Chapter 30: The End

Edward ran to the clearing. He couldn't believe that Bella had moved on from him. He saw into Dmitri's mind in their brief lockdown. He saw all the memories of Bella and the love that Dmitri has for her. He saw the kindness, the care. None of this resembled his relationship with Bella. Perhaps Emmet was right. Maybe it was just Bella's blood that attracted him so.

He sat on a fallen tree and thought. He would leave her alone, his love wasn't like Dmitri's. His was obsessive and unkind. Even with the feelings he had for Bella, he didn't want Bella to suffer. She was suffering while with him.

Edward composed himself. He had another task at hand. How would he get Victoria to go ahead to the Volturi, to her own execution without suspicion? Edward took his phone and called the vicious redhead.

"I was wondering when you'd call." She purred.

"I know it has been a few days, but I have been thinking of a plan for our attack on the Volturi."

"Oh? You have thoughts?" Victoria was cold. She did not like any plans but her own.

"You should go ahead with the two vampires with special abilities and find the back passage to the Volturi's chamber. There won't be any guards on this passage, they don't have the numbers at the moment." Edward lied. "I visited Alice, she had a vision of the success of this plan, the other plans end up with you dead and I couldn't live with myself if that happened."

Edward knew that Victoria was superstitious and even in her brief encounter with Alice in the past had her wary of anything that came out of Alice's mouth.

"She showed you this, we will succeed if we take this passage?"

"Yes, there will only be two of the Volturi that will fight, the others see that you are the better option and swear allegiance." Victoria's thirst for power would convince her to the plan.

"You will meet me there with the army for when the Volturi come back." She commanded. "I will go ahead with the other two."

"Of course, I shall gather the forces."

"We shall have a swift victory, my love. We shall rule." Victoria hung up the phone.

Edward chuckled. If only she knew that he had told the Volturi of this plan as a possibility. All he had to do was send a text to confirm it is happening.

Edward typed away and pressed send.

That was quite entertaining, Leah chuffed, I would've happily paid money to see a full-on smackdown of that leach.

Me too, Jacob agreed. I'm thinking a lot of people would pay for that.

"I would like to say that I cannot read your thoughts." Dmitri sighed,

Leah shifted to her human form, as did Jacob. "Fair enough. But we're not here for much longer, no need to get your pants in a twist."

"We should get going. Billy is running a fit and Charlie would want to know about Bella and her new lover-boy." Jacob said.

"Yes, might be an idea. But do call ahead so we know when to stock the fridge." Dmitri grinned.

"Don't worry, I'll call ahead. Remind Bella to phone, once in a while?"

"I'll make sure she does." Dmitri turned back to the ranch, "You know your way back?"

Leah scoffed. "Probably better than you do." Leah looked at Jacob. "Let's go."

Jacob waved to Dmitri. "Look after her, alright?" Dmitri nodded.

Jacob and Leah shifted mid-air and started to run through the forest.

You know that our parents are going to remind of the deadline when we get back, right?

Yes. Jacob sighed. I know, they are so damn keen for us to have 'puppies'. I'd rather not think about it.

Yep, I'm not too keen on the idea. Do you think that we can get out of it? They made it so long ago when they found out that I was a wolf, surely now that there are a lot more of us, they won't make us do it?

We can hope. I don't fancy your cooking every night.

Hey! I can cook alright. You're just too messy to live with. All your shit is everywhere.

Yeah, we'll try and get out of it.

"So this pact is a marriage proposal, is it?"

Jacob and Leah skidded to a stop.

How couldn't we smell him?

"Probably some of the shield has rubbed off on me," Edward said. He glanced to Leah, "We have a pact, too, in case you have forgotten."

I thought that you fucked off like the scaredy cat that you are.

"I tactically retreated. Dmitri is too old for me to take on in a fight. Besides, Victoria has moved up her plans to take on the Volturi."

What have you gotten us into Leah?

Leah gulped. Apparently, we are going to be key players in the next vamp war.

"We did pick up on some facial recognition around the borders of Canada, but that's all I could get."

"That's great, Steve, thank you." Charlie grabbed the papers on the desk. There hadn't been a lot gathered from the car wreck, but at least now he had a location to go search.

"Maybe she's with her friends, y'know doing the travel thing?" Steve tried.

"No, she doesn't have friends that would want to go to Canada of all places. They are more of Europe type of kids. At least friends that I know about" Charlie shoved the papers in his bag and moved for the door.

"I'll be fine, I've still got another week of leave, I'll be back in a jiffy."

"If you say so, Chief."

Charlie went to his car, turned the engine on. He paused. He should call Billy to let him know the new lead. He dialled his phone.

"Black household."

"Hey, Billy. I got a new lead on Bella, she's in Canada."

"Charlie! I've got something too. Jacob called, he's in Canada. He found Bella!"

"What? When did he call?"

"Just before you did. He says that Bella is fine, she's with her friends that transferred to Canada last year, apparently, the phone lines have been down as they are in deep country, but Jacob saw her." Billy assured.

Charlie let a breath out that he didn't know he was holding. "Is she coming back?"

"Jacob said she'll be back in a month or two. She's applying to do some college courses there, there are interview processes and try out days."

"How'd she explain her truck being wrecked?"

"Yeah, her friends were doing a road trip and making their way to get Bella, both the cars collided, Bella's got off worse." Billy replied. "What's important is that she is safe and unharmed, you don't need to panic or worry. She will call you once she's got over the big interviews for college."

Charlie thought for a moment. "I guess that's fine then. I suppose I'll wait for her call then."

"You still good for fishing later this week? I hear the lake is going to be a good spot."

"I was going to follow the lead to Canada, but since she's fine, yeah fishing this weekend is a good idea. See you later, Billy."

Charlie ended the call. Bella is fine, he told himself. She's with friends in Canada doing college applications. No wonder she kept it a secret, Charlie would never have let her go to another country for college. He'd only just gotten used to having Bella around after so long not having his daughter with him. He sighed. It's her life and decision to study whatever and wherever she wants, and if Canada has a better college degree, I'll have to let her go.

"I just finished talking to Billy. He's going to tell Charlie that Bella is fine and she'll be away for a while." Jacob handed back the phone to Edward, "He shouldn't be wandering up to the vampire lair anytime soon."

Edward nodded. "It would be better if humans stayed away from this."

Can we just get on with killing all the baby vamps and be done with it? I want a burger.

"The new-borns are reckless, they don't know anything about hunting or their new abilities. Their instincts are sharp, that's why they are dangerous." Edward looked to the warehouse. "It's why Victoria has them all here, out of the way from prying eyes."

I was not a fan of running through thorns, so thanks for the warning. Leah scowled. I hate them in my paws.

"It was the only way that we wouldn't be detected. The new-borns never come this way because there is no food source, they don't see the point."

We must get behind their defences; would they recognise you as Victoria's second? Jacob asked, already back in his wolf form.

"They shouldn't. Maybe one or two as I turned them, but the others Victoria turned. They never saw my face."

A bonus if any get away. Jacob thought

I'm not planning on leaving any to tell the tale, are you? The fewer leaches on this planet, the better. Leah snarled.

Edward chuckled at the bloodlust. She really wanted to get this done and over with as soon as possible. The pact was occupying her mind but taking out her anger in killing vampires suited her well. "We need a plan. Since I'm faster, I will go for the ones at the back of the main warehouse. They will all be in the same room. Victoria likes the idea of nesting. Both of you need to dispatch the ones at the entrance quickly, with both exits covered we should finish them off."

I bet I'll kill more than both of you put together, Leah growled.

You better keep yourself alive, or your mother will kill me. Jacob looked at Edward. Let's get this over with.

Leah and Jacob crept around in the shrubbery towards the entrance of the warehouse. Jacob heard the swift movement of Edward to the rear.

Just watch yourself, alright?

I don't need your worry, just kill the vamps and be done with it.

They reached the front of the warehouse. Both could hear the footsteps through the door, luckily their prey didn't hear them.

I count at least fifteen, maybe twenty? Leah raised her ear, Nearer twenty.

We wait for the signal from Edward.

And what would that be?

Screeches and tearing limbs broke their thought.

Guess that's our cue.

The wolves barged into the warehouse and saw that Edward had six new-borns attacking him. He was holding his ground but the others were circling.

They leapt into action. Their teeth ripping the unknowing new vampires. They had torn apart four before the others focusing on Edward knew they were there. Edward was right; the new vampires had no clue on how to use their strength or keen senses otherwise this battle would've gone a lot differently.

Edward tore away at the new vampires, ripping heads off and throwing them across the room. He caught a glimpse of Leah shredding a vampire into pieces with her teeth and claws. She was magnificent in battle, ruthless and unchanging. Jacob was cornered by two vampires. Edward quickly finished off the vampire fighting him and ran to Jacob's aid. He grabbed and threw one across the room, giving Jacob a chance the behead the other with his teeth. Leah snapped the neck of the fallen vampire while Edward took on the last.

They stood together breathing heavily.

They really weren't trained at all, were they? Leah heaved.

"If they were, we would be dead. Victoria only trains the ones that show special skills. These were to be used as fodder."

And she expects them to follow her and be loyal? At least three I killed cowered in corners before I tore them apart. They had no idea how to fight, Jacob added.

"I did warn her that they would be useless in battle without some basic skills. She is heading to the Volturi now. She has no idea that I told them about every holding of new-born vampires. They have eliminated the other three holdings. This was the last."

Is she expecting you to join her in Italy with all the baby vampires in tow?

"Yes," Edward smirked, "but I won't be there and now neither will her fodder. I convinced the two newborns with special abilities to seek out Carlisle and the Denali coven. They didn't want to die or be vampires in the first place. They'll live in peace."

Victoria is going to the vampire stronghold, alone? Leah was shocked, even she at her strongest wouldn't go. She was glad that Edward wasn't going towards a needless death.

"She is essentially handing herself in, she is probably being executed right now. I've held my part of the Volturi bargain. Though I don't want my reward anymore. Bella has chosen someone else, so have I."

Jacob did not miss Edward's quick glance to Leah. Get a room would you.

What? Leah thought. I don't like the leach.

Your heartbeat and thoughts say otherwise.

But I can't, we have to go back and complete the pact.

There might be a way we can undo it from afar. Jacob thought carefully. You could join another pack, renounce your heritage. That would make any pact null and void.

How do you know this?

I read it.

"You read books? I thought you just messed around with motorbikes." Edward scoffed

I had to read up on the lore and customs of our people. I am going to be chief one day.

Jacob moved to Leah. It would mean that you can't return to the Res, at least until all the elders have moved onto the next life. I wouldn't care if you renounced and still stay on the Res, but the elders would want your hide for it.

About 10 years then. Leah's head drooped. You'd look after Seth, right? Make sure that he stays out of trouble? Make sure he goes to school. He didn't work so hard to get that scholarship for nothing.

Of course, I would. I am not dumb.

Leah smirked, as much as a wolf could. I do question it sometimes.

"You could come with me to the Denali coven." Edward blurted.

The wolves stared at him.

"You could. They are friends with the animal packs nearby, so you wouldn't be running alone." Edward tried not to sound hopeful. "It's a sensible option. You wouldn't want to be a lone wolf out here."

Leah caught onto what Edward was saying. He was suggesting staying with him for the next ten or so years, or at least in near proximity to each other. She liked that idea.

How do I renounce then? Do I literally say 'I Leah Clearwater renounce my clan, my pack, my home, to be a lone wolf to the end of my days?'

No sooner had she thought that, a sharp, stabbing pain ran through her chest. It left her breathless.

Yes, just like that. You're a lone wolf.

Jacob had a thought. There is a shifter nearby, a Lynx. Her name is Caitlin. You two should find her and take her with you to the Denali. She has no one left.

"We'll be sure to find her." Edward said. "It shouldn't be too difficult."

I guess I'll see you in ten years. You have grey hair and wrinkles from the stress of running the Res.

Not bloody likely, I'll be at my best. Jacob looked to Leah's wolf. They came in close and nuzzled each other in hug. You keep in touch, ok? Your mum and brother won't be too happy about this.

I'll call. Leah reassured. Besides, you'll be running up every so often to see Bella, make a stop my way too!

"We should leave the site of the massacre. I need to burn the building down."

I'll be on my way then, Jacob thought. You look after her, or else. He growled.

"Of course." Edward saw the menace in Jacob's thoughts. He meant it.

Jacob ran south, making his way back through the forest and started the long run back to his home.

Aro lounged on his char, waiting. He knew the Cullen boy had enacted his plan. The criminal was entering the catacombs now. He could hear her. Whatever must she be thinking, taking on the oldest vampire, the strongest vampire when she was just a fledgeling herself? Whatever lie the boy told her must've made her reckless despite her gift.

He sighed. He wished this would hurry along; he had a consult with the University on translating an ancient text. Some universities knew about aged ones, and since Aro was keen on the development of knowledge, they have a partnership with some professors to assist in matters such as translation and accuracy of historical accounts. It gave them something to do other than muse over vampire politics. It was a way to keep check on their own secrets as well, whether the humans knew about vampires.

The wall to his left crumbled.

"Ah, finally. I was wondering where you were going to make your entrance. The Catacombs can be such an interesting walk."

Victoria stared at Aro, with death in her eyes.

"Come, now. Is that any way to show respect to your elders?" He waved his hand. Three vampires sped in and restrained Victoria. She was not going to escape.

"You really think that the Cullen boy, the son of the well-known pacifist, would allow you to create chaos in this world? To destroy the walls that we have built over millennia?"

There was fear in Victoria' eyes, she was shaking with rage. "He was working for you this whole time!"

"A favour for a favour," Aro chuckled, "Though it is now a favour of the future as he no longer wishes his original request."

Victoria struggled. "I can work for you! I can find people and strategise…" she struggled to find words.

Aro smiled a sickening grin, moving closer. He placed his hands on Victoria's face. It cracked under his grip.

"Why would I do that? I have sentenced you to death."

(A few days later)

"I'm glad that we can finally be left in peace." Bella hugged Dmitri on the sofa.

"Yes, we won't be bothered by anyone else. At least for a while." Dmitri replied. "Although, you do have to keep up with the lie you told your father yesterday. You should apply to the art colleges around here, they are highly reputable."

"I did look at the Liberal Arts ones, they seem really interesting. I could study all of the subjects and never tire of learning."

"It is like the education I had through the Volturi. We studied a lot of different things so to fully assist in the running of the clan."

Bella sat up. "Would you have to go back?"

"Actually, no." He turned to Bella. "Aro has given me indefinite leave from the clan. He will ask me to do occasional things since I will be outside the Volturi, so it would be easier to do such things."

"Basically once in a blue moon, you'd have to go off."

"Yes. But you'll have Johnny to keep you company."

"Oh yes, I'd totally get my cuddle needs sorted with Johnny."

Dmitri blanked. "You are joking."

"Of course, you muppet!" She kissed him.

"Now stop talking, we've got a film to watch."

The End.

(Sorry I rushed the ending, but planning went a bit wrong and I am no longer going to write this fanfic, so I think I've tied up all the loose ends but if I haven't please message me)