(This is my first fan fiction in like…over a year I think? And it's my first L word ff. Basically I'm super pissed at the ending of the show, how not a damn thing is resolved. CURSE YOU ILENE CHAIKEN. So, I thought I'd continue the story, think of this like if there'd been a season 7. Read and Review and I'll update as frequently as the ideas come :D Thanks in advance)

"Jennifer Diane Schecter was a young and talented writer…'' the priest says from behind his podium, his voice echoing through the church. Alice just leans over to me and hisses into my ear.

"Writer? She's a fucking thief!'' Alice murmurs loud enough for the preacher to cast a glance her way.

"Alice!'' I hiss back like a mother scolding her child. Alice gives me a confused look and sighs, exasperated. She folds her arms over her chest and sinks back into her seat. She's biting her bottom lip and fidgeting, her legs jittering up in down in a fast paced rhythm as she ignores the eulogy.

I reach up with both hands and my fingertips tug at my eyelids, stretching them down. I'm half awake; I can't remember the last time I got a decent night's sleep. I guess it's hard to sleep next door to where your best friend died. My bed must be less than 100 feet from where I pulled her limp body out of the pool.

I feel tears clawing their way up my throat so I tilt my head down and grab my head, the web of my thumb and index finger stretched out over my forehead. I get these little flashes of myself. Like I'm looking above, looking down on myself about two weeks ago.

(Insert the indescribable flashback noise from Lost)

I'm jumping in the pool and before my feet hit bottom my arms are wrapped around her stomach. My feet push off the ground and send my body back up for air. My eyes snap open to the stinging feel of chlorine and my arms are flipping Jenny onto her back. Her head, the big sopping wet mass of black hair pressed against me sternum, my hands under her arms and my feet pulling us both backwards towards the little stairs. My bangs are clinging to my face but through the little space I see Bette cautiously pushing herself into the water, gingerly swinging her legs in like she's worried about the temperature for a leisurely dip.

I spit in a spray of pool water and my stinging eyes blink. I look over to the pools edge and see them all standing there. Helena with a hand on her hip and a drink in her other hand. Her brow is furrowed and her eyes focused on me as she slowly brings the glass up to her lips and takes a swig.

Tina and Kit have their arms wrapped over a sobbing Alice's shoulders, who's covering her mouth with both hands while hot tears squeeze out her tiny eyes.

"Help me!'' I scream to Bette. She looks at me with her dark eyed widened. She looks down at Jenny's legs under the water then back to me, almost like she's looking for me to let her off the hook so she doesn't have to get her shirt wet or something.

My heel hits the first step unexpectedly and I fall back, sending myself and Jenny back under water for a second until my legs scramble and push us back up.

"Bette!'' I say choking on the pool water still in my throat as I struggle to keep Jenny up. This time Bette reaches right under and scoops up Jenny's tiny legs. I clamber backwards up the other steps and we plop Jenny onto the patio.

I look down into the closed eyes of my best friend and she's fucking blue. I'm coughing up more water, so hard I have to push away and puke my guts up on the grass.

I hear Max yell that he's calling for an ambulance but I can't turn my body. The acid burns up my throat as I empty the almost clear contents of my stomach onto Bette and Tina's lawn. I hear Kit's voice behind me.

"Is she breathing?''

I wipe my upchuck with the back of my hand and twist my hunched over body to look at them. Bette's head is shaking.

"No.'' she tells her sister as she tilts Jenny's pale head back. She starts breathing into Jenny's mouth, doing compressions, the works. But it doesn't matter. We all already know she's gone.

(Flashback noise)

"And this will conclude today's service, refreshments will be served in the adjoining room…'' the preacher tells the room with his arm outstretched.

"Thank fuck!'' Alice says loud enough for us all to hear, jumping to her feet. "I'm fucking starving.'' She groans to me and Tasha, who's just rolling her eyes, unimpressed. Food is probably the last thing on my mind right now.

"C'mon!'' Alice says, grabbing me by the arm and yanking me onto my feet. "Let's see if they've got those little sandwiches or some shit.''

Alice is dragging me down the aisle like I'm some lost ring bearer, my feet struggling to keep up. Tasha, Max and Helena behind us sluggishly. Alice pushes past a few of Jenny's aunts and uncles with me in tow, and just as we're about out the door, second last row, that's when I see her. Carmen.

I don't know if it was the fact that I'd been living off blow and vodka for the past 2 weeks, or that I'd just spent the last two hours looking at my best friend's corpse in a box, or maybe it was just the sickeningly sweet smile she threw specially at me as I got dragged past, but I feel my stomach churn.

Carmen even stopped Alice dead in her tracks, and thus me. Her perfectly white teeth streak across her face and her eyes flicker warmly as she stares at Alice, whose jaw has dropped.

"Holy shit!'' Alice practically squeals as Carmen pulls her into a gentle embrace.

"It's great to see you too.'' She chuckles with her head on Alice's shoulder. I feel the acids creeping up, the sweat pouring down. Their hug slowly breaks apart and Carmen's eyes slowly pull over to mine. I feel the vomit in my throat now and Carmen just casts me the friendliest smile she can muster.

"Shane.'' She says, her arm jerks like she's unsure if we should hug or just shake hands. I open my mouth to speak, to offer some kind of apology or I don't even know, but I feel the bile on the back of my tongue and my hand flies up over my mouth. Alice and Carmen shoot me the most confused looks, they both eye me and I can't hold it back any longer. I sprint straight and it pushes them both to the sides as my legs scurry and my blurry eyes are searching for a bathroom.

The puke is filling up my mouth now; I swing around a corner and find some caterers setting up refreshments. I spin around and feel it hitting the inside of my hand now. My shoes slide across the floor as my body slams into another door and I find a room filled with collages of Jenny. Now I feel it slipping out between the cracks in my fingers and I just burst through the front doors, puke spilling out over my hand. I sprint past a confused hearse driver and finally hit the parking lot. Just like Jenny's death, I find myself emptying my insides in someone else's grass.

(R&R, or Shane starts wearing a bra :/ )