Disclaimer: I don't own InuYahsha or its characters. They belong to their creator Rumiko Takahashi. Enjoy my insanity it isn't worth anything more than that.

Chapter 12: WAFFELS HO!

Sesshoumaru had to admit that, despite having his game invaded, his dominance challenged by a slip of a girl, and being handed bitter defeat for the first time in anyone's memory, he was… satisfied. The evening's session had been one of the most enjoyable adventures he had run. Even if he had completely failed to kill off Kagome's troublesome paladin and thus rid himself of the unwanted player.

For the first time the party of "honorable" adventures had accomplished their goal without anyone dying, getting severely maimed, or (even with Miroku's best attempts) impregnated. Yes Sesshoumaru was relatively pleased.

"WAFFLES!" Miroku shouted in triumphant as he packed up his supplies.

"WAFFLES!" echoed Manten with a growing grin on his shark like face.

"WAFFLES HO!" bellowed Naraku point towards the stairs before the three players marched up them as if going to storm a castle.

Kagome blinked in confusion as she watched them go before turning her curious gaze towards him. Shrugging slightly he placed one of her wayward pink dice in her hand. "They did well so they get waffles. Come I will walk you home

~to be continued~

Geekdome Referance:

Waffles: The Gamers Dorkness Rising (again)

Prompt: Honorable

Recived: 9/14/10

Source: IDDN (old)