NOTE: Hmm...Well don't have any real explanation for this story. After my plot-bunnies had a long period of hibernation, they decided to bombard me with various one-shots and ideas. After not being able to simply pick one I decided to just try my hand at merging them into one longer fic.

And besides...Valentine's Day is coming up soon. :3 My original idea was to get this done by then. Will it happen? Hmm...only time will tell. ;)

WARNING: Swearing, slash, and sensuality. You know, the yummy stuff. :3

I do not own the Digimon characters. However there are some characters in this story that do belong to me.

Chapter 1.

Matt's POV

"Alright class, I expect you all to come prepared next time with your reports done. Class dismissed, have a good rest of the day." The teacher waved his hand and excused the class. I piled up my notebooks on top of my textbook and placed them inside my backpack. Another ordinary school day finished in Odaiba High.

"Man, can this class any duller or what?" My friend, Mimi grumbled when she walked over to my desk.

"It's Zoology," I shrugged as I slung my backpack over my shoulder and started walking out into the hallway. "What do you expect?"

"I expected to learn about like, you know, animals," she huffed as she followed me. "Not some tiny little bugs that no one can even see." Before I have a chance to respond to anything, I feel myself being lifted off the ground and spun around once.

"WHOA!" I yipped in surprise. I'm placed back on the ground and I turn to start shouting at the idiot who did that to me. The idiot turned out to be none other than Tai Kamiya; my boyfriend.

"Hello puppy," he grinned.

"You jerk," I slightly glare at him. "You scared the hell out of me."

"Nice to see you too," Tai chuckled before kissing me on the lips. Tai and I had been best friends ever since we were in Jr. High. After a sort of awkward stage in our lives where we were trying to figure our lives, we found out that we actually kind of liked each other. So in the summer going into our freshmen year, Tai and I decided to become a couple. Even though we do have our tiffs from time to time, we've been pretty happy ever since. I heard Mimi let out a small sad sigh as we kissed. Tai pulled away and hugged me gently. "Aw come on Mimi. Don't be so mopey."

"Easy for you to say," the younger girl sighed again. "You two will have each other for Valentine's Day."

"Oh right," I said. I actually totally forgot about that day. "That's coming up pretty soon."

"Yeah, and while you two will be off doing who knows what, I'll be at home by myself and single." Mimi placed the back of her hand on her forehead and let out a dramatic sigh.

"Those acting classes are paying off," Tai applauded the little actress. Mimi giggled and curtsied to my boyfriend. I looked at my brunette soccer captain.

"So what are we doing for V-day?" I asked him. He blinked at me a couple of times and then gave me a sly smile.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," he said.

"Come on Tai."

"Look! Here come my boys!" I turned to look behind me and saw Tai's little posse. Ricky Hamamoto and Seth Uno walked closely side-by-side as they came towards us. Ringo Nishimuraya gently gnawed at a toothpick in his mouth and carried some heavy textbooks that belonged to his longtime girlfriend, Kiera Bando.

Along with another boy named Markus Bando, these boys were practically the star athletes of the soccer team in Odaiba High. My Tai was the captain of the soccer team and also the head striker. Ricky was a tan skinned, black haired striker who would always assisted my boyfriend with the soccer ball. Seth, dirty-blonde hair and sky blue eyes, was the team's praised goalie because of his reflexes which were sharper than a knife. Ringo, wavy light brown hair and green eyes, was the tallest one from their group and having the extra length made him a valuable midfielder. That left only Markus, dark hair and brown eyes, and he was the team's strongest defender. Together, they've led Odaiba High's soccer team all the way up to the soccer finales.

Whew! Now that the brief introductions are out of the way…

"Hey guys!" Seth waved to us. Mimi and I murmured our greetings and Tai shook each of his teammates by the hand. I took notice that Ricky was looking particularly glum this day, since he didn't shake Tai's hand with much enthusiasm.

"What's the deal Ricky?" Mimi voiced my question.

"Oh nothing," Ricky shrugged. "Just have to write up a story for the school newspaper's Valentine's Day issue."

"Hey, that's really cool Ricky," I smiled. He shot me a rather upset glance.

"Not if your story has to be front page worthy," he grumbled.

"Who says it has to be?" I asked.

"Some kid basically told Ricky that he couldn't write worth squat," Ringo filled in with a shrug. "And now he's desperate to prove him wrong."

"Thanks for the butting of in Ringo," Ricky growled. The wavy haired boy saluted which made his girlfriend giggle. Before Ricky could do anything else, Seth wrapped his arms around Ricky in a tight hug.

"Don't worry about it Rick," the blonde boy gave his friend a gentle smile. "I'm sure that whatever you come up with will be great." The black haired boy smiled and patted his friend on the back. I tilted my head slightly at the lack of affection.

I don't really understand their relationship to be honest…Ricky and Seth were a couple, but they hadn't publicized it to anyone besides us and their families. I guess it's because they are really self-conscious about what people think of them…which they shouldn't because it's none of their business. I looked over at Tai and gently took his hand. He smiled at me and then looked back at Kiera.

"Hey Kiera, where's your cousin?" he asked the curly haired girl. Kiera frowned at the mention of her cousin.

"He told me that he'd meet you guys at the field," she said. "He's not doing too good."

"What's wrong with him?" Mimi asked. Kiera looked up at Ringo, who simply shrugged as to say "might as well."

"You guys remember his girlfriend, Suzie?" she asked. We all nodded. "Well, they broke up."

"What?" all of us, except for Ringo and Kiera, gasped.

"When did this happen?" Seth asked.

"Where is he?" Tai asked.

"Is he ok?" I asked.

"It happened before school," Kiera took a step back, suddenly overwhelmed by the sudden questions. "Sora and I were at his locker before the bell rang and she just walked up to him and said, 'Markus, I'm breaking up with you.' Then she just left."

"She didn't give a reason or something?" Ricky asked. Kiera shook her head. "What a bitch!"

"You're telling me," Kiera agreed. "I mean, sure my cousin can drive me nuts at times, but seeing him so hurt like that just pissed me off like none other. I'm not really sure where he is at the moment, but when I texted him after school, he said that he was with Sora and that he would meet you guys at practice."

"That's so sad," I muttered. Tai rested his head on the top of my head.

"Looks like you won't be the only single one this Valentine's Day Mimi," The brunette striker chuckled, trying to lightening the mood.

"Maybe I should write my story on that," Ricky said, to himself probably but we all heard it. "'Valentine's Day: Day of Love, or Day of Despair?'"

"Coach will give us a ton of despair if we don't go to practice soon," Tai sighed. "We better head over."

"I'm going to walk Kiera to her car," Ringo informed the group. The soccer players let out a mocking "AWWW!" at the taller boy's action. The wavy haired boy stuck his tongue out at them and then followed a slightly embarrassed Kiera to her car.

"You guys are so immature," Mimi huffed at the jocks. Ricky and Seth grinned at each other and then started walking off to the gym locker rooms. Tai was about to follow them, but I caught a hold of his arm and pulled him back.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I raised an eyebrow at him. He chuckled and leaned forward to kiss me.

"I'll see you later ok?" he said to me. He turned to leave, but I stopped him again. "Yes?"

"Aren't you at least going to give me a hint or something?"

"A hint for what?" I gave him a "you-know-what" look. "Oh! For Valentine's Day! Hmm…Ok. Here's the hint. It's actually more of a present."


"Yep. It's something really special and…I'm sure a lot of people would be really jealous of you."

"What is it?"

"I've already said too much." I frowned slightly and Tai hugged me. "I can't wait for you to see it though…and I hope you won't be disappointed." He ruffled my perfectly styled hair and headed off to join the rest of his team. I smiled and smoothed down the stray hairs that had fallen out of place. When I turned back to talk to Mimi, she had a deer in the head-lights look on her face.

"Are you ok Mimi?" I asked her. Her shocked look slowly turned to one of excitement.

"Did you not hear him Matt?" she nearly squealed.

"Um…yes, I did," I blinked at her.

"'A present'? 'Something special'? 'People getting jealous'?" She repeated my boyfriend's hints.

"Y-yeah? So?" I was feeling pretty puzzled. The honey brown haired girl looked around to see that no one was listening before leaning in closer.

Then as nicely as she could say it, she whispered in my ear, "I think Tai is going to show you his 'manhood'."

Oh snapdragon! Hee hee.

FYI, this story is going to follow three different character's POV: Matt, Mimi, and Ricky.

...Man...I am so unsure of this story...I guess it's up to you guys as the readers to let me know what you think of it and whether I should continue or not. :\ So please take the time to review if you can!

EDIT: Ok, so from the reviews I've been receiving, there's apparently some confusion.

Ricky, Seth, Markus, and Ringo are the English names I gave for Ryu, Chikao, Muga and Ringo (...well, Ringo's name stayed the same...). The reason why I decided to change their names is because while I was writing this story, I thought it looked weird to see a bunch of legit Japanese names among the Digidestineds' dubbed names (Oh and for those who don't know, those four characters are OCs that take part in another story of mine called "Sweetest Poison").

That is all, have a good day! :D