Please be kind, this is my first fan fiction. I apologize for poor grammar and editing, as going back over my writing is not my most favourite thing in the world. I would appreciate any comments or writing suggestions. Thanks! And (Hopefully) Enjoy!

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters are the property of someone who is probably not me.

Chapter One – Winter is Coming

Myra sighed. When she was bored or there seemed to be nothing else to do, breathing steam into the freezing Northern air made her eyes fill with wonder and gave her something to think about. For a while at least. She pulled her fur collared cloak tightly around her neck. Though she had lived in the North for as long as she could remember Myra was not entirely comfortable in the face of the colder North wind. She breathed out a stream of mist pretending that it warmed her as it blew back against her face.

As she looked down her silver blonde her whipped up into her face, her violet eyes below her marginally darker eyebrows searched for her direwolf, Silver. A direwolf so named because of her grey coat that shone with the same glow as Myra's fine hair. Myra had found the mother of her wolf nearly a year ago, she had had fur so white Myra had almost missed the large dead female. There were two other dead direwolf pups both white as well. Had it not been for the mewling of the smallest grey pup Myra may have missed her chance at meeting what turned out to be her only friend. Her direwolf had her same violet eye colour and offered Myra a sense of sisterhood and the girl believed that she offered the same to her orphaned wolf.

Silver had grown so much since that fateful day. According to Myra's mother direwolves were not normally found South of the Wall, in all honesty she expressed a great deal of surprise at any direwolves still being in existence at all. Myra had to beg her mother to keep Silver, but eventually the older woman gave in, on the conditions that Myra take care of the wolf and keep the animal from being too much of a burden. She had warned her daughter that according to myth direwolves grew large and as fast as wheat. Faster apparently.

Myra shivered as Silver bristled by her side. The days had become colder and the nights longer then they had ever been in all of her lonely sixteen name days. Now the daily walks Myra took to avoid the history, language and social edict lessons that her mother taught her could not last as long as they used to and the breaks from her lessons, as such, had to be shorter in length. Gone were the days when archery filled a part of her daily learning, her mother proclaimed that she was a good enough archer now. Better than good but that there was no point in needlessly drawing attention to herself with archery practice, especially as the number of animals to hunt in these parts had become increasingly scarce with each passing year. Myra asked to go further down, nearer to where the lands were greener for most of the year, but she was denied by her mother each time.

Winter is coming. That is what her mother said whenever Myra asked for extra breaks from studying or to accompany the older woman to the town where she bought supplies to sustain their existence out in this mostly frozen land. It was the great saying of the Northern lords of Winterfell and as Myra shivered in the dry cold the words could not ring anymore true.

The house she, her mother and Silver lived in was not really a house as far as Myra could tell. She had never lived anywhere else that she could remember, but from what she read in the books her mother made her study most houses were not traditionally single room structures that blended into their environment. Houses were meant to be many roomed buildings with servants or at least more people living in them. Myra would have given anything to have a family, to have anyone other than her mother to talk to. Her mother was kind, with a good sense of humour, often times both she and Myra would have evenings filled with laughter from besting one another in battles of wit.

Nonetheless the older woman was hard when it came to Myra's restrictions and education. Myra huffed as she reached crest of the small snow pile that had been forming in front of her home, her mother was standing just outside the door to their home.

"There you are girl!" she smiled at her daughter, her brown her dancing in the wind. "I'd thought you'd turned into snow…"

"Well, I did try mother," Myra joked back as she walked towards the open front door of the house. "It is such a task though."

"With that hair you're halfway there girl" the older women chuckled as she turned to walk back into the house. Silver yelped form beside Myra. "Oh!" her mother turned back to face her daughter, "I wanted you to get some wood from the pile, we used more than I was ready for this month…"

"Sure mother, let's grab the sled…"

"No, tomorrow I'll go with you and get more. Just get enough for tonight love, I want you back soon" she looked at Myra meaningfully from the doorway "it'll be dark soon and the chill will freeze you."

"Yes, mother."

"Good girl," her mother smiled warmly before going into the house, closing the door behind her as she went.

Myra looked down at her wolf and let out a heavy breath. "Come on girl. I guess our day isn't quite over yet…" she grinned as Silver cocked her head to one side. "At least it's more time away from study…" she followed the familiar path to wood pile. Under a large fallen tree bridging a ditch is where they kept the wood they collected during the warmer months. Her mother was always concerned that no one would ever find them or their house or their blasted wood pile. The paths that they left in the snow were usually covered by new fresh snowfall by morning or by the wind. Even the burning wood for light and heat was dependent on the amount of fog surrounding the hills. Luckily the days were largely grey and the fog rose practically every day, allowing the smoke from their chimney to blend in against their surroundings.

This is why Myra knew something was wrong. She had barely made a quarter of the way to the wood pile when the fog thickened far too quickly to be natural. It smelt wrong it smelt like…fire! How could it have come this far North? Where had it come from?

Myra took a deep breath. The panic that filled her made her want to scream, but who would hear her. She stood still trying to remember how to act rationally. Her eyes fell down to Silver, then widened in horror. "Mother…" she muttered, spinning around and running back the way she came as fast as her feet could carry her. She was within a few yards of her home when she could see the flames climbing up the hills from the south. She tried not to let her fear take over, though she realized that if the flames had reached so far already her home would be… "No…"

She picked up her skirts and forced her way through the growing smoke. Her eyes burned with tears and her cries choked her, making her throat raw. As she neared the door of her house she heard her mother's cries of "Help!"

"Mother!" Myra cried. The door was burning, the house was burning.

"Help!" her mother was burning. Without a second thought Myra ran through the blazing doorway, her wolf followed. She ran through the fallen beams, her cloak caught alight. She ripped it from her shoulders and peered around the room.

"Quickly Silver, find mother…" more beams fell. One landed against her shoulder on its way to the ground. "Ah!" Silver worriedly whimpered against her knee. "Never mind girl, we have to find mother…"

"My…Myra…" Myra heard from the farther side of the house.

"Mother!" She ran through the flames and falling bits of roof. She did not know exactly how much hit her as it fell all she could think of was her mother.

"Myra…" her mother spluttered. The sight Myra came across made her want to yell in anguish she knew for sure that her mother would never leave this house. Her skin was burned lying beneath a heavy flaming support beam. Her mother's body was broken, though this did not mean Myra would not try.

"Mother…"she breathed "I'm going to save you…" she bent down and began trying to push the beam off her mother. "Silver help" she heaved.

"Myra…" she heard mother mutter, half delirious under the weight of the beam. Myra felt something fall from above her hit the back of her head as it came down, but she would not stop. She to save her mother.

"Mother, please…" Myra cried. "Save your strength…"

"Myra…" her mother rasped "I ha-have to tell…"

"Tell me when I save you mother" Myra shifted to sit on her backside to try and kick the burning beam off of her mother "Tell me later."

"Myra…I'm not your-your ma-mother " that was enough to stop Myra's kicking.

For a moment Myra forgot about Silver's howling and the house crumbling around her. "No" she shook her head in disbelief. She finally allowed herself to crawl forward to face her mother "What are you saying?"

"Love you beau-beautiful girl" her mother eyes began to cloud over as she scanned the younger girl's face.

"I love you too mother" Myra spoke softly.

"I-I promised…your ma… your fa-father…rey-rap…" something passed in the older woman's eyes.

"Mother!" Myra screamed her throat feeling as though it had been ripped open. She could hear Silver howling next to her. More fell on top of her, she felt certain was covered in scratches and bruises, though she could not seem to feel anything. Her head was hit again. For everything she could not feel she could definitely feel her wolf pulling at the nape of her dress, she was being dragged. Her wolf was saving her. Her wolf was doing what she could not do. What she had not done.

"Silver…" she began to scrape out. To ask her wolf to let her be, but she was cut off by the sound of shouting. Myra's vision was blurring, in part with tears; in part, she was sure, because of the many knocks to her head. Her wolf, judging by the portion of the ceiling Myra could see through her darkening vision, had dragged her almost all the way to the door. The shouting was getting louder. Or it only seemed to be getting louder. Myra did not know if she could trust her hearing any more than she could trust her sight.

It was becoming worse now, she felt sure she was losing patches of time. She seemed to blink and be in another place closer to the door. Closer to the voices. She wanted to speak again but her tongue felt heavy against her mouth.

"Don't go in there my lord!" She heard a distortedly deep voice yell from behind her.

"There was a howl, Theon!" She heard another even closer, clearer voice yell.

She heard a crash from the same direction as the voices.

"Oh gods! It's a direwolf!" A dark smudge, framed by orange appeared above her. "And a girl!" She could not see who it was, not that she would recognize the person even if she was able to see them with her watering eyes. Still, she could hear his voice as clear as anything she'd ever heard before. She felt as though a cool hand had eased a blistering ache in her head with just the sound of that voice.

She could not hear Silver growling. So Myra gave herself leave to let sleep take her as the black smudge above her grunted and lifted her.

"Theon! Over here!" She felt his chest rumble against her side.

"Ro-Robb!" She heard the other voice call. "Her hair…" she heard wonder in the voice.

She could only will herself to hear one last thing as the dark consumed her "I know Theon…it's her eyes too."

Again any suggestions would be great! Hope to update soon.