I do not own the Turtles! I never have and I NEVER well!
Any spelling mistakes that are spoke by a young child ARE suppose to be there... it's just how she talks! ^_^

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Chapter one

Four giant turtles sat down in a sewer. Each one wore a different eye mask color. There was Michelangelo with an orange eye mask, Leonardo with the blue eye mask, Donatello with he purple eye mask, and, last, Raphael with the red mask.

Raphael sat in a torn up couch fingering his sais and watching T.V..

Leonardo comes in from the kitchen and glares coldly at Raphael. "You know Raph you could do something useful! You've been sitting around ALL day! You haven't even trained today!"

"Don't wanna.." Came Raphael's reply while he used one of his sai's to pick his teeth. "not that it's any of your business any way!"

"Get a life Raph!" Leonardo than goes and nock on Donatello's door.

"Come in.." Came Donatello's replied.

Raphael watches Leonardo go into the room. He than stands up grabs his coat and hat than heads out. Life had been pretty boring lately, the foot had done nothing in almost a year now. They kept their training up, anyway, just in case they did rise up again. But truth be told Raphael was just bored with life, he was now seven-teen years old and he had never had a girl friend or even been on a date. He understood why he couldn't but it was still hard to watch people around him, who could date and who could live normal lives.

He wasn't sure how his brothers felt about this. He figured it bugged them too, but not the same way it bugged him. They were closer to each other, and they would talk, he never really talked to his brothers. He of course said the hi's, how are you and small talk but he never really had real talks with them. He often wished he could talk to them but he never would, his pride for some reason would not let him.

Raphael climbs the latter up to the surface, he quickly looks around making sure it was safe than came up. He pulls out all the cash he had, and counted it, ten dollars. It wasn't much but he couldn't argue considering he had to find all the money he wanted. He would usually go to the dump, people actually lost a lot of money in there. He had once found a hundred dollar bill there, though he would never tell Micky that or all the money would have gone to the 'pizza fund'. He puts the money back and heads toward the cheap movie theater. It had really bad movies but it was something to take up time. Anything was good as long as it took up time.


"I dono Leo, I mean you are awful hard on Raph.. You do jump down his throat for everything he does.. and even for what he doesn't do!" Donatello says fiddling with on of his inventions.

"I do not! He is just so annoying! And he has to disagree with everything I say! I could say the sky is blue and he'd say no it's green!" Leonardo says eating a peace of cold pizza.

"No he'd probably say it's gray.." Donnie says smiling a little. Leo sighs and chucks the crust at Donatello's head. "Hey! What was that for!?" Donnie rubs his head a little than chucks the crust back at Leo.

"For begin a smart ass!" He says doageing the crust, he was about to say something else but Michelangelo suddenly barged through the door.

"Hey guys you have any money? I want to get a pizza... I don't feel like cooking." Michelangelo says with a cheesy smile on his face.

"No! I've given you money for pizza every day this week! Your on your own tonight!" Donatello says and starts fiddling his invention again.

Michelangelo looks over at Leo and smiles more. "Come on Leo.. you know you want pizza!"

"Nope... I just had the last peace from last night! I'm good in the pizza department.." Leonardo says shaking his head.

"Oh come on Leo.. PLEASE! I'll owe you one! I PROMISE! PLEASE! Come on LEO!" Mikey whines and clasps his hands together in a begging way. "I'll owe you one! I promise!"

Donatello sighs "Mikey why don't you go bug Raph he usually always has some money on him! Unlike us he can SAVE!"

"I would but I can't find him.. I think he went out again.." Michelangelo sorta shuffled his foot around knowing this was probably going to piss Leonardo off.

Leonardo stands up his eyes narrow. "He left?! With out telling ANY one? Did he at least tell Master Splinter?!"

Mikey steps backwards and raises his arms up "I d-dono! I didn't see him leave! Geeze man don't bag on me! I just want some money!"

Donnie had to laugh at that. "Calm down Leo.. Raph well come back.. he ALWAYS does!"

Leo sighs than sits back down and nods.


Raphael comes out of the movie rolling his eyes he had seen some pretty bad movies at that place but this one was by far the worst! He looks at his watch and sighs. Leonardo would know he was gone by now, he might as well stay out a while longer. He starts wandering the streets, looking around for trouble. He hears a scream and breaks into a run, he had tons of energy that night he might as well use it to take out some punks. As he races down the streets he hears the scream again this time, though, from someone else, his blood runs cold as it sounds like a child. He quickly picks the pace up and runs faster. He finally turns the last corner and sees a bunch of punks beating on a young woman and a child nearby cowering in the corner. Raphael quickly jumps in and starts kicking and punching the men away. He thought about getting his sais out but there was really no point for these guys they really didn't know what they were doing and could barley throw a punch. He throughs the last punk to the ground and glares at him, the punk quickly gets up and starts running. He turns to the young woman, see looks, by his guess, her mid twenties. She had long blond hair, her neck was a little long but her body figare was probably what brought the punks around. She has an hour glass figare. He gently picks her up than turns to the small child.

"This your mommy?" He asks slowly, the small girl nods "Well do you know where you live? Because your mommy's asleep and she needs to be in a safe place... can you show me where you live?"

"You bad?" The small child says standing up. Raphael could now see clearly it was a little girl with short brown hair he'd say she was probably four or five. She had dark blue eyes her shirt and pants were a little torn up and dirty but there was no perment damage.

Raphael laughs. "No I'm not bad" He kneels down so not to seem so threatening. "My name in Raphael... can you tell me what yours is?"


"Alright Tawny.. do you know where you live? Or a phone number so I can call your daddy?" Raphael shifts the woman's weight a little, than stands up. The ally way was dark and had a cold feel to it there was broken beer bottles and trash all around. This was diffently not a place for a child, what had this woman been thinking?

"My daddy's out of town for weekend... but I know way home.. you suwe you good?" The girl stands up more and looks at her mother. "mommy ok?"

"Yes I'm sure I'm good... and your mother well be just fine.. I promise.. but she needs a warm place... can you tell me where you live?"

"fowty two bwaky dwive! I can show way if you want.. I big girl I can use poety and evewy thing!" the girl says standing up straighter.

"Forty-two Blakey drive? I know where that is.. but we're going to go a different way ok?" Raphael says and starts to walk more into the ally.

The little girl hesitate than follows.

The walk was long and Raphael ended up carrying the little girl as well, by the time he got to the house it was past eleven and the child was sound asleep. He found the house keys in the mothers pocket and goes in he lays the mother down on the couch, he than looks around and find the little girl's room and lays the child in there, he takes a second to tuck her in alittle than leaves the room. The house wasn't really house more like a small apartment. Raphael quickly finds a phone and goes over to it, picking it up he finds it dead, he sighs again than puts the phone back down. He didn't know why it was dead maybe she was late on her payments, maybe they were just moving in and hadn't got it set up yet. The fact was it didn't matter the phones were dead and there was no way he could just leave the little girl alone her mother may be out for a day or two for all he knew. Raphael goes into the kitchen and opens there fridge and sighs seeing nothing that would interest him, he opens the closet and finds a candy bar and takes one out. He than goes and sits down in a chair and yawns than lets sleep take him over. The candy bar, forgotten, falls from Raph's grasp and onto the floor.


Donatello sighs and looks at the clock it was well past mid-night and Raph still hadn't shown up. He watches as Leonardo paced the room, Master Splinter sat in a chair, near by, waiting as well. Michelangelo sat eating a bowl of soup or more just stirring it with his spoon.

"Go to sleep my sons.. I well wait up and talk to Raphael when he comes." Master splinter says with a flick of his tail.

"But Sensei.. let us go look for him! I know he's just wandering the park.. LOOKING for trouble please Master Splinter.." Leonardo says stopping his pacing for a second.

"I told you no Leonardo.. now get to bed!"

The three remaining turtles sigh than go off to there respected rooms, they weren't really rooms just a sub-way carts one for each of them, and one for Splinter. There was also one they had cleared out and made into the training room.

Leonardo sat on his bed and sighs again, he knew he nor his other two brothers would sleep at all tell Raph got home. They never did! He hits his pillow in anger sometimes he really wished that Raphael would just leave once and for all and let them all stop worrying about him!

Donatello lays on his bed with his hands behind his head staring up at the ceiling. This wasn't the first time Raphael had pulled an all nighter... and he was sure it wouldn't be the last either. But even knowing he had done it before didn't make him stop worrying, it wasn't ever safe for them, not even with the foot gone. If someone had discovered Raphael and he got captured, they would dissect him and do experiments on him. Donatello growls and turns over in his bed trying not to think of that possibility. He just told him self over and over that Raphael was fine he was just out teaching some punks some lessons! That had to be all he was doing!

Michelangelo sat on a bench in his room he was staring blankly at a comic book, he wasn't reading it he didn't even realize he was holding it. He was worried and he hated being worried, he liked to be happy much more. He figured Raph wouldn't come back tell morning though. Sometimes he thought Raphael did this on purpose just to freak them out. It didn't matter really the fact was he was gone, and no matter how much of a pain he was; he was their brother and they worried about him. Michelangelo throws the comic book to the floor than climbs into his bed. It would be ok, when he woke up Raph would be home and Splinter would have given him a punishment for missing curfew.