Maka POV:

"Good morning, Soul! Time to get up!" said Maka cheerily.

A "Mmmmmph…" is all she got in reply.

She knew full well this nice approach wouldn't work, so why did she bother? Soul never got up when asked to, but she wanted to be nice to him sometimes, for some weird reason.

"Get. Up. Please…" Her voice was strained, because this would be the 5th wake-up call this morning.


"DON'T YOU 'MPH' ME SOUL, DAMMIT! GET UP RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME I'LL MAKE SURE YOU NEVER GET UP AGAIN!" Why did she have to resort to such brutal means? No, strike that, why did Soul have to be such an ass in the morning?

"Fine, I'm going without you."

"Mmm… no… im' up, I'm up…"

Soul drew up his covers and sat up on the bed. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, showing his perfectly triangular set of teeth. He'd taken his shirt off the night before, which wasn't so surprising since it was late summer.

Now she could see the scar across his chest, patched up and sewn by Medusa a few years ago. She knew she was to blame for it, no matter what soul said, but she thought it made him look cooler, stronger.

When he stretched, it was a full view. Maka noticed, more than she'd planned to, the muscles in his chest, his arms, and his abs. Then she looked away.

This was her favorite part of the morning- but why? She new that at some level she had to be crazy. But she liked to watch Soul stretch every morning, because… well… his muscles were… kind of nice-looking.

Not that she liked him- no, that's not it. She just likes his stretch, that's all. Just his stretch.

Soul POV:

Waking up was never Soul's strong suit. So why did Maka have to yell at him? It's not like he'd done anything wrong. What was it to her weather he made it on time or not? Then again, he was her partner. Her weapon.

"Fine, I'm going without you."

"Mmm… no, I'm up, I'm up…"

He sat up. Streeeeeeeetch. Oh, that was nice. You don't get a good stretch like that often. He looked at Maka, who was just sort of… staring at him.

'weird' he thought. She'd been doing this a lot lately. Not that he minded, because she always looked happy when she was staring. He had no idea what was going on inside her head.

Suddenly, Maka looked away. What's up with that? He wondered. For some reason, he had wanted her to keep looking this way. That was weird, too. Soul always liked it when she looked at him.

Well, of course she wants to look at me, I'm awesome, he thought, but that wasn't quite the way he thought of it. To tell the truth, he always liked looking at her eyes. They were so huge, and the deepest green. He'd have stared at them all day if he could- was that weird?

It's not like he liked her- nah, couldn't be. He just liked her eyes. That's it, her eyes.