yes, but I need the story of how you learned to fight."

She chuckled and turned her back on him, "Why should I waste my time telling a story to YOU?"

"Because.. I intend to listen every word you will say," he responded, cooly.

She sighed, and faced him again, and took a seat, holding her bag on her side. Danny sat infront of her, ready to listen.

"..My mother.. taught me..."

MWAHAHAHA! xD Joking. I like ending it at these kinds. To keep you guys anxious. But anyways, Chapter 4 will be coming soon! Thank you for reading! *Bow. Bow* -xo Sabrina.