Rachel's POV.

It had been more than six months since her last MySpace video. She knew it was bad to slack off or become lackadaisical about her singing talent but lately she had so much to do in the day that she had no time to prepare and perform every single night.

It probably had something to do with Finn.

Getting back together with him that last day of Glee Club junior year was probably her best decision ever. They went to her house after school that day, where they just lay on her bed and talked. And for once, talking didn't mean making out breathlessly. It actually was hours of Finn and Rachel, talking about them. It was after that day that Rachel really appreciated Finn for the poet he was, for the kindness and light that he carried around despite all his hardship.

Sometimes she doubted whether she deserved a boy- a man- like that in her life.

She always was able to reassure herself of her worthiness, but the constant worrying was troubling her more than she cared to admit.

The day that he proposed though, that day changed something.

She realized something about herself; something new and different.

She did deserve Finn. Not because she was talented or pretty or smart, but because she could make him happy. And in that moment she understood the saying that love is about making the other person happy no matter what.

Rachel got out the camera, set up its bedazzled stand, and pulled up a song on iTunes.

Finn's POV.

Finn hated his new iPhone. It was complicated, he didn't know how to use Siri at all, and the small keyboard made his fingers seem gargantuan. Sometimes it would beep, and he couldn't figure out why.

That evening he was playing COD 3 with Puck, trying not to lose for the fourth time that night.

Finn was actually starting to beat Puck, much to his happiness, when that damn iPhone began making a racket. He would have ignored it but he saw it was a MySpace notification, something that he hadn't received since Rachel had sung Firework… last year. Sighing, Finn put down the controller because who else would use MySpace but Rachel? She hadn't been talking to him as much, which she explained as her "thinking" about his proposal.

All in all, Finn was getting pretty stressed out.

The page loaded, and there it was- a new RachelxxBerry music video.

Baby it's you.
You're the one I love.
You're the one I need.
You're the only one I see.
Come on baby it's you. You're the one that gives your all.

You're the one I can always call.

When I need you make everything stop.

Finally you put my love on top.

It was Kurt's new favorite song, the one he played ten times a day for a whole two weeks when it first came out. It was Beyonce's song, Love on Top. It was Rachel hitting notes she had never ever hit before, or at least not in front of him. Most of all, there was a caption to the video.

It was one word.

It was everything.


"YES!" Finn ran off to tell Kurt, dropping his iPhone on the way up the stairs, unknowingly smashing the screen in the process.